Label Value Report
The Label Value Report includes cost, click, and (optionally) conversion data by label classification value aggregated across portfolios, ad networks, accounts, campaigns, or ad groups. By default, the data includes one row for each applicable value for keywords, ads, and placements that received impressions for each time unit in the specified date range. The rows are in ascending order first by the start date for the time unit, then by cost, and then by label value, by default. You can also view the number of each entity type to which the label value is assigned.
You can view data for the previous 36 months.
Any changes you make to label classifications and the child label values for an entity are visible in about one hour.
Default columns
For descriptions of all default and custom columns, see “Report columns for basic and advanced reports.”
- Label Value
- Label Classification
- Start Date
- End Date
- Impressions
- Cost
- Clicks
- Avg Position
- Impr. (Abs. Top) %
- Impr. (Top) %