Update the AMO ID (s_kwcid) tracking code for a Google Ads account

Advertisers with an Adobe Advertising-Adobe Analytics integration only

Google Ads accounts only

The legacy (prior to October 2019) format for the AMO ID tracking code for existing Google Ads accounts doesn’t support some features in Analytics, such as reporting at the campaign and ad group levels for Google Ads performance max campaigns, drafts and experiments campaigns, and other use cases in which the same ad+keyword+match type combination exists in multiple campaigns.

The current format includes parameters for campaign ID and ad group ID:


You can change to the current format for any or all of your existing accounts, individually. If you don’t have performance max campaigns or drafts and experiments campaigns, migrating then to the new format is optional.

All new Google Ads accounts automatically use the current AMO ID format.

After you migrate an account, all click, cost, and impression data are reported correctly after the change, but any click-throughs that occurred before the migration are still attributed to conversion data based on the old AMO ID format.
  1. In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Campaigns. In the submenu, click Live > Accounts.

  2. Hold the cursor over the account name, click arrow dropdown icon , and then select Edit.

  3. Click Set Account Tracking.

  4. Begin the migration:


    2. Click Migrate to new s_kwcid format.

    3. In the confirmation message, select the check box, and then click Continue.

    4. In the account settings, click Post.

    Metadata for the campaigns is updated in Analytics within a few days. Tracking continues uninterrupted, so no data is lost, but reporting may not reflect the new tracking codes until Analytics receives all metadata.

    note note
    All click-throughs that occurred before the migration still report conversion data based on the old format.
  5. After you begin the migration, update the Landing Page Suffix settings (called “final URL suffix” in some ad networks) as necessary:

    • When the Auto Upload" feature is enabled in the tracking settings, Search, Social, & Commerce automatically updates the tracking code in the Landing Page Suffix for this account and its campaigns. You don’t have to do anything.

    • When the Auto Upload" feature isn’t enabled, and you don’t use the server-side AMO ID feature, then you must manually update the AMO ID parameter in the Landing Page Suffix settings. You can change account- and campaign-level suffixes manually in the account and campaign settings or by uploading changes in a bulksheet. To configure a suffix at the ad group level or lower, use the Google Ads editor.

    • If you include the AMO ID in the Base URL setting for any campaign component, then move it to the relevant Landing Page Suffix setting.

  6. (Recommended) Verify the data for this account in Analytics before you migrate additional accounts.
