Report columns for basic and advanced reports

[Advertiser-specific custom (derived) metrics]
The value for a custom metric you’ve created that’s calculated from existing metrics.
[Advertiser-specific label classifications]
Any label classifications currently applied to the entity, at the entity level. Multiple label classifications are separated with commas (,).
[Advertiser-specific conversion metrics]
The number of conversions for a specified conversion metric or site engagement metric.
[Google-tracked conversions]
See the entry for “GGL*, GGL_CT*, and GGL_XD_CT*.”
7-Day Click Accuracy
(Portfolio Report) The average accuracy of the clicks forecast for the previous seven days, not including the current day (and not for the report’s specified date range), expressed as a percentage.
7-Day Cost Accuracy
(Portfolio Report) The average accuracy of the cost forecast for the previous seven days, not including the current day (and not for the report’s specified date range), expressed as a percentage.
7-Day Revenue Accuracy
(Portfolio Report) The average accuracy of the revenue forecast for the previous seven days, not including the current day (and not for the report’s specified date range), expressed as a percentage.
The account name.
Account Status

The status of the account within Search, Social, & Commerce:

  • Enabled: (The default) For synced ad networks, Search, Social, & Commerce can log in to the ad network account to retrieve campaign data, and other applicable features such as optimization and tracking generation are enabled.

    For non-synced ad networks, applicable features such as optimization and/or tracking generation are available.
  • Disabled: For synced ad networks, Search, Social, & Commerce doesn’t log in to the ad network account and therefore doesn’t retrieve campaign data, and other applicable features such as optimization and tracking generation are disabled. Data collected while the account was enabled is still stored, but all campaign management views and all reports that you create in the future don’t include data for the time period in which the account is disabled.

    For non-synced ad networks, applicable features such as optimization and/or tracking generation aren’t available.
Active Ad Groups
The number of active ad groups.
Active Ads/Creatives
The number of active ads/creatives.
Active Campaigns
The number of active campaigns.
Active Keywords
The number of active keywords.
Ad Group
The ad group.
Ad Group ID
The unique ID that identifies an existing ad group.
Ad Group Status
The ad group status: Active, Paused, or Deleted.
Ad Group Type
The ad group type, such as Audience (for audience campaigns only), Discovery (for discovery campaigns only), Display (for display campaigns only), Search Dynamic (for dynamic search ads only), Search Standard (for responsive search ads and existing expanded text ads only), Shopping Showcase, Shopping Product (for standard shopping campaigns only), or Shopping Smart (for smart shopping campaigns). For some campaign types, a single campaign can include multiple ad types.
Ad Groups
The number of ad groups to which the label value is assigned.
AD Name
The ad group name; the same value as Ad Group.
Ad Recall Lift
(Meta campaigns only) The estimated number of people who remember your ad within two days.
Ad Recall Rate
(Meta campaigns only) The estimated number of people who remember your ad within two days divided by the number of people you’ve reached, as a percentage.
Ad Size
The dimensions of the ad.
AD Strength
(Google Ads responsive search ads) The effectiveness of the ad: average, excellent, good, no_ads, pending, poor, unknown, or unspecified.
Adgroup MBA
(Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! Japan Ads campaigns) The current ad group-level mobile bid adjustment, which determines how bids are adjusted when the ad is displayed on a mobile device.
The advertiser name.
Advertiser ID
The numeric ID for the advertiser’s Search, Social, & Commerce account.
Avg Position
The average position of the ads during the specified date range.

For Google Ads and Yahoo! Japan Ads campaigns, this data is available only through September 2019. For Microsoft Advertising, this data is available only through 22 January 2021.
Base URL
The base URL for the keyword, including any append parameters configured for the campaign or account. It doesn’t include any Search, Social, & Commerce redirection and tracking code.
Bid Strategy
(Most ad networks) For campaigns or campaign components, this is the campaign’s bid strategy. For ad network accounts that are linked to a manager account, this is the cross-account bid strategy. The available values vary by ad network.
Business Name
(Microsoft Advertising responsive ads) The business name.
Call to Action
(Microsoft Advertising responsive and multimedia ads) The call to action included in the ad.
The campaign.
Campaign Budget
The campaign budget.
Campaign MBA
(Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! Japan Ads campaigns) The current campaign-level mobile bid adjustment, which determines how bids are adjusted when the ad is displayed on a mobile device.
Campaign Product Scope Filter
(Campaigns using the shopping network only) The products in your merchant account for which product ads can be created for the campaign.
Campaign Start Date
The first day on which bids were/are placed for the campaign.
Campaign Status
The campaign status: Active, Paused, Ended, or Deleted.
Campaign Type
The campaign type, such as Audience (Ctv Video)Audience (Feed), Audience (Image), Audience (Video), Brand Shopping, Discovery, Search and Display, Standard Display, Standard Performance Max, Standard Search, Standard Shopping, Store Ad, Video, or Others.
Channel Type
The type of marketing channel: Search or Content. This column isn’t included when the report’s Search/Content setting in the report settings is “Combined.”
(Geo Distribution Report, Transaction Report) A city from which clicks originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
Click Match Type
The keyword match type for the ad that was clicked. This is the same as the Listing Match Type except for Microsoft Advertising keywords with multiple match types. For Microsoft Advertising keywords, this is the match type that was actually clicked.
Click Value
(Portfolio Report) The click value specified for the portfolio’s objective.
Click/Impression Time
(Transaction Report) The time that the click or impression that caused the conversion occurred.
The number of clicks on ads during the specified date range.
Client ID1, Client Id 1
(Keyword Report, Ad Variation Report, and Transaction Report; feed-based tracking implementations) A client-specific tracking ID for the keyword or ad, which was sent in the feed file.
Client Id 2
(Keyword Report and Transaction Report; feed-based tracking implementations) A client-specific tracking ID for the keyword or ad, which was sent in the feed file.
Client Transaction ID
(Transaction Report) The unique transaction ID.
Constraint End Date
(Constraint Report) The last day the constraint is active.
Constraint Name
(Constraint Report) The constraint name.
Constraint Start Date
(Constraint Report) The first day the constraint is active.
Constraint Status
(Constraint Report) The status of the constraint: Active or Paused.
Constraint Type
(Constraint Report) The type of constraint: Bid/Pos Constraint, Bid Shift, Campaign Budget, Context Sensitive Bid, Incremental Bidding, Max CPA, Min Margin, Variable Bid Position, Search Engine Min Bid, or Variable Position.
The names of any applicable constraints on the entity, separated by commas.
Content IS
The number of impressions you received for ads on the display/audience network divided by the estimated number impressions that you were eligible to receive. In Microsoft Advertising, this is called “Audience IS.”
Content IS Lost (budget)
The estimated percentage of impressions that your ads on the display/audience network didn’t receive because your daily or monthly budget was too low. In Microsoft Advertising, this is called “Audience lost IS (budget).”
Content IS Lost (rank)
The estimated percentage of impressions that your ads on the display/audience network weren’t shown because of a poor ad rank. In Microsoft Advertising, this is called “Audience lost IS (rank).”
Conversion Type

(Transaction Report) The action(s) that preceded the conversion:

  • Click: At least one paid click occurred before the conversion.
  • Impression: No paid clicks occurred before the conversion, so the conversion resulted from a view-through (impression without any paid clicks).
The total cost for ads during the specified date range.
(Geo Distribution Report, Keyword Report) A country from which clicks originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
The cost per click (CPC) for ads during the specified date range.
Creative Base URL
The base URL for the ad, including any append parameters configured for the campaign or account. It doesn’t include any Search, Social, & Commerce redirection and tracking code.
Creative Destination URL
The final URL or the destination URL (including any tracking parameters) for the ad.
Creative Name
(Yahoo! Japan only) The ad image name.
Creative Title, Creative Title2 - Creative Title3
The titles or headlines of the ad. Different creative types have different numbers of required and optional title lines. To see Creative Title4 and higher columns in Microsoft Advertising responsive ads or multimedia ads, include the “Creative Titles” column in the report settings.
Creative Titles
(For multimedia and responsive search ads only) Adds a column for each of the ad’s short headlines (“Creative Title” through “Creative Title15”). When you include this column, you don’t need to include the other Creative Title columns, but edit the Order Results/Limit Rows By section to sort by Creative Titles instead of Creative Title.
Creative Type
The ad format. The following are possible values: App Install Ad, Call Only Ad, Discovery Ad (single-image ads), Discovery Carousel Ad (multi-image carousel ads), Display Ad, Dynamic Search Ad, Expanded Dynamic Search Ad, Expanded Text Ad, Legacy Text Ad, Multimedia Ad, Product Ad, Responsive Ad, Responsive Search Ad, or Text Ad.
The click-through rate, which is the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions for the included ads.
The applicable currency type (such as “USD” or “GBP”).

Note: If the report includes data for accounts with different currencies, then any “Total” monetary values are simply the sum of all numbers in the column, regardless of currency.
Current Bid
The current bid for the target.
Current First Page Bid
(Google Ads campaigns only) The estimated cost-per-click (CPC) bid currently needed for the ad to be placed on the first page of search results when a Google search query matches the keyword.

For a single keyword and match type combination, this value is the first page bid currently required for that combination. When the same keyword and match type combination is used in multiple campaigns, this value is the minimum first page bid currently required among all instances.
Current Quality Score
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns only) The current quality score for the keyword or bid unit, as designated by the ad network. It ranges from 1 (low) to 10 (perfect). For a single keyword and match type combination, this value is the current score for that combination. When the same keyword and match type combination is used in multiple campaigns, this value is the maximum current score among all instances.

The ad networks use the quality score to determine bid prices and ad position. It’s calculated according to many factors, including the relevancy of the keyword to its associated ad and to the user’s search query and the quality of the landing page. For keywords in Google Ads, the keyword’s click-through rate is also considered, and for keywords in Microsoft Advertising, the user experience provided by the landing page is also considered.
Custom Bid Level
(Google campaigns that target the display network only) At what level bids are placed: by Ad Group, Age, Gender, Interest and List, Keyword, Placement, Vertical, None, or Unknown.
Description1 - Description4
The body of the ad. Different creative types have different numbers of required and optional description lines. To see Description3 and Description4 columns in Microsoft Advertising responsive ads or multimedia ads, include the “Descriptions” column in the report settings.
(Microsoft Advertising responsive and multimedia ads) Adds a column for each of the ad’s description rows (“Description1” through “Description4”). When you include this column, you don’t need to include the other Description columns.
(Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! Display Network, Yahoo! Japan Ads, and Yahoo Native campaigns) The device type on which ads were displayed: Computers, Mobile, Tablets, Other, or N/A (no value). Rows for other ad networks have values of N/A.

In search campaigns, if the tracking templates or destination URLs for the keywords, ads, and/or ad extensions included parameters to track data by device (&ev_dvc={device}&ev_dvm={devicemodel}) at the time the ad was clicked, then conversion data is also included in the row for each device type. Otherwise, if conversion data can’t be attributed to a device type, it’s aggregated in a separate row with a “Device” value of N/A.
Display Path 1
(Google Ads extended text ads only) The first display path after the base URL for the ad.
Display Path 2
(Google Ads extended text ads only) The second display path after the base URL for the ad.
Display Type
Display URL
The display URL for the ad, which is what end users see in the ad.
(Geo Distribution Report, Keyword Report) A numeric, designated market area from which clicks originated (such as 751 for Denver). It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
(Domain Referral Report, Keyword Report) The domain name from which clicks originated.
The effective CPM, or the average cost paid per 1000 impressions during a specified date range. eCPM values are calculated for either CPM or CPC campaigns.
EF Campaign ID
The numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce assigns to the campaign.

(Transaction Report) (Advertisers with the Adobe Advertising conversion tracking service and the “EF Redirect” tracking method with a token) The token for the click or conversion.

  • For Google Ads search ads, the EF ID is {gclid}:G:s, which includes the Google Click ID (GCLID) and the network type (“s” for search).
  • For Microsoft Advertising search ads, the EF ID is {msclkid}:G:s, which includes the Microsoft Click ID (MSCLKID) and the network type (“s” for search).
  • For search ads on other ad networks, the EF ID includes the surfer ID, click time, and network type.
  • For display ads, the EF ID includes the surfer ID, click or impression time, and network type.
EF Pixel Location ID
(Geo Distribution Report; for Search, Social, & Commerce use only) An internal ID for geographical location, which is used to normalize data.
EF Portfolio Group ID
The numeric ID for the portfolio group to which the portfolio belongs.
EF Search Engine ID
The numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce assigns to the ad network: 3 for Google Ads, 10 for Microsoft Advertising, 45 for Meta, 86 for Yahoo! Display Network, 87 for Naver, 88 for Baidu, 90 for Yandex, 94 for Yahoo! Japan Ads, 105 for Yahoo Native (deprecated), or 106 for Pinterest (deprecated).
End Date
The last day reported.
Engagement Rate
(Video ads) The number of engagements divided by the number of times your ad was shown.
(Video ads) The number of times users watched your ad for at least 10 seconds, or the complete ad if it’s shorter than 10 seconds.
Est. Clicks
(Geo Distribution Report; search and display campaigns only) The estimated number of clicks for the ad group/campaign/portfolio combination. This value may be different than the value provided by the ad networks.
Estimated Cost
The total estimated cost for the associated ads that Search, Social, & Commerce has tracked. This value may be different than the value provided by the ad networks.
Estimated Impressions
(Display campaigns only) The estimated number of ad impressions that Search, Social, & Commerce has tracked. This value may be different than the value for the Impressions column (when available), which shows the value provided by the ad networks.
Exclude (yes/no)
Whether bidding is excluded (Yes) or bidding are allowed (No) for ads for matching products.
First Page CPC
(Google campaigns only) The cost per click (CPC) for ads that appear on the first page of search results during the specified date range.
(Meta campaigns only) The average number of times someone saw your ad.
GGL*, GGL_CT*, and GGL_XD_CT* [Google Ads-tracked conversions]

(Google Ads campaigns on the search and shopping networks) Google Ads-tracked conversions, with up to three separate metrics for each conversion:

  • GGL* — (When you track it) The conversion value for the keyword, beginning with the “GGL” prefix (such as GGL Purchase).
  • GGL_CT* — The number (count) of conversions, beginning with the “GGL_CT” prefix (such as GGL_CT_Purchase).
  • GGL_XD_CT* — (When available for the conversion type, when you track them) The number (count) of cross-device conversions, as measured by Google Ads beginning with the “GGL_XD_CT_” prefix (such as GGL_XD_CT_Purchase).

Each conversion is recorded by bid unit and click date; it’s not available at the event level. For more information about Google Ads-tracked conversions, see “Google Ads conversion data in Search, Social, & Commerce.”

Impr. (Abs. Top) %
(Google Ads only) The percentage of your ad impressions that are shown as the first ad above the organic search results.
Impr. (Top) %
(Google Ads only) The percentage of your ad impressions that are shown above the organic search results.
The number of ad impressions during the specified date range.
Interaction Rate
(Video ads) The number of interactions divided by the number of times the ad (video and thumbnail impressions) was shown.
(Video ads) The number of times people watched your ad.
(Portfolio Report) true when the portfolio contains campaigns with the Maximize Clicks bid strategy, and false otherwise.
The keyword.

Note: If the report includes data from ad groups in content-enabled search campaigns, then this column includes the applicable ad group names such “(adgroup content) Your Ad Group Name.” For a site-targeted placement in a search campaign, this column doesn’t have a value.
Keyword ID
The unique ID that identifies an existing keyword.
Keyword Status
The status of the keyword to which the search term was matched: Active, Paused, Deleted, or Disapproved.
Label Classification
(Label Classification Report and Label Value Report) The label classification.
Label Value
(Label Classification Report and Label Value Report) A value for the label classification.
(Display campaigns) The target audience language(s).
Link Type

(Keyword Report; Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns only; data is available only when the attribution rule specified for the report is “Last Event”) When the row reports a conversion resulting from a click on an ad extension (rather than on the ad itself) or on a product/shopping ad, this column shows the type and title of a link that was clicked:

  • pla:* — Product ads are listed as pla:<product ID>, such as “pla:8525822.”
  • sl:* — Sitelinks are listed as sl:<Sitelink text>, such as “sl:See Current Offers.”
Listing Match Type
The keyword match type for the ad listing, Content for an ad in a content-targeted campaign, or Sitecpc for a placement in a site-targeted campaign. For Microsoft Advertising keywords, this may include multiple match types (such as “Broad,Exact”).
(Display campaigns) The target audience locations.
Long Creative Title1 - Long Creative Title5
(In completed report rows for Microsoft Advertising responsive and multimedia ads) The long headlines of the ad. To see these columns, include the “Long Creative Titles” column in the report settings.
Long Creative Titles
(For Microsoft Advertising responsive and multimedia ads) Adds a column for each of the ad’s long titles (“Long Creative Title1” through “Long Creative Title5”).
Market Type
The market type: search or social
Max Spend % Target
(Campaigns in portfolios with ROI, CPT, or Marginal Cost per Transaction spend strategies) The maximum daily budget target for the portfolio.
Max Spend (%)
(Network Constraint Report) The maximum percentage of the portfolio’s spend that’s configured for the ad network. For portfolios using the constraint type “Min-Max,” this is the Max % value. For portfolios using the constraint type “Target Spend,” this is the Target Spend value.
Method ID
(Portfolio Report)
Metro Code
(Geo Distribution Report, Keyword Report) A numeric metro code from which impressions or clicks originated (such as us-751 for Denver). It’s determined from the search user’s IP address.
Min Spend (%)
(Network Constraint Report) The minimum percentage of the portfolio’s spend that’s configured for the ad network. For portfolios using the constraint type “Min-Max,” this is the Min % value, if a Min % is configured. For portfolios using the constraint type “Target Spend,” this is the Target Spend value.
Network Account ID
The account ID assigned by the network.
Network Ad Group ID
The ad group ID assigned by the network.
Network Campaign ID
The campaign ID assigned by the network.
Network Campaign Objective
(Meta campaigns only) The objective for the campaign.
Objective Name
The portfolio’s objective.
Objective Value
The total weighted conversions as calculated according to the portfolio’s current objective.
Objective Value Calculation
The calculation used to derive the Objective Value.
Outbound Clicks
(Meta campaigns only) The number of clicks on links within ads that take people off Meta-owned properties.
Parent Product Groupings
The full hierarchy of the parent product groups, with >> between tiers (such as All Products>>CategoryL1=Animals), when applicable.
Partition Type
The type of product group: Sub-Division (parent product groups) or Unit (the lowest level of child product groups, which has a bid).
Path Position
(Transaction Report) The position of the event within the conversion path.
Path Total
(Transaction Report) The total number of events for the path position.
The portfolio.
Portfolio Count
(Portfolio Report) The number of portfolios associated with an objective.
Portfolio Group Name
The name of the portfolio group to which the portfolio belongs.
Portfolio ID
The numeric portfolio ID.
Portfolio Spend Strategy
(Portfolio Report) The spend strategy for the portfolio: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, ROI, Day of week, Day of month, CPT, Marginal CPT, Google Target CPA, or Google Target ROAS.
Portfolio Status

The portfolio status:

  • Optimize: The optimization capability is gathering click and revenue data for the relevant campaigns, modeling the data used for optimization, and optimizing bids, campaign budgets, and campaign bid strategy targets (depending on the optimization type and the bid strategies).
  • Active: The optimization capability is gathering click and revenue data for the relevant campaigns and is modeling the data, but it isn’t optimizing bids or campaign budgets.
  • Inactive: The optimization capability is gathering click data for the relevant campaigns for reporting purposes, but it’s not modeling the data nor optimizing bids or campaign budgets.
Portfolio Target
(Portfolio Report) The daily target for the portfolio’s spend strategy. For daily/monthly and day of week/month strategies, the current day’s target is shown.
Preferred Devices
(Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! Japan Ads campaigns) Whether the ad settings give preference to Mobile ads or to All ads.
Product Group ID
The numeric ID that the ad network assigns to the product group.
Product Group Name
The name of the product group.
Product Group Status
The status of the product group.
Product Groupings
The parent product group.
Product ID
(Keyword Report; Google Ads product listing ads) The product ID of the product shown with the ad.

Note: The ID is captured only when the product listing includes the tracking parameter ev_plx=<GMC product ID>, which you must add within Google Merchant Center.
Raw Transaction Data
(Transaction Report) The revenue for the conversion metric (such as 1 for one registration or 12 for a 12 USD order). If multiple bid units have the same transaction ID, then the revenue for the tracking ID is split according to the number of clicks on the specified click date (when click data is available).
(Meta campaigns only) The number of people who saw your ads at least once. Note: Meta deduplicates reach for user profiles daily, so the numbers reported by Meta and by Search, Social, & Commerce may differ.
(Geo Distribution Report, Keyword Report) A region or U.S./Canadian state for which impressions or clicks originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
SE Creative ID
The ad ID assigned by the network.
Search (Abs. Top) IS
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising) The impressions you’ve received in the absolute top location (the very first ad above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the top location. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%” or “0.0999.”
Search (Top) IS
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising) The impressions you’ve received in the top locations (above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the top locations. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%” or “0.0999.”
Search Engine
The ad network.
Search exact match IS
The number of impressions you received for searches that exactly matched your keyword divided by the estimated number of exact match impressions that you were eligible to receive. If this number is low, it might be because your bid is too low or because the ad quality or relevance is low.
Search impr. share
(Google Ads only) The impressions you’ve received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search lost abs. top IS (budget)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t the very first ads above the organic search results because your daily or monthly budget was too low. For Google ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost abs. top IS (rank)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t the very first ads above the organic search results because of a poor ad rank. For Google ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost IS (budget)
(Google Ads only) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown because your daily or monthly budget was too low. This metric is available at the campaign level only. Percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost IS (rank)
(Google Ads only) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown because of a poor ad rank. Percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost top IS (budget)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown above the organic search results because your daily or monthly budget was too low. For Google Ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost top IS (rank)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown above the organic search results because of a poor ad rank. For Google ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search Term
(Transaction Report) The search term on which the user queried.
Whether you’re tracking the account but not placing bids: TRUE or FALSE.
(Domain Referral Report and Keyword Report; site-targeted placements) The site from which clicks originated.
Start Date
The first day reported.
(Geo Distribution Report, Keyword Report) A state from which the transaction originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
Surfer ID
(Transaction Report) The ID of the user who completed the transaction.
Thru Plays
(Meta campaigns only) The number of views that watched the ad in its entirety.
Top of Page CPC
(Google campaigns only) The cost per click (CPC) for ads that appear at the top of search result pages during the specified date range.
Tracking URL
(Search-targeted keywords only) The tracking template or the destination URL embedded with (when applicable) Search, Social, & Commerce tracking code.
Transaction Property Name
(Transaction Report) The advertiser-specific conversion metric to which the transaction is credited.
Transaction Time
(Transaction Report) The time at which the specified conversion metric was credited.
Two Second Continuous Video Plays
(Meta campaigns only) The number of times the video was played for at least two continuous seconds.
User Account Type
User SE Account ID
The numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce assigns to the ad network.
Video Average Play Time
(Meta campaigns only) The average time that a video was played, including time spent replaying the video, for a single impression.
Video Plays
(Meta campaigns only) The number of times your video starts to play, excluding replays.
Video Played at 25 Percent Count, Video Played at 50 Percent Count, Video Played at 75 Percent Count, and Video Played at 100 Percent Count
(Video ads) The number of videos that were played 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the way through.
VideoQuartile25Rate, VideoQuartile50Rate, VideoQuartile75Rate, and VideoQuartile100Rate
(Video ads) The percentage of videos that were played 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the way through.
View Rate
(Video ads) The number of views or engagements divided by the number of times the ad (video and thumbnail impressions) was shown.
(Video ads) The number of times people watched or engaged with your ad.
(Ads on the audience network) The number of conversions that resulted from one or more impressions but no clicks.