Released 29 October 2024 | Adobe Analytics for Advertising | (Advertisers with Adobe Analytics for Advertising and Microsoft Advertising performance max campaigns) Asset group-level data for your performance max campaigns is now available in Adobe Analytics when you implement a new AMO ID (s_kwcid) parameter in the tracking URLs for your performance max campaigns, which don’t include ads and keywords. Tracking for most accounts with performance max campaigns was already migrated to the new format. For accounts with performance max campaigns without the Auto Upload tracking option that weren’t already migrated to the new format, however, you must manually update each landing page suffix to include the following AMO ID format:
AL!%(userid)d!%(sid)!%(creativeref)s!!!%(termid/orderid)d!!!%(campaignid)!%(adref) .
Adobe Analytics data for your performance max campaigns is also available in Search, Social, & Commerce. | See the new AMO ID format and when and how to add the parameter to your tracking URLs. |
13 November 2024 | Analytics for Advertising | (Advertisers with Analytics for Advertising and Adobe Customer Journey Analytics) If you use reserved variables to capture your AMO IDs and EF IDs, then you can prepare for a future integration between Adobe Advertising and Adobe Customer Journey Analytics by copying your reserved variables for the AMO ID and the EF ID into standard eVars as soon as possible. This will allow the collection of historical data for the AMO IDs and EF IDs as soon as you complete the task, and the historical data will be available for future use. Your Adobe Account Team will let you know if you use reserved variables and need to complete this task. | See “Collect Historical Data for AMO IDs and EF IDs for Use in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics.” |
16 December 2023 | Help | A new document explains how to set up A/B tests in Target for click-through traffic from ads in Search, Social, & Commerce, as well as tips on how to measure and visualize your tests in Analytics. | See “Configure A/B Tests in Adobe Target for Search, Social, & Commerce Ads.” |
8 August 2023 | Analytics for Advertising | Some Analytics success event metrics, including standard, custom, and reserved conversion metrics and traffic metrics, are automatically available in DSP and in Search, Social, & Commerce. Now, you now can also configure your own success metrics based on your existing Analytics eVars and props by funneling eVar- and prop-level data into a custom success event. | See “Create Conversion Metrics from Adobe Analytics eVars and Props.” |
13 July 2023 | Reporting | (DSP users with Analytics for Advertising) View-through conversions for connected TV (CTV) placements are now included in conversion data available within Adobe Analytics. | See the section on “Examples of How to Use the Integration” in “Overview of Analytics for Advertising.” |
1 November 2022 | Help | A new document explains how to implement click-through and view-through signal sharing between Advertising DSP and Adobe Target, set up an A/B test activity in Target for your DSP ads, and how to set up Adobe Analytics Analysis Workspace to view the test data. | See “Configure A/B Tests in Adobe Target for Advertising DSP Ads.” |
17 August 2022 | Help | A new chapter explains all ways in which Adobe Advertising is integrated with Adobe Audience Manager. | See the chapter on “Integration with Adobe Audience Manager,” including an overview of “Adobe Advertising Integrations with Adobe Audience Manager.” |
27 April 2021 | Analytics for Advertising | Learn why and how to add Analytics for Advertising macros to your Google Campaign Manager 360 ad tags to send click data to Adobe Analytics. | See “Append Analytics for Advertising Macros to Google Campaign Manager 360 Ad Tags.” |
19 April 2021 | Analytics for Advertising | Learn why and how to append macros to your Flashtalking ad tags to send click data to Adobe Analytics. | See “Append Analytics for Advertising Macros to Flashtalking Ad Tags.” |
27 October 2021 | Analytics for Advertising | If your organization wants to switch from using the legacy Adobe Analytics visitorAPI.js library to the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK library (alloy.js ) for data collection, you must make some changes to enable ID stitching. | See “Using the Last Event Service JavaScript Library with Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.” |
26 May 2021 | Help | The chapter “Analytics for Advertising” now includes a subchapter on “Working in Analytics Marketing Channels.” | See: “Fundamentals of Marketing Channels,” “Using Adobe Advertising IDs to Create Analytics Marketing Channels Processing Rules,” “Using Analytics Marketing Channels with Adobe Advertising Data,” and “Why Channel Data Can Vary Between Adobe Advertising and Analytics Marketing Channels.” |
26 May 2021 | Help | A link to all video tutorials about Analytics for Advertising was added. | See: “Video tutorials about Adobe Advertising integrations.” |