Append Analytics for Advertising Macros to Flashtalking Ad Tags

Advertisers with an Adobe Advertising-Adobe Analytics Integration Only

Applicable to Advertising DSP only

If you use ad tags from Flashtalking for your Advertising DSP ads, append Analytics for Advertising parameters to your landing page URLs. The parameters record AMO ID (s_kwcid) and ef_id query string parameters in the landing page URL, allowing Adobe Advertising to send click data for the ads to Adobe Analytics.

Use macros for Flashtalking display and video ads for the following types of Analytics for Advertising implementations:

  • Advertisers with the Adobe Analytics for Advertising JavaScript code implemented on their websites: The JavaScript code already records the AMO ID (s_kwcid) and ef_id query string parameters. However, using macros extends tracking to include click-based conversions when third-party cookies aren’t supported. The best practice is to add the macros in the following sections to your ad tags to capture additional click-through data that isn’t captured through the JavaScript code.
The JavaScript code is a solution for click tracking only while cookies are still available. Once cookies are discontinued, implementing the following macros will be necessary.
  • Advertisers whose websites don’t use the Analytics for Advertising JavaScript code and instead rely on Analytics server-side forwarding for click-through data only (without any view-through data): The following macros are required to report on-site click activity driven from ads you buy through Adobe Advertising.

Display Ad Tags

Within the Flashtalking ad tag settings, append the following macro to the end of the click-through URL in the Clicktag field:


If it’s the first or only query string after the base URL, then separate it from the base URL with a ?. If the base URL includes multiple query strings, then begin the first string with a ? and each subsequent string with a &.


Video Ad Tags

Within the Flashtalking ad tag settings, append the following macro to the end of the click-through URL in the Clicktag field:


If it’s the first or only query string after the base URL, then separate it from the base URL with a ?. If the base URL includes multiple query strings, then begin the first string with a ? and each subsequent string with a &.

