Create a conversion action for a Google Ads enhanced conversion for leads

Google Ads accounts only

You can create conversion actions for Google Ads enhanced conversions for leads to be tracked for individual Google Ads accounts, not conversions tracked at a manager account level.

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Admin > Conversions, which opens the Summary tab.

  2. In the toolbar above the data table, click Create .

  3. Specify the conversion action settings.

    1. Select the account, and then select the conversion type: Import conversion.

    2. Click Next.

    3. Specify the conversion action options.

    4. Click Generate.

  4. Read information about how to create a tracking tag for the enhanced conversion for leads, and then click Next.

    Create the conversion tag and implement it as needed on the websites from which you want to track the conversion metric. For instructions, see the following:

  5. Click Done.

Once you create the conversion action and implement a conversion tracking tag, you can upload the offline conversion data that your organization captures and attribute it to the conversion action. See “Upload offline conversion data for enhanced conversions.”

Conversion action settings conversion-action-settings-google

Select an Account: The applicable Google Ads account.

Type of Conversion: The type of conversion to track: Select Import conversion. All other types are used to create conversion tracking tags (not conversion actions) for other types of conversions.

Conversion Name: A unique name for the conversion action.

[Conversion Category]: The conversion category, such as Qualified lead or Sign-up.

[Action Type]: Whether the goal is a Primary action used for bidding optimization or a Secondary action not used for bidding optimization.

Value: How to measure the value of each conversion:

  • Use the same value for each conversion, which requires you to select a currency and enter the value for each conversion.

  • Use a different value for each conversion, which requires you to select a currency and enter a default value for each conversion. You can change the default value in the tag with a transaction-specific value when you implement the tag on a specific webpage.

  • Don’t use a value for this conversion action (Not recommended)

Count: How many conversions to count per click or interaction: Every (Recommended for every purchases because every purchase is valuable) or One (Recommended for leads, sign-ups and other conversions because only the first interaction is valuable).

Click Through Conversion Window: The maximum number of days after an ad interaction for which conversions are recorded. For search, display, and shopping campaigns, the window can be from 1-90 days. Select a number or select Custom and enter a number.

View Through Conversion Window: The maximum number of days after a user views your ads for which view-through conversions are recorded. For search, display, and shopping campaigns, the window can be from 1-90 days. Select a number or select Custom and enter a number.

Attribution Model: How much credit each ad interaction gets: Data driven or Last click.
