Import Adobe Audience Manager Segments for Ad Targeting

Advertising DSP and Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce can each pull in metadata, hierarchy data, and unique audience data for all of an advertiser’s or agency’s Adobe audiences, including:

  • Adobe Audience Manager segments

  • Adobe Analytics segments that are published to Adobe Experience Cloud

  • Segments that are created using the Adobe Experience Cloud Audience Library

  • Segments that are created in Adobe Experience Platform and sent to Adobe Advertising via Audience Manager

To access Adobe audiences in DSP or Creative, you must import the audiences into DSP. To access Adobe audiences in Search, Social, & Commerce, you must import the audiences into Search, Social, & Commerce.


  • The advertiser must implement the Adobe Experience Cloud Identity (ECID) Service version 2.0 or higher. The Identity Service provides a universal, persistent ID that identifies your visitors across all solutions in Experience Cloud.

    Implementation includes adding the Identity service code to each webpage on the advertiser’s sites.

  • The organization must be enabled for Experience Cloud services and have an Experience Cloud Organization ID (formerly called IMS org ID).

    The Organization ID allows organizations with multiple Adobe Experience Cloud products to share data among some of the products.

  • (Advertisers with Analytics) The advertiser must implement Analytics using appMeasurement.js version 1.6.4 or higher.

  • The advertiser’s website visitors don’t include a high volume of Apple Safari users.

  • (Recommended when the advertiser uses both Audience Manager and Analytics) To reduce calls to each webpage, remove existing Audience Manager Data Integration Library code for data collection and enable server-side forwarding for each Analytics report suite instead. For more information, see "Server-side forwarding overview.

  • (Recommended) For higher match rates, send only first-party website data to Adobe Advertising. If the advertiser bundles third-party data or offline data from a customer relationship management system, data leakage may reduce match rates.

Import Audience Manager Audiences to DSP

Steps to Import Audiences to DSP

The Adobe account and data operations teams perform the following steps.

  1. The Adobe Account Team should configure the advertiser-level setting “Adobe Analytics Cloud.”

  2. The Adobe Account Team should submit a request to the data operations team to import the organization’s Audience Manager segments using the Advertising DSP native API integration.

What Changes Result in Audience Manager?

The API automatically:

  • Creates two DSP destinations in Audience Manager:

    • Adobe AdCloud Cross-Channel (real-time)

    • Adobe AdCloud Cross-Channel (batch)

  • Maps the two destinations to all Audience Manager segments, allowing Audience Manager to share the segments with the DSP advertiser account that’s associated with the same Experience Cloud Organization ID used for Audience Manager.

    The organization can optionally remove unneeded segments from the destinations within Audience Manager.

  • Adds the following exchange cookie-sync pixel to the organization’s Audience Manager container to improve the reach of customer campaigns:

    • Adobe AdCloud: 411 (This pixel comes standard and automatically as part of Identity Service version 2.0. Organizations with Identity Service versions below 2.0 should add this pixel to their Audience Manager container.

Import Audience Manager Audiences to Search, Social, & Commerce

Steps to Import Audiences to Search, Social, & Commerce

Adobe personnel perform most or all of the following steps.

  1. The Adobe Account Team should submit a request to the data operations team to set up an integration between Search, Social, & Commerce and Audience Manager. Include the names of the Audience Manager segments that you want to export to Search, Social, & Commerce.

  2. Within Audience Manager, configure destinations for Search, Social, & Commerce:

    1. Create two new destinations: Adobe Media Optimizer (HTTP) and Adobe Media Optimizer Batch Destination.

      Media Optimizer is a former name for Search, Social, & Commerce.

    2. Specify the segments for each of the destinations.

      With the Automatically map all current and future segments option, all segments are mapped and synced daily.

      The Manually map segments option allows you to manually map the segments to sync with the batch destination (Adobe Media Optimizer Batch Destination). No segments need to be manually mapped to the HTTP destination.

  3. Within Search, Social, & Commerce, either the Search, Social, & Commerce implementation team or a user with the direct access client manager role should initiate the import from Search > Admin > Audience Manager Setup.

    The organization’s Experience Cloud Organization ID (IMS org ID) is required. The ID must be the same as the one used for the organization’s Audience Manager account.

What Changes Result in Audience Manager?

Two Search, Social, & Commerce destinations become available for the organization in Audience Manager:

  • Adobe Media Optimizer (HTTP)
  • Adobe Media Optimizer Batch Destination

Data Synchronization

The initial import takes about 24 hours. After the initial import, data is synced in real time, with a one- to two-second delay.

Segment membership data is sent only after one of the following events occurs:

  • (Advertisers with DSP):

    • The segment is targeted in an Adobe Advertising display ad.

    • The segment is added to the Adobe AdCloud Cross-Channel batch and real-time destinations within the Audience Manager user interface.

  • (Advertisers with Search, Social, & Commerce):

    • The segment is targeted in an Adobe Advertising search ad.

    • The segment is added to the Adobe Media Optimizer batch and HTTP destinations within the Audience Manager user interface.

How DSP Syncs the Data

DSP syncs the data automatically using the Adobe Experience Cloud Identity (ECID) Service. During synchronization, the ECID Service calls Adobe Advertising at Because Adobe Advertising is a trusted domain, ID syncs take place from parent pages rather than within the destination publishing iframes, as they do with most third-party activation partners. Audience Manager identifies unique users by device IDs, using the Audience Manager Unique User ID (AAM UUID), also called the Device ID.

How Search, Social, & Commerce Syncs the Data

Search, Social, & Commerce syncs the data automatically using the Adobe Experience Cloud Identity (ECID) Service. During synchronization, the ECID Service calls Adobe Advertising at, which is a trusted domain that belongs to Adobe Advertising. Audience Manager identifies unique users by device IDs, using the Audience Manager Unique User ID (AAM UUID), also called the Device ID.

Where to Find Your Synced Segments


DSP organizes the segment names by the Audience Manager taxonomy and includes the corresponding segment membership counts in:

In Advertising Creative

In Creative, the segments are available in the experience settings for target nodes.

In Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce

In Search, Social, & Commerce, the segments are available when you create a Google audience using the Data Source “Adobe Audience” from Campaigns > Audiences > Library.

For each Google audience that you create, Google supplies the audience size.
