Overview of Analytics for Advertising
Advertisers with Advertising DSP and Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce
Analytics for Advertising integrates Adobe Analytics and Adobe Advertising to extend and enhance the capabilities of each product.
The integration allows advertisers to track click-through and view-through site interactions in their Analytics instances, allowing brands to see how their advertising spend leads to site engagement and critical business objectives.
In addition, Adobe Advertising can access the vast first-party data that Analytics collects using Analytics tags already on the site. This allows more robust journey management, first-party remarketing, and paid media site reporting. Adobe Advertising can further use the Analytics data for spend and bid optimization.
When properly employed, Analytics for Advertising blurs the lines between two traditional roles: advertising journey management (the act of sending users to the site through advertisements) and understanding that site engagement through web analytics.
Primary benefits:
- Send Analytics segments directly to Adobe Advertising for first-party site remarketing.
- Use Analytics custom and standard events as conversion signals for optimizing paid media advertising.
- Take advantage of Analytics Analysis Workspace to better understand site entry points and visit behavior.
- Enable closer collaboration between web analysts and paid media teams.
- Use persistent Adobe Advertising view-through and click-through IDs within Analytics to understand site engagement.
- Enhance traditional paid media reports in Analysis Workspace with custom metrics, custom dimensions, and site activity not achievable when exporting data or pixels to ad servers or other DSPs.
- Take advantage of Analytics code already on your website for tracking and optimization within Adobe Advertising.
Using Analytics for Paid Media Reporting
Analytics for Advertising improves reporting and insight on how your advertising drives site behavior by allowing you to:
- Use persistent Adobe Advertising view-through and click-through IDs within Analytics to understand site engagement.
- Take advantage of Analysis Workspace to better understand site entry points and visit behavior. You can access paid media dimensional and event data, which include Adobe Advertising campaign entity names (down to placements and ads) and their associated metrics, such as clicks, impressions, and cost.
To use Analytics as your paid media reporting tool, your organization needs an Experience Cloud login with access to Analysis Workspace. Your Adobe Advertising team will help you to map your Adobe Advertising data to individual report suites in Analysis Workspace. You can send Adobe Advertising data to any report suite, but you should be aware of the report suites that have been mapped to Adobe Advertising and those that haven’t. Depending on the report suite, this may change the data reported.
Adobe Advertising IDs within Analytics work like other eVars, with a custom, persistent expiration. By default, the attribution lookback window is set to 60 days during the Adobe Advertising implementation. To change this setting, work with your Adobe Account Team.
Adobe Advertising dimensions are appended with the suffix “(AMO ID)” (such as “Ad Type (AMO ID)”). See “Adobe Advertising Metrics in Analysis Workspace” for a list of the available dimensions.
Using Analytics to Power Adobe Advertising Campaigns and Portfolios
Without requiring any additional pixels, Analytics for Advertising enables better optimization and easier audience segmentation by sending two main signals to Adobe Advertising:
Conversion metrics to be used as bid signals:
- standard metrics, such as Revenue and Cart Views.
- site engagement metrics, such as page view and visit metrics.
- custom revenue metrics.
- reserved revenue metrics.
Segments created in Analytics and published to Experience Cloud.
You can use Analytics segments for first-party site retargeting in DSP and paid search advertisements.
(Search, Social, & Commerce only) Advertisers with Analytics but not Audience Manager can also create Google website tag-based audiences (remarketing lists) and customer match audiences (customer lists) from Analytics segments that are shared with Experience Cloud.
Site Conversion Metrics as Bid Signals
You can use your standard events and custom events from Analytics to build weighted objectives in Adobe Advertising. Objectives inform bidding decisions for your DSP packages and Search, Social, & Commerce portfolios.
For Google Ads and Google Microsoft Advertising campaigns in Search, Social, & Commerce hybrid portfolios, you can optionally upload the objectives — including any Analytics events in the objectives — directly to the ad networks, where they become available as conversion actions for account-level and campaign-level custom conversion goals.
Your Adobe Advertising team will help you to identify and map the events that are applicable to paid media performance into Adobe Advertising, where they are listed in Search > Admin > Conversions.
See “Analytics Metrics in Adobe Advertising” for a list of available metrics.
Analytics Segments for Site Retargeting
Adobe Advertising can ingest Analytics segments for remarketing purposes for Advertising DSP and Search, Social, & Commerce ads using the native Experience Cloud Audiences integration between Analytics and Experience Cloud.
To access the Analytics segments, an advertiser account must enable the Experience Cloud ID Service. When the ID Service is enabled, all Experience Cloud segments (including segments created in Analytics and published to Experience Cloud, segments created in Adobe Audience Manager, segments created in Experience Cloud using the People core service, and segments created in Adobe Experience Platform and sent to Adobe Advertising via Audience Manager) become available within Adobe Advertising as soon as they are processed.
Analytics segments are available within 24 hours and are updated daily.
For more information about the Experience Cloud Audiences service, see Experience Cloud Audiences.
Examples of How to Use the Integration integration-examples
Using Adobe Advertising Data in Analysis Workspace
To learn how you can use your Adobe Advertising data to create visual reports in Analysis Workspace, see the video “Introduction to Workspace and Reporting.”
Using Connected TV View-Through Conversions in Reports
Advertising DSP users only
You can measure the full-funnel effectiveness of your connected TV (CTV) campaigns by linking ad exposure on CTV devices to on-site conversions. The new Landing Type filter “View-through (CTV)” splits conversions into separate rows for Click Through, View Through, and View Through (CTV) values.
To view your CTV view-through conversion metrics, use either the Placement view or the Marketing Channel view in Analysis Workspace.
Using the Placement view:
Include CTV-spending placements in the reporting view.
Include the desired metrics, such as “Impressions”, “Clicks”, and so on.
Apply the following filters:
Ad Platform:
Advertising Cloud DSP
Landing Page:
View-Through (CTV)
Using the Marketing Channel view:
Include the dimension
Marketing Channel
. -
Include the desired metrics, such as “Impressions”, “Clicks”, and so on.
Apply the following filters:
Ad Platform:
Advertising Cloud DSP
Landing Page:
View-Through (CTV)
Creating Adobe Advertising Dashboards
To learn how you can track your Adobe Advertising data against your goals in Analysis Workspace, see the video “Create Adobe Advertising Dashboards with Adobe Analytics.”
Using the Adobe Advertising ID for Site Entry Analysis
To see how you can create an Adobe Advertising site entry report to monitor day-of-week, time-of-day, browser, and geographical influences, see the video “Create Adobe Advertising Site Entry Reports.”
How to Initiate an Analytics for Advertising Implementation
Contact your Adobe Account Team, who will complete the initial configuration necessary to begin and will help you plan your implementation and data usage based on your organization’s needs.