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The following features are new or recently changed.

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3 September 2024
Google Ads conversions

The following support is now available for Google Ads enhanced conversions for leads, which you can use for offline conversion events for which click IDs (gclid values) are unavailable, such as to track telephone sales that result from website leads.

  • Search, Social, & Commerce syncs your existing enhanced conversions for leads so you can use them for reporting and optimization. The data is synced daily at 05:00 in the advertiser’s time zone.
  • You can create conversion actions for enhanced conversions for leads.
  • You can upload your first-party, offline conversion data mapped to your enhanced conversions for leads.

You must create and implement a conversion tag for enhanced conversions for leads separately within Google.

See “Implement Google Ads enhanced conversions for leads” for an outline of the workflow,“Create a conversion action for a Google Ads enhanced conversion for leads,” and “Upload offline conversion data for enhanced conversions.”

(Google Ads performance max campaigns) New features provide information and data for asset groups:

  • Two read-only information fields are available in the settings for existing asset groups in each performance max campaign:

    • Primary Status: Why the asset group is or isn’t serving at full capacity. It takes into account the asset group status as well as other signals, such as policy and quality approvals.
    • Primary Status Reason: Additional details about the asset group’s primary status.
  • A new specialty report, Google Asset Group Performance Report, gives performance data for asset groups in performance max campaigns within a specified account. The report includes the primary status and status reasons for each included asset group.

See “Google Ads campaign settings,” “The Google Asset Group Performance Report” and “Specialty report settings.”
10 June 2024
Recommendations & Publisher Insights

Five new Google Ads recommendations are available:

  • Automated campaigns:

    • Performance max final URL opt in: Turn on final URL expansion for your performance max campaigns
  • Bidding and budget:

    • Forecasting set Target CPA: Set a target CPA for campaigns without one before a seasonal event that’s forecasted to increase traffic
    • Maximize conversion value opt in: Change to the Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy
    • Set Target CPA: Set a target CPA for campaigns without one
    • Set Target ROAS: Set a target ROAS for campaigns without one
See “Supported recommendation types for Google Ads.”
29 April 2024
Objective Upload
The objective upload feature for hybrid portfolios now uploads conversion data by Search, Social, & Commerce objective instead of by portfolio, and the conversion naming format for new uploads has changed. You can now move a campaign to another portfolio with the same objective without needing to change its conversion goals.If you’ve enabled this feature, your existing data will be migrated using the new upload format per the schedule shared by your Adobe Account Team. During the migration period, both the old and new format uploads run in parallel. Modelling and optimization aren’t affected because the new conversion actions appear initially with “secondary” (not optimized) status and with 90 days of backfill data.
See “Enable uploading of objectives to ad networks.”
24 April 2024
Recommendations & Publisher Insights
(Microsoft Advertising campaigns; beta feature) You can now view performance recommendations for an account in the same format as those for Google Ads; directly apply or dismiss a recommendation; and view a log of each recommendation that was applied for the account, including the affected entities, who applied the recommendation, and the time stamp. Supported recommendation types include responsive search ad, campaign budget, and keyword.

You can also still see each performance insight that Microsoft Advertising generated – in a different format than recommendations – in the last 30 days for an account. Each insight includes a link to open the Microsoft Advertising editor, from which you can act on the insight.
See “About publisher recommendations and insights support,” “View your publisher recommendations and performance insights,” “Apply or dismiss a publisher recommendation,” and “View the publisher recommendations log for an account.”
(Microsoft Advertising campaigns) Ad groups in audience CTV video campaigns can now target genres, which determine the shows and channels on which your ads appear. The Adgroup Targeting section includes a new “Genre” setting, with options to target all genres or only specific genres.

No reporting support is available for genre targets.
See “Microsoft Advertising ad group settings.”
20 April 2024

(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) Additional support is available for Microsoft Advertising performance max campaigns:

  • You can now configure campaign start and end dates and campaign-level language and location targets.
  • You can add, edit, and remove asset groups. For each asset group, you can use existing audience groups as audience signals.
See “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”

(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts)The following support is available for Microsoft Advertising shopping promotions for brands, which have the campaign type “Shopping Campaigns for Brands” (listed as “Brand Shopping” in the Campaigns view and reports) and use the bid strategy “Cost per Sale.”

  • View your existing sponsored promotions for brands.
  • From the Campaigns view, create and manage Shopping Campaigns for Brands campaigns with the Cost per Sale bid strategy, for which you set a target cost per sale. You pay only when a click on your product ad results in a sale within 24 hours. You can also create child ad groups and product groups. Microsoft Advertising automatically creates ads based on the product groups.
  • * See product group-level data within campaign management views and offline reports and (advertisers with Adobe Analytics for Advertising) in Adobe Analytics.

You can also use the Cost per Sale bid strategy for any other type of new Microsoft shopping campaign. You can’t use it for existing shopping campaigns.

Portfolio optimization isn’t available for campaigns with the Cost per Sale bid strategy.

See “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings” and “Supported inventory.”
20 January 2024
Campaigns, Optimization
(Microsoft Advertising campaigns) For your campaigns on the audience network, you can now select the “Maximize Conversions” auto-bidding strategy within campaign settings, with an optional “Target CPA” value. Campaigns with this bid strategy are available for optimization in hybrid portfolios.
See “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”
17 November 2023
Recommendations & Publisher Insights

More Google Ads recommendations are now available from Insights > Reports > Recommendations & Publisher Insights, where you can apply and dismiss them:

  • Automated campaigns:

    • DSA to performance max migration: Migrate dynamic search ads to performance max campaigns.
    • Dynamic image extension opt in: Enable dynamic image extensions for the account, which allows Google Ads machine learning to automatically append the most relevant images from your ad’s landing page to your ad.
    • Improve performance max ad strength: Improve the asset group strength of a performance max campaign so that it has an “Excellent” rating.
    • Performance max opt in: Opt in to performance max campaigns.

    Bidding and budgets

    • Target CPA raising: Raise the Target CPA based on Google Ads predictions, which are calculated from past conversions.
    • Target ROAS lowering: Lower the Target ROAS based on Google Ads predictions, which are calculated from past conversions.
See “About publisher recommendations and insights support” and “View your publisher recommendations and performance insights.”
8 November 2023
Asset Library
(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) In Campaigns > Asset Library, you can create reusable image and video assets and upload them to your Microsoft Advertising account-level asset library. You can add your uploaded assets to applicable campaign types within the Microsoft Advertising editor.
See “View and create ad assets from your Asset Library.”
Campaigns, Optimization, Reports, Import Campaigns

(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) The following support is available for Microsoft Advertising performance max campaigns:

  • Search, Social, & Commerce syncs performance max campaigns for reporting within campaign management views and offline reports. Performance max campaigns can be included in hybrid portfolios only for optimization, and bid strategy targets are set at the campaign level, along with campaign budgets.
  • You can create and edit performance max campaigns from Campaigns > Campaigns using the Campaign Type “Performance Max.” Only required settings are available; available bid strategies include Maximize Conversions, with an optional target cost per acquisition, and Maximize Conversion Value, with an optional target return on ad spend. For optional settings, log in to the Microsoft Advertising editor. You can upload ad assets separately to Campaigns > Asset Library and add them to campaigns within the Microsoft Advertising editor.
  • You can replicate Google Ads performance max campaigns as Microsoft Advertising performance max campaigns from Tools > Import Campaigns. Previously, Google Ads performance max campaigns were replicated as smart shopping campaigns.
See “Supported inventory,” “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings,” and “Replicate Google Ads campaigns in Microsoft Advertising.”
Campaigns, Optimization, Reports

(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) The following support is available for Microsoft Advertising shopping campaigns for brands, which promote your products through linked retailers across the Microsoft search and audience networks:

  • Search, Social, & Commerce syncs your existing shopping campaigns for brands, which have the campaign type “Brand Shopping.”
  • You can create and manage campaigns with the Manual CPC bid strategy, ad groups, product groups, and optional product ads from the Campaigns views. Microsoft Advertising automatically creates ads based on the product groups.
  • Optimization is available.
  • Product group-level data is available within campaign management views and offline reports. Advertisers with an Adobe Analytics integration see product group-level data in Analytics.
See “Supported inventory” and “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”
Campaigns, Optimization, Reports

(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) The following support is available for Microsoft Store ad campaigns, which promote your apps and games that are available in the Microsoft Store:

  • Search, Social, & Commerce syncs your existing Microsoft Store Ad campaigns, which have the campaign type “Store Ad.”
  • You can create and manage Store Ad campaigns, ad groups, product groups (apps and games to promote), and optional product ads from the Campaigns views. Microsoft Advertising automatically creates ads for the promoted apps and games. Campaign bid strategies include Manual CPC and Manual CPA.
  • Optimization is available for campaigns with the Manual CPC bid strategy only.
  • Product group-level data is available within campaign management views and offline reports. Advertisers with an Adobe Analytics integration see product group-level data in Analytics.

Note: Microsoft Store automatically tracks conversions on ads using Microsoft Advertising universal event tracking (UET) tags. No user action is needed.

See “Supported inventory” and “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”
Campaigns, Reports

(Open beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) The following support is available for Microsoft Advertising video campaigns on the audience network:

  • Search, Social, & Commerce syncs your existing video campaigns on the audience network, which have the campaign types Audience Video and Audience CTV Video.
  • You can create and manage video campaigns and child ad groups from the Campaigns view. Campaigns can include one of the following a) regular online video ad assets in Audience Video campaigns with the bid strategy vCPM (viewable cost per 1000) or b) connected TV (CTV) ad assets in (Audience CTV Video campaigns) with the bid strategy CPV (cost per completed video). You can set bids and targeting at the ad group level.
  • You can create and manage ads from the Campaigns view only. Ads have the ad type Responsive Ad.
  • Ad group-level data is available within campaign management views and offline reports. Advertisers with an Adobe Analytics integration see ad group-level data in Analytics.

Optimization isn’t available for video campaigns on the audience network.

See “Supported inventory” and “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”
7 October 2023
Campaigns, Optimization, Reports

Two new specialty reports for Microsoft Advertising accounts show campaign-level performance by ad distribution (search or audience) and/or network (such as Microsoft sites and select traffic or audience):

  • MSA Network Performance Report: Includes basic traffic metrics (cost, clicks, impressions), conversions, and revenue.
  • MSA Network Impression Share Report: Includes impression share metrics and basic traffic metrics (cost, clicks, impressions).
14 September 2023
(Google Ads performance max campaigns) In a campaign’s asset groups, you can now select from existing text assets in your Asset Library. You can also still upload new text assets.
See “Google Ads campaign settings.”
5 September 2023
(Google Ads campaigns) For all available campaign types, you can now choose existing conversion goals, or create new ones, within campaign settings.
See “Google Ads campaign settings.”

(Google Ads performance max campaigns) New features allow you to:

  • Choose existing conversion goals or create new ones for a campaign, as mentioned above.
  • Select from the existing assets in your Asset Library for images, logos, and videos within performance max campaign settings. You can still also upload new assets.
  • (Optional) Provide audience signals for your performance max asset groups by selecting Google Ads audiences. Google Ads machine learning models use the audiences to find similar web surfers to target and may also show ads to audiences that aren’t specified as signals to help you meet your performance goals. Note: Audience signals are different from campaign-level and ad group-level audience targets.
See “Google Ads campaign settings.”
15 August 2023
Conversion metrics
Admin > Transaction Properties now includes a “Source” column, which indicates the source of each metric, such as Adobe Advertising, Adobe Analytics, Google Ads, or Custom Feed.
See “View the conversion metrics tracked for an advertiser.”
9 August 2023
Conversion metrics
Admin > Transaction Properties was renamed Conversions.
See “About managing an advertiser’s conversion metrics.”
Google conversion tracking tags
An updated screen to create Google conversion tracking tags is available from Admin > Conversions. The legacy screen at Tools > Google Ads Conversion Tags will be removed in the future.
See “Create a conversion tag for Google Ads.”
Google conversion tracking tags
When you create a Google conversion tracking tag, you can now specify a conversion category to track.
See “Create a conversion tag for Google Ads.”
24 July 2023
Campaigns, Reports, Portfolios

New columns reflect new naming conventions:

  • “Objective Value” has the same value as the existing “Weighted Revenue” column. It’s included:

    • by default in the Portfolios > Portfolios, Portfolios > Campaigns, Portfolios > Bid Units, and Portfolio Spotlight > Performance > Campaigns views
    • automatically in custom simulations
    • by default in on-screen weekly simulations; the legacy column is still optional but will be removed in the future
    • by default in the Campaigns > Campaigns and Campaigns > Keywords views
    • by default in the Portfolio Report, Campaign Report, and Keyword Report
  • “Objective Value Calculation,” which is the calculation used to derive the Objective Value, is included by default in the Portfolio Report, Campaign Report, and Keyword Report.

  • “Marginal Cost-to-Objective Value” has the same value as the existing “Marginal Cost-to-Revenue” column. It’s included:

    • automatically in custom simulations
    • by default in on-screen weekly simulations; the legacy column is still optional but will be removed in the future
See “Glossary.”

See also “Report columns for basic and advanced reports.”
30 June 2023
Asset Library
(Open beta feature; Google Ads accounts) In Campaigns > Asset Library, you can create reusable image, video, and text assets and upload them to your Google Ads account-level asset library. You can use your assets for ads when you create or edit campaigns within the Google Ads editor.
See “View and create ad assets from your Asset Library.”
Google Import
You can now generate your own import credential ID from Microsoft Advertising when you configure a campaign import job for Google Ads. Previously, Adobe technical support or your Adobe Account Team provided the ID.
See “Replicate Google Ads campaigns in Microsoft Advertising.”
27 June 2023
(Beta feature; Microsoft Advertising accounts) You can now specify campaign-level conversion goals within Microsoft Advertising campaign settings. Previously when you created a campaign in Search, Social, & Commerce, the account-level goals were used.
See “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”
10 June 2023
Recommendations and Publisher Insights
(Open beta) Microsoft Advertising performance insights and recommendations suggested in the last 30 days are available in Optimization > Recommendations and Publisher Insights.

Note: While recommendations help you improve campaign performance, some may not align with your broader goals. As a result, it’s best to consult with your Adobe Account Team before implementing any recommendation.
See “About publisher recommendations and insights support.”
30 May 2023
Campaigns, Objectives, Reports
(Open beta) Conversions tracked by the Microsoft Advertising universal event tracking (UET) tag are now available in campaign management views and reports. You can also optimize for these conversions by including them in objectives for portfolios that contain Microsoft Advertising campaigns.
See “Microsoft Advertising conversion data in Search, Social, & Commerce.”
(Open beta) Three new specialty reports include data for Microsoft Advertising ad extensions: MSA Ad Extension Detail Report, MSA Ad Extension by Ad Report, and MSA Ad Extension by Keyword Report.
See “The MSA Ad Extension by Ad Report,” “The MSA Ad Extension by Keyword Report,” and “The MSA Ad Extension Detail Report.”

See also “Generate a specialty report” and “Report columns for specialty reports.”
15 April 2023
(Microsoft Advertising audience campaigns) Audience campaigns can now use the “Manual CPM” bid strategy. You can set bids within the child ad group settings.

Optimization support isn’t available for CPM campaigns.
See “Microsoft Advertising campaign settings.”

Six new (Google Ads recommendations are available from Insights & Reports > Recommendations:

  • Responsive search improve ad strength: Suggestions to improve ad strength for a responsive search ad
  • Upgrade local campaign to performance max: Upgrade a legacy local campaign to a performance max campaign
  • Upgrade smart shopping campaign to performance max: Upgrade a legacy smart shopping campaign to a performance max campaign
  • Forecasting set Target ROAS: Raise the budget before a seasonal event that is forecasted to increase traffic, and change the bidding strategy from Maximize Conversion Value to Target ROAS
  • Raise Target CPA bid too low: Raise the Target CPA by a recommended amount when it’s too low and there are few or no conversions
  • Display expansion opt in: Expand reach by updating a campaign to use display expansion

Adding and removing assets, changing campaign types, and changing budgets and bid strategies can affect performance. Discuss the pros and cons of each recommendation with your Adobe Account Team so that you can make an informed decision.

See “About publisher recommendations and insights support.”