Upload offline conversion data for enhanced conversions

Google Ads accounts only

You can upload your first-party, offline conversion data — including hashed email addresses and telephone numbers — to map to your existing Google Ads enhanced conversions for leads. All uploaded data is synced in real-time to Google Ads.

Upload data for Google Ads enhanced conversions for leads

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Admin > Conversions, and then click the Upload tab.

  2. Select the ad network, and then the account.

  3. (Optional) To download a template with all required data fields in Microsoft Excel format, click View Template, and then download the file according to your browser’s normal procedure.

    You can edit the file to include your data and save your changes, and then upload the file in the next step.

  4. Click Choose File, and then select a file to upload from your device or network.

Required data for uploaded files enhanced-conversions-leads-data

Data above the table


Enter the account’s timezone either in this location or in the “Conversion Time” column for each row. Use either a) the supported timezone ID format or b) the GMT offset, as indicated by + or - and the 4-digit time difference (such as -0500 for New York).

Table columns and values

The user’s email address, which must be hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. Each row must include either an Email value or a Phone Number value.
Phone Number
The user’s telephone number, which must be hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. It must include a country code, and it may contain dashes and other symbols. Each row must include either an Email value or a Phone Number value.
Conversion Name
(Required) The name of the conversion action.
Conversion Time
(Required) The time the conversion event occurred in a supported time format. If you don’t include the account’s timezone ID in the Parameters:TimeZone=insert_timezone line above the data table, then include the timezone for each row using either a) the supported timezone ID format or b) the GMT offset, as indicated by + or - and the 4-digit time difference (such as -0500 for New York).
Conversion Value
(Required) The numeric conversion value.
Conversion Currency
The currency code for the conversion event.
Ad User Data
(Applicable for data pertaining to users in the European Economic Area (EEA) or United Kingdom (UK)) Indicates if user consent was given for sending user data to Google for ad personalization purposes. Values may include Granted, Denied, or [null] (which is sent to Google Ads as Unspecified). Note: Google Ads doesn’t currently enforce consent for enhanced conversions for leads, but it may do so in the future.
Ad Personalization
(Applicable for data pertaining to users in the European Economic Area (EEA) or United Kingdom (UK)) Indicates if user consent was given for sending user data to Google for advertising purposes. Values may include Granted, Denied, or [null] (which is sent to Google Ads as Unspecified). Note: Google Ads doesn’t currently enforce consent for enhanced conversions for leads, but it may do so in the future.