Google Ads campaign settings
[Campaign Creation screen]
Campaign Type: (Available during campaign creation only) Where to place ads, and which ad types the campaign may contain:
Search Network Only: Shows ads on the search network, which includes Google search results and, optionally, search partner sites. You must specify keywords for each ad group.
Search with Display Select: Shows ads on the search network (which includes Google search results and, optionally, search partner sites) and potentially shows ads on display network sites. On the display network, Google Ads displays your ads selectively using automated bidding, regardless of the campaign’s bid strategy. For search ads, specify keywords for each ad group; for display ads, specify placements and optionally specify keywords for each ad group.
Shopping Network: Shows product ads, which Google generates automatically based on your products in Google Merchant Center on Google Shopping, the area next to Google search results (separate from text ads), and (optionally) search partner websites. For each ad group in the campaign, you can specify product groups to advertise.
Display Network Only: Shows ads on the display network. For each ad group, you must specify placements and can optionally specify keywords.
Performance Max: Shows and optimizes conversions for your ads across channels using Google Ads smart bidding. Within the campaign settings, you must specify one or more asset groups, which include images, logos, headlines, descriptions, optional videos, and audience signals. Google Ads automatically combines the assets to serve ads based on the channel (such as YouTube, Gmail, or Search).
Only required settings are available. For optional settings, log in to the Google Ads editor.
Links to Google Merchant Center product feeds aren’t supported.
Support for listing groups isn’t available. To manage and view data for listing groups, log in to the Google Ads editor.
Hybrid optimization is supported. Bid strategy targets and campaign budgets are set at the campaign level.
Campaign Details
Campaign Name: A campaign name that is unique within the account.
Start date: The first date on which bids may be placed, as long as the campaign or ad group contains approved ads. The default for new campaigns and ad groups is the current day. To change the date for a campaign or ad group that hasn’t started, enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or click
Once a campaign or ad group has started, you can pause it but can’t change the start date.
Audience Target Method:(Existing, read-only Gmail campaigns only) Whether to:
Target and Bid To show ads only to users associated with target audiences who also satisfy any other targets for the ad group.
Bid Only: To show ads even to people who aren’t associated with target audiences as long as they satisfy other ad group-level targets. You may increase the chances that ads are shown to specific audiences, however, by setting higher bids for those audiences.
Status: The display status of the campaign: Active or Paused. The default for new ad campaigns is Active.
End date: The last date on which bids may be placed. The default is No End Date. To place bids until a specified date, enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or click
Search Partners: (Campaigns that target the search network only, including shopping campaigns) Shows
your ads on the ad network’s search partner networks. By default, this option is Off.
Budget Options
Budget: The budget, which is the amount you want to spend daily, on average.
If you assign this campaign to a portfolio for which campaign budget limits are automatically adjusted, then — depending on search conditions — you may actually spend more or less than the specified budget in any given period. In addition, any manual changes to the campaign budget — from within Search, Social, & Commerce or the ad network — may be overwritten by the optimization capability.
Delivery Method: (Most campaign types with daily budgets) How quickly to show ads for the campaign
each day:
Distributed: To spread your ad impressions evenly throughout the day.
Accelerated: To display your ads as quickly as possible until your budget is reached. As a result, your ads might not appear later in the day. Note: For Google Ads search and shopping campaigns, this option was deprecated in October 2019.
Bid strategy: The bid strategy for the campaign:
- Enhanced CPC: (Not available for performance max or existing, read-only Gmail campaigns) Uses the ad network’s enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC) model, which allows the ad network to automatically change the cost-per-click (CPC) bid for each auction in an attempt to maximize conversions, using conversion(s) specified within the ad network (not in Search, Social, & Commerce), while trying to keep your average CPC below your maximum CPC.
When you add a campaign with eCPC to an optimized Search, Social, & Commerce portfolio, Search, Social, & Commerce optimizes the base bids and — when the “Auto adjust campaign budget limits” option is enabled — the campaign budget. The ad network optimizes all bid adjustments and may change the Search, Social, & Commerce-generated bids at the time of the user query based on proprietary data and insights. Caution: Use eCPC campaigns in portfolios only when the total conversions tracked on the ad network align with the portfolio objective.
Manual CPC (the default): (Not available for performance max campaigns) Uses the cost-per-click (CPC) model. You can optionally allow the ad network to change bids for the campaign:
- Enable Enhanced CPC (disabled by default): This is the same as using the “Enhanced CPC” option.
Maximize Clicks: (Search, display, and shopping campaigns) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce — optimizes bids to maximize clicks. Optionally, enter a Max CPC (cost per click) to ensure that the ad network doesn’t pay more than a specific amount for each click. Caution: When you add a campaign with this strategy to a portfolio, bids are driven by click weight, not by the portfolio objective.
Maximize Conversion Value: (Search, performance max, and smart shopping campaigns) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce —optimizes bids to maximize conversion value. Optionally enter a Target Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) as a percentage. Note: Use this option for campaigns in hybrid portfolios but not standard portfolios. In hybrid portfolios, Search, Social, & Commerce optimizes the campaign-level or (when available) ad group-level Target ROAS.
Maximize Conversions: (Search, display, and performance max campaigns) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce — optimizes bids to maximize conversions. Optionally enter a Target CPA (cost per acquisition). Note: Use this option for campaigns in hybrid portfolios but not standard portfolios. In hybrid portfolios, Search, Social, & Commerce optimizes the campaign-level or (when available) ad group-level Target CPA.
Target CPA: (Display campaigns) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce — optimizes bids based on an optional Target CPA (cost per acquisition), which is the 30-day average amount you want to pay for an acquisition (conversion). Note: Use this option for campaigns in hybrid portfolios (but not standard portfolios) with any spend strategy except Weekly or Google Target CPA. In hybrid portfolios, Search, Social, & Commerce optimizes the campaign-level or (when available) ad group-level Target CPA.
Average position and CPC bid data aren’t available for campaigns with this bid strategy.
Target Impression Share: (Search campaigns) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce — optimizes bids to achieve a target impression share and ad position. Optionally, enter a Target Impression Share as a percentage, the Target Ad Position, and a Max CPC (cost per click). Note: This option isn’t supported in portfolios.
Target Return on Ad Spend: (Display and shopping campaigns) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce — optimizes bids based on a specified Target ROAS (return on ad spend), specified as a percentage. Note: Use this option for campaigns in hybrid portfolios (but not standard portfolios) with any spend strategy except Weekly or Google Target ROAS. In hybrid portfolios, Search, Social, & Commerce optimizes the campaign-level or (when available) ad group-level Target ROAS.
Average position and CPC bid data aren’t available for campaigns with this bid strategy.
Viewable CPM: (Existing, read-only Gmail campaigns only) The ad network — not Search, Social, & Commerce — bids only on ads that are measured as viewable. Note: Optimization for this strategy isn’t supported in any type of portfolio.
Shopping Settings
Sales Country: (Shopping campaigns only; read-only for existing campaigns) The country in which
the campaign’s products are sold. Because products are associated with target countries, this setting determines which products are advertised in the campaign.
Campaign Priority: (Shopping campaigns only; read-only for existing campaigns) The priority with which the campaign is used when multiple campaigns advertise
the same product: Low (the default for new campaigns), Medium, or High.
When the same product is included in more than one campaign, the ad network uses the campaign priority first to determine which campaign (and associated bid) is eligible
for the ad auction. When all of the campaigns have the same priority, the campaign with the highest bid is eligible.
Merchant ID: (Shopping campaigns and audience campaigns linked to a merchant feed only) The customer ID of the merchant account whose products are used for the campaign.
For Microsoft Advertising audience campaigns linked to a merchant center store, select the Merchant ID from the list of all stores linked to the search account. Once you link the campaign to a store and save the settings, you can’t change this option.
Local Inventory Ads: (Shopping campaigns only; advertisers already participating in the local shopping program with Google Merchant Center stores in the US, UK, DE, FR, JP and AU; optional) Allows Google Ads to automatically add your local inventory information to your shopping ads on
Tip: If you use this setting, don’t exclude local ads in the Inventory Filter setting.
Note: Local inventory ads require two additional feeds to Google Merchant Center — one with your local product data and another with your local product inventory. See the Google Ads documentation for more information about local shopping ads.
Inventory Filter: (Shopping campaigns only; optional) Products with specific attributes to advertise for the campaign. If you don’t specify inventory filters, then the ad network may advertise any product in your store.
You can enter up to seven product dimension-and-attribute combinations on which to filter your products, using the format dimension=attribute
. Separate multiple filters
with a “>>
” delimiter. For a list of available product dimensions, see “Shopping campaign product filters.”
The following example shows ads for Acme pet supplies:
CategoryL1=animals>>CategoryL2=pet supplies>>Brand=Acme Pet Supplies
Campaign Targeting
Languages: (Search and display networks only) One or more target languages for ads in the campaign.
Google Ads determines a user’s language from the user’s Google language setting or the language of the search query, the current page, or recently viewed pages on the Google Display Network.
Location Targets: Specific user geographical locations to include or exclude as targets. By default, all locations are targeted. You can include and exclude users in any combination of locations. Exclusions always override inclusions.
To target all locations, don’t select any locations.
To target or exclude specific locations:
(Countries, states, metropolitan regions, or cities) Click Location Target (
To include a location and its child locations, click the adjacent circle once so that a blue checkmark (
To exclude a location, click the adjacent circle twice so that a red checkmark (
To expand a location into its subcomponents (such as the states, metropolitan regions, or cities in the U.S.), click the location name.
To search for a location, enter or paste at least the first three characters of the location in the input field. In the search results, click Include next to a location to include or Exclude next to a location to exclude.
(Locations near an address; included targets only) Click Radius Target (
(Locations near geographic coordinates; included targets only) Click Radius Target (
(To add a bid adjustment for an included target location) Enter a bid adjustment value:
0%: To not adjust bids for ads in this location.
[Other values from -90% to 300%]: To increase or decrease the bid for ads in this location.
Search, Social, & Commerce doesn’t provide auto-adjusted bid adjustments for the following location targets because of limitations in the data that Google Ads provides for mapping surfer locations to location targets:
Radius targets.
Some locations below the state/province/region/county/prefecture level for which Google Ads doesn’t send a parent location in the surfer’s URL, including airports and U.S. congressional districts.
Devices: (Optional; not available for Google Ads performance max campaigns or Microsoft Advertising video or CTV video ads) Configure bid adjustments for different device types, as percentages of the keyword-level bid. For example, if the keyword-level bid is 1 USD and the bid adjustment for smartphones is 50%, then the smartphone bid is 1.50 USD. By default, no values are entered (bid adjustment=0), and all devices are bid at the keyword-level bid.
For Google Ads, valid percentages can include -100 for smartphones and tablets (to not bid for the device type), and from -90 to 900 for all device types.
For Microsoft Advertising, valid percentages can include:
- Smartphones and tablets: -100 (to not bid for the device type) and from -90 to 900
- Desktop: from 0 to 900
- The ad group-level settings override the campaign-level settings. However, if you exclude a device at the campaign level, then you can’t override the exclusion at the ad group level.
- If you assign this campaign to a standard optimized portfolio, then Search, Social, & Commerce automatically determines the base keyword-level bid to help the portfolio meet its objective. The ad network then adjusts the bid as specified for different device types.
- (For all campaigns/ad groups except for Microsoft Advertising ad groups in the audience network) If you assign this campaign to a standard optimized portfolio that’s configured to “Auto-optimize Bid Adjustment Values,” then the optimization capability changes the specified device bid adjustments at the ad group level, as long as the ideal value that it calculates falls within the minimum and maximum values specified in the portfolio settings and the ad group doesn’t exclude bidding for the device type.
Advanced Device Options
Mobile Carriers: (Display network only) Specific mobile carriers to target; the carriers are sorted
by country. If you don’t select any, all are targeted.
Mobile Carriers: (Display network only) Specific operating systems to target. If you don’t select any, all are targeted.
URL Options
Tracking Template: (Optional) The tracking template or tracking URL, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and also embeds the final/landing page URL in a ValueTrack parameter. Example: {lpurl}?source={network}&id=5
to include a redirect.
For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically prefixes its own redirect and tracking code when you save the record.
For supported parameters to embed the final URL, see the Google Ads documentation for the supported ValueTrack formats. (Go to the “Tracking template only” parameters in the section on “Available ValueTrack Parameters.”)
You can optionally include URL parameters and any custom parameters defined for the campaign, separated by ampersands (&), such as {lpurl}?matchtype={matchtype}&device={device}.
You can optionally add third-party redirects and tracking.
- Avoid using macros, which aren’t substituted for clicks from sources that enable parallel tracking. If the advertiser must use macros, then the Adobe Account Team should work with Customer Support or the implementation team to add them.
- The tracking template at the most granular level overrides the values at all higher levels. For example, if both the account settings and the keyword settings include a value, then the keyword value is applied.
- If you update a tracking template at the ad, sitelink, or keyword level, then the relevant ads are resubmitted for review. You can update your tracking templates at the account, campaign, or ad group levels without resubmitting your ads for approval.
Custom Parameters: (Optional; applicable to audience campaigns only for Microsoft Advertising) Name and value pairs for up to three custom parameters. The maximum length for names is 16 alphanumeric characters; the maximum length for values is 200 characters, including embedded parameters.
You can include your custom parameter names in the tracking templates for the entity and its child entities. When a user clicks a relevant ad, the ad network replaces the parameter name with the defined parameter value. For example, if you create a customer parameter {_color}=red
and your tracking template includes{_color}&u={lpurl}
, then “red” is inserted in the color parameter when a user clicks an ad.
Custom parameters at the ad group or (Microsoft Advertising only) ad level override campaign-level
custom parameters with the same name.
Landing Page Suffix: (Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts only; optional) Any parameters to append to the end of final URLs to track information; include all parameters that your business must track. Example: param1=value1¶m2=value2
Accounts that use Adobe Advertising conversion tracking must include the ad network’s click identifier (gclid
for Google Ads or msclkid
for Microsoft Advertising) in the suffix.
Accounts with an Adobe Analytics integration must use the s_kwcid parameter. If the account has a server-side s_kwcid implementation, then the parameter is added automatically when a user clicks an ad; otherwise, you must manually add it here. See the required suffix formats for Google Ads and required suffix formats for Microsoft Advertising.
This field isn’t updated by the Auto Upload tracking setting.
Landing page suffixes at lower levels override the account-level suffix. For easier maintenance, use only the account-level suffix unless different tracking for individual account components is necessary. To configure a suffix at the ad group level or lower, use the ad network’s editor.
DSA Options
Website Domain: (Search network only; applicable to expanded dynamic search ads only) The root domain (such as or subdomain (such as of the website whose content the ad network should use to target your dynamic search ads.
Expanded dynamic search ads target website content, rather than keywords.
Your domain must be indexed by the ad network’s organic search index to be targeted.
If you don’t specify a domain, then you must create dynamic search targets, which target either all of your website pages or a subset of pages, for each ad group.
DSA Language: (Search network only; applicable to expanded dynamic search ads only) The language for the specified website domain.
If the domain contains pages in multiple languages and you want to target all of them, then create a separate campaign for each language.
Customer Acquisition Goals
Customer Acquisition: (Performance max and search campaigns only) How to allocate bids for new customers and existing customers:
Bid equally for new and existing customers
Bid higher for new customers than for existing customers
Note: To use this setting, you must first activate the new customer acquisition goal for the Google Ads account or, if applicable, for the manager account. The goal defines the eligible existing customer lists and the additional conversion value for new customers in the conversion settings. See Steps 1-2 in the Google Ads help “Activate the new customer acquisition goal.”
Only bid for new customers
Negative Keywords
Negative Keywords: (Optional) Any keywords that, when queried, don’t trigger an ad. Use the following syntax, without a minus sign (-
- Negative broad match:
(not supported by Microsoft Advertising) - Negative phrase match:
- Negative exact match:
Separate multiple values with commas, or enter them on separate lines. You can enter or paste up to 2000 negative keywords in one operation.
- The maximum length per keyword is 80 characters and no more than 10 words. The keyword can include only letters, digits, and the following special characters: space
# $ & _ - " [ ] ' + . / :
- You can set negative keywords at the campaign and ad group levels from either the campaign and ad group settings or from the Keywords > Negatives view. Campaign-level negatives are applied at the ad group level.
- Changing a Google Ads keyword or match type deletes the existing keyword and creates a new one.
Negative Websites
Negative Websites: (Campaigns on the display/native network only; optional) Sites in the display network on which you don’t want your ads to be displayed. To specify multiple strings, separate them with commas or enter them on separate lines. Valid formats include:
Web site: Enter a valid URL, such as
A topic: A topic, category, or document vertical. See Google Ads guidelines and a list of all verticals. Example:
category::Industries > Energy & Utilities > Oil & Gas
You can set negative websites at the campaign and ad group levels. Campaign-level negatives are applied at the ad group level.
Campaign Tracking
Override Account Tracking: (Optional) Allows you to set tracking parameters for this campaign. By default, this option is off, and the campaign uses the account-level tracking parameters.
Tracking Type: The method by which URLs are generated:
EF Redirect (the default): For clients who want to use the Adobe Advertising conversion tracking service. This method generates unique click-tracking IDs and redirects users to the Adobe Advertising server for tracking purposes before sending them to the client’s landing page.
This method has default tracking options that you optionally can customize, and you also can specify parameters to append to each URL.
No EF Redirect: For clients who want to use only their own click-tracking codes. Search, Social, & Commerce doesn’t provide click-tracking IDs or redirect codes. For accounts with destination URLs, each destination URL is the same as the base URL.
- Only agency account manager, Adobe account manager, and administrator users can change this value.
- If you change the tracking method, you must regenerate tracking URLs for the account.
- Campaign-level tracking options override account-level settings.
Redirect Type: (For EF Redirect only) The method of redirecting end users to the final URL or destination URL. The selected option is applicable to all ads, keywords, and placements in the account or campaign. The default account-level setting is inherited from the advertiser’s tracking settings, and the default campaign-level setting is inherited from the account settings.
Standard: To just redirect the end user to the specified URL.
Token: To redirect the end user to the URL and also record the Search, Social, & Commerce ID for the click (
) as a query string parameter, which is used as a token. Choose this option if you will report offline transactions, want Search, Social, & Commerce to exchange data with Adobe Analytics, or want to track all conversions that occur within Apple Safari browsers.
- If you switch from Standard to Token, or vice versa, then you must regenerate tracking URLs for the account.
- You can override the account-level setting at the campaign level.
Auto Upload: (For synchronized campaigns with EF Redirect only) Automatically uploads the following to the ad network the next time Search, Social, & Commerce synchronizes with it: (a) Search, Social, & Commerce tracking parameters for tracking templates and the same parameters appended to the final URLs or (b) new destination URLs embedded with Search, Social, & Commerce tracking code. For advertisers with an Adobe Advertising-Adobe Analytics integration and a server-side AMO ID (s_kwcid) configuration, the upload also includes AMO ID parameters for your Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts. The default account-level setting is inherited from the advertiser’s tracking settings. You can override the account-level setting at the campaign level.
Note: Tracking URLs are updated daily only for entities that are out of sync (that is, new entities that were added and existing entities whose properties have changed). Therefore, if you change this setting from disabled to enabled for an existing advertiser/account/campaign, then tracking URLs aren’t updated for existing entities that are already in sync. To add tracking to the URLs of existing, in-sync entities, contact your Adobe Account Team and request a one-time, manual sync process. The automatic upload process will handle future changes.
Encode Base URL: (Accounts with destination URLs and the tracking type EF Redirect only) Whether the URL within the end user’s browser address bar includes character encoding (such as %3D
instead of =
On (the default): To show character encoding in URLs.
Off: To show unencoded URLs.
Tracking Level: (For EF Redirect only; available at the account and campaign levels; not applicable to ad networks that are enabled for parallel tracking) The level at which clicks and revenue should be tracked by adding a redirect (when relevant) and append parameters to the relevant URLs:
Keyword: To track data at only the keyword level.
Ad: To track data at only the ad level.
Note: Changing an existing campaign to this setting deletes any existing keyword tracking IDs. Also, if you want to perform multivariate testing by using multiple landing pages for an ad, then create a bulksheet file and edit it for the required components.
Keyword and Ad: To track data at both the keyword and ad levels.
- Only “Keyword” is available for Naver.
- Only “Ad” is available for Yandex.
Track Product Group: (For EF Redirect only) Not implemented
Append Parameters: (Optional) Any additional tracking parameters to append to the base URLs.. The advertiser-level append parameters are included by default at the account level and the campaign level, but you can override either.
You can use any static text string, including third-party tracking parameters, or any of the supported tracking parameters, which insert an appropriate data value in the base URL.
Separate multiple parameters with commas or ampersands (&). Nested brackets aren’t supported.
Changes to append parameters aren’t controlled by the Auto Upload option. If you change the append parameters for existing base URLs, then new URLs aren’t generated automatically. Add the new parameters by downloading a bulksheet file for the account or campaign, updating the Base URL/Final URL fields, and then uploading and posting the bulksheet.
(Ad networks with parallel tracking) Avoid using macros, which aren’t substituted for clicks from sources that enable parallel tracking. If the advertiser must use macros, then the Adobe Account Team should work with Customer Support or the implementation team to add them.
(Advertisers with an Adobe Advertising-Adobe Analytics integration) To include an AMO ID parameter to send Search, Social, & Commerce data to Analytics, see the ad network-specific formats. It’s not necessary to manually add the parameter for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts with a server-side AMO ID implementation.
Asset Groups (per asset group)
Asset Group Name: The name of the asset group. Links to Google Merchant Center product feeds aren’t supported.
Asset Group Status: The status of the asset group: Active or Paused.
Final URL: The final URL for all ads created from the asset group.
Images: Up to 15 images for the ad, including the following sizes: 1) at least three square images, 2) at least three landscape images, and 3) at least one portrait image. See the Google Ads image specifications. You can either upload images or select them from your Asset Library — but not both in the same operation.
To upload images:
On the Upload from Device tab, click + and select images from your device or network.
For each image:
Select the aspect ratio.
Drag and position the crop box as necessary to select the viewable part of the image, and resize the viewable part of the image as necessary when possible.
(Optional) Select additional aspect ratios, and optionally reposition and resize the image as necessary for each selected aspect ratio.
One asset is created for each selected aspect ratio.
Click Proceed.
When you’re finished specifying images, click Upload.
To select images from your Asset Library, click Asset Library and select the images.
Logos: At least one square (1:1) logo and one landscape (4:1) logo. You can include up to five of each size. See the Google Ads logo specifications. You can either upload images or select them from your Asset Library — but not both in the same operation.
To upload images:
On the Upload from Device tab, click + and select images from your device or network.
For each image:
Select the aspect ratio.
Drag and position the crop box as necessary to select the viewable part of the image, and resize the viewable part of the image as necessary when possible.
(Optional) Select additional aspect ratios, and optionally reposition and resize the image as necessary for each selected aspect ratio.
One asset is created for each selected aspect ratio.
Click Proceed.
When you’re finished specifying images, click Upload.
To select images from your Asset Library, click Asset Library and select the images.
Videos: (Optional) At least one, and up to five, YouTube videos that are at least 10 seconds long. You can either enter URLs or select them from your Asset Library — but not both in the same operation.
To enter URLs:
On the Enter Video Url tab, enter an URL.
(Optional) To add another URL, click + Add and enter the URL.
To select videos from your Asset Library, click Asset Library and select the videos.
Headlines: At least three, and up to five, short headlines with a maximum of 30 characters each. At least one headline must be at least 15 characters or less. If the campaign-level option to enable final URL expansion is set within Google Ads, then Google Ads replaces this value with a custom headline based on the landing page content.
You can either enter text or select assets from your Asset Library — but not both in the same operation.
To enter text:
On the Enter Text tab, enter the text.
(Optional) To add another text string, click + Add and enter the string.
To select assets from your Asset Library, click Asset Library and select the assets.
Long Headlines: At least one, and up to five, long headlines with a maximum of 90 characters each. You can either enter text or select assets from your Asset Library — but not both in the same operation.
To enter text:
On the Enter Text tab, enter the text.
(Optional) To add another text string, click + Add and enter the string.
To select assets from your Asset Library, click Asset Library and select the assets.
Descriptions: At least two, and up to four, descriptions with a maximum of 90 characters each. At least one description must be at least 30 characters or less. You can either enter text or select assets from your Asset Library — but not both in the same operation.
To enter text:
On the Enter Text tab, enter the text.
(Optional) To add another text string, click + Add and enter the string.
To select assets from your Asset Library, click Asset Library and select the assets.
Call to Action: The call to action to include in the ad. By default, Automated is selected, and Google Ads selects the call to action. You can optionally choose a different action.
Business Name: The business name, with a maximum of 25 characters.
Audience Signal: (Optional) Google Ads audiences to use as audience signals for the campaign. Google Ads machine learning models use the audiences to find similar web surfers to target and may also show ads to audiences that aren’t specified as signals to help you meet your performance goals. Choose audiences that are most likely to convert.
Primary Status: (Read-only field for existing asset groups in performance max campaigns) Why the asset group is or isn’t serving at full capacity. It takes into account the asset group status as well as other signals, such as policy and quality approvals. Values may include ELIGIBLE, LIMITED, NOT_ELIGIBLE, PAUSED, PENDING, REMOVED, UNKNOWN, or UNSPECIFIED.
Primary Status Reason: (Read-only field for existing asset groups in performance max campaigns) Additional details about the asset group’s primary status. Values may include ASSET_GROUP_DISAPPROVED, ASSET_GROUP_LIMITED, ASSET_GROUP_PAUSED, ASSET_GROUP_REMOVED, ASSET_GROUP_UNDER_REVIEW, CAMPAIGN_ENDED, CAMPAIGN_PAUSED, CAMPAIGN_PENDING, CAMPAIGN_REMOVED, UNKNOWN, or UNSPECIFIED.
Conversion Goals
Conversion Goal: Whether to Use account conversion goals for this campaign (the default) or Use campaign specific conversion goals. If you choose to specify conversion goals for the campaign, then select standard goals and/or create a custom goal for the campaign.
Goals are synchronized daily, so existing goals created in the previous 24 hours may not be listed. To update the list, manually synchronize the ad network data.
To create a custom conversion goal, click + Add custom goal, enter the custom goal name, select the conversion actions to include in the custom goal, and then click Save. Note: Each campaign can have only one custom goal.