Enable uploading of objectives to ad networks

Advertisers with Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts only

Advertisers enabled for hybrid optimization only

Search, Social, & Commerce can upload the objectives for an advertiser account’s portfolios to Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising so you can use them for hybrid optimization. Your uploaded objectives are available as conversion actions for account-level and campaign-level custom conversion goals.

Enabling this option automatically triggers an upload for objectives in portfolios that contain campaigns with smart bidding strategies. Search, Social, & Commerce creates a conversion on the ad network for each applicable objective. The conversion represents all weighted conversion metrics in the objective. Each conversion has one of the following names:

  • O_ACS_OBJ_<network_ID>_<objective_ID>_<network_account_ID>

    where <network_ID> is the numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce uses for the ad network, <objective_id> is the numeric objective ID, and <network_account_ID> is the numeric ID for the ad network account or manager account.

  • (Old format that will be deprecated in the future) ACS_OBJ_SID_<portfolio_id>_<se_acctid/conversion_manager_se_acctid>

    where <portfolio_id> is the numeric portfolio ID and <se_acctid/conversion_manager_se_acctid> is the numeric ID for the ad network account or manager account.

    Your Adobe Account Team will work with you to migrate your existing conversion action names within the ad network before the old format is deprecated. During the migration period, both the old and new format uploads will run in parallel. Modelling and optimization aren’t affected because the new conversion actions initially appear with “secondary” (not optimized) status and with 90 days of backfill data.

Uploads to Google Ads occur daily at 06:00 in the advertiser’s time zone. Uploads to Microsoft Advertising occur daily at 09:00 in the advertiser’s time zone.

Conversions tracked by Google Ads and by the Microsoft Advertising universal event tracking (UET) tag aren’t re-uploaded to the ad networks. If you include them within an objective, add them to the campaign goals within the ad network’s editor.
  1. In the main menu, click Search > Tools > Conversion Upload Setup.

  2. Select the check box next to Enable Objective Upload.

  3. (Advertisers with Google Ads accounts who do business in the European Economic Area (EEA) or United Kingdom (UK); optional) If you’ve collected consent from EEA and UK users to upload their data for advertising purposes, then select the check box next to If you are doing business in EEA and/or UK, check this box to send consent status as GRANTED for the user data sent to Google Ads for advertising purposes. If left unchecked, we will send consent status as UNSPECIFIED for the user data sent to Google Ads for advertising purposes.

  4. Click Save.

  5. (If your conversions are tracked at a manager account level) Add credentials for your manager account at Search > Admin > Manager Accounts.

After the daily upload is completed, you can verify that the conversion actions appear in the ad network.
