Baidu campaign settings
[Campaign Creation screen]
Campaign Type: (Available during campaign creation only) Where to place ads. The only is Search Network Only.
Campaign Details
Campaign Name: A campaign name that is unique within the account. The maximum length is 15 double-byte characters.
Ad Serving:
How often the search engine delivers your active ads in relation to one another within an ad group:
Rotate (the default for new campaigns): Each of your ads has the same probability of entering the ad auction.
Optimize: The ad network favors ads that perform better. This may be inconsistent with your business and optimization objectives.
Status: The display status of the campaign: Active or Paused. The default for new ad campaigns is Active.
Budget Options
Budget: The budget, which is the amount you want to spend daily, on average.
If you assign this campaign to a portfolio for which campaign budget limits are automatically adjusted, then — depending on search conditions — you may actually spend more or less than the specified budget in any given period. In addition, any manual changes to the campaign budget — from within Search, Social, & Commerce or the ad network — may be overwritten by the optimization capability.
Campaign Targeting
Location Targets: (When available) Specific user geographical locations to include or exclude as targets. By default, all locations are targeted. You can include and exclude users in any combination of locations. Exclusions always override inclusions.
To target all locations, don’t select any locations.
To include a location and its child locations, click the adjacent circle once so that a blue checkmark ( ) appears. You can optionally increase or decrease bids by a specified percentage for each location targeted.
To exclude a location, click the adjacent circle twice so that a red checkmark ( ) appears.
To expand a location into its subcomponents (such as the states, prefectures, regions, or cities), click the location name.
To search for a location, enter or paste at least the first three characters of the location in the input field.
Negative Keywords
Negative Keywords: (Optional) Any keywords that, when queried, don’t trigger an ad. Use the following syntax, without a minus sign (-
- Negative broad match:
(not supported by Microsoft Advertising) - Negative phrase match:
- Negative exact match:
Separate multiple values with commas, or enter them on separate lines. You can enter or paste up to 2000 negative keywords in one operation.
- The maximum length per keyword is 30 single-byte or 15 double-byte characters.
- Baidu allows only one match type per keyword per ad group. For example, Ad Group 1 can’t include both
. - You can set negative keywords at the campaign and ad group levels from either the campaign and ad group settings or from the Keywords > Negatives view. Campaign-level negatives are applied at the ad group level.
Campaign Tracking
Override Account Tracking: (Optional) Allows you to set tracking parameters for this campaign. By default, this option is off, and the campaign uses the account-level tracking parameters.
Tracking Type: The method by which URLs are generated:
EF Redirect (the default): For clients who want to use the Adobe Advertising conversion tracking service. This method generates unique click-tracking IDs and redirects users to the Adobe Advertising server for tracking purposes before sending them to the client’s landing page.
This method has default tracking options that you optionally can customize, and you also can specify parameters to append to each URL.
No EF Redirect: For clients who want to use only their own click-tracking codes. Search, Social, & Commerce doesn’t provide click-tracking IDs or redirect codes. For accounts with destination URLs, each destination URL is the same as the base URL.
- Only agency account manager, Adobe account manager, and administrator users can change this value.
- If you change the tracking method, you must regenerate tracking URLs for the account.
- Campaign-level tracking options override account-level settings.
Redirect Type: (For EF Redirect only) The method of redirecting end users to the final URL or destination URL. The selected option is applicable to all ads, keywords, and placements in the account or campaign. The default account-level setting is inherited from the advertiser’s tracking settings, and the default campaign-level setting is inherited from the account settings.
Standard: To just redirect the end user to the specified URL.
Token: To redirect the end user to the URL and also record the Search, Social, & Commerce ID for the click (
) as a query string parameter, which is used as a token. Choose this option if you will report offline transactions, want Search, Social, & Commerce to exchange data with Adobe Analytics, or want to track all conversions that occur within Apple Safari browsers.
- If you switch from Standard to Token, or vice versa, then you must regenerate tracking URLs for the account.
- You can override the account-level setting at the campaign level.
Auto Upload: (For synchronized campaigns with EF Redirect only) Automatically uploads the following to the ad network the next time Search, Social, & Commerce synchronizes with it: (a) Search, Social, & Commerce tracking parameters for tracking templates and the same parameters appended to the final URLs or (b) new destination URLs embedded with Search, Social, & Commerce tracking code. For advertisers with an Adobe Advertising-Adobe Analytics integration and a server-side AMO ID (s_kwcid) configuration, the upload also includes AMO ID parameters for your Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts. The default account-level setting is inherited from the advertiser’s tracking settings. You can override the account-level setting at the campaign level.
Note: Tracking URLs are updated daily only for entities that are out of sync (that is, new entities that were added and existing entities whose properties have changed). Therefore, if you change this setting from disabled to enabled for an existing advertiser/account/campaign, then tracking URLs aren’t updated for existing entities that are already in sync. To add tracking to the URLs of existing, in-sync entities, contact your Adobe Account Team and request a one-time, manual sync process. The automatic upload process will handle future changes.
Encode Base URL: (Accounts with destination URLs and the tracking type EF Redirect only) Whether the URL within the end user’s browser address bar includes character encoding (such as %3D
instead of =
On (the default): To show character encoding in URLs.
Off: To show unencoded URLs.
Tracking Level: (For EF Redirect only; available at the account and campaign levels; not applicable to ad networks that are enabled for parallel tracking) The level at which clicks and revenue should be tracked by adding a redirect (when relevant) and append parameters to the relevant URLs:
Keyword: To track data at only the keyword level.
Ad: To track data at only the ad level.
Note: Changing an existing campaign to this setting deletes any existing keyword tracking IDs. Also, if you want to perform multivariate testing by using multiple landing pages for an ad, then create a bulksheet file and edit it for the required components.
Keyword and Ad: To track data at both the keyword and ad levels.
- Only “Keyword” is available for Naver.
- Only “Ad” is available for Yandex.
Append Parameters: (Optional) Any additional tracking parameters to append to the base URLs.. The advertiser-level append parameters are included by default at the account level and the campaign level, but you can override either.
You can use any static text string, including third-party tracking parameters, or any of the supported tracking parameters, which insert an appropriate data value in the base URL.
Separate multiple parameters with commas or ampersands (&). Nested brackets aren’t supported.
Changes to append parameters aren’t controlled by the Auto Upload option. If you change the append parameters for existing base URLs, then new URLs aren’t generated automatically. Add the new parameters by downloading a bulksheet file for the account or campaign, updating the Base URL/Final URL fields, and then uploading and posting the bulksheet.
(Ad networks with parallel tracking) Avoid using macros, which aren’t substituted for clicks from sources that enable parallel tracking. If the advertiser must use macros, then the Adobe Account Team should work with Customer Support or the implementation team to add them.
(Advertisers with an Adobe Advertising-Adobe Analytics integration) To include an AMO ID parameter to send Search, Social, & Commerce data to Analytics, see the ad network-specific formats. It’s not necessary to manually add the parameter for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts with a server-side AMO ID implementation.