About managing Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising audiences in Search, Social, & Commerce

Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising only

The Audiences Library lists all of your Google Ads customer data-based, in-market, and similar audiences and your Microsoft Advertising remarketing and dynamic remarketing, custom, customer match, in-market, and similar audiences. You can use any of the Google Ads audiences as Google Ads campaign-level and ad group-level targets and exclusions, and you can use any of the Microsoft Advertising audiences as Microsoft Advertising campaign-level and ad group-level targets and (dynamic remarketing audiences only) exclusions. You can add or edit a bid adjustment for any audience target.

You can also create and manage audiences using segments or email lists from your existing Adobe Experience Cloud audiences and from various kinds of customer data from your customer relationship management (CRM) system:

  • Adobe audience segments: Advertisers with opted-in Adobe Audience Manager or Adobe Analytics accounts can create Google Ads customer match audiences from their Adobe segments:

    • (Advertisers with Analytics accounts who don’t also have Audience Manager) You can create Google Ads customer match audiences using user IDs from Analytics segments that are shared with Adobe Experience Cloud.

    • (Advertisers with Audience Manager accounts) You can create Google Ads customer match audiences using user IDs from Audience Manager segments that have Search, Social, & Commerce as a destination. This may include Adobe Analytics segments that are published to Adobe Experience Cloud and segments created using the Adobe Experience Cloud Audience Library.

    To create customer match audiences, the advertiser’s Google Ads account must be eligible for custom match and opted in for user ID segments. Also, the advertiser account in Search, Social, & Commerce must be configured to allow the creation of customer match audiences.

    Adobe segment data and cookie sync files for customer data-based audiences are synced to Google Ads daily.

  • Adobe Campaign email lists: Your Adobe Account Team can help you set up a workflow to create and update a Google Ads customer match audience from an email list within Campaign.

  • Customer data lists: Advertisers with Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising accounts that are eligible for customer match can create and update an ad network-specific customer data-based audience <!-- or dynamic remarketing audience – included in customer data-based audience, at least for Google Ads?–> by uploading a CSV file with primary identifiers.

  • Dynamic remarketing lists: Advertisers with Microsoft Advertising accounts can create and manage dynamic remarketing audiences, which you can use to retarget potential customers who have recently interacted with your products in one of multiple ways (such as product viewers or past buyers). Dynamic remarketing audiences require you to use the ad network’s JavaScript conversion- and audience-tracking tag on your webpages. Use dynamic remarketing lists with shopping campaigns on the search and audience networks to retarget audiences with product ads, as well as with search campaigns to retarget audiences with text ads and dynamic search ads.

    note note
    Bid modifiers for dynamic remarketing audience targets aren’t optimized in portfolios with the “Auto-optimize Bid Adjustment Values” setting.
Search, Social, & Commerce doesn’t store any of the customer data you upload or from the Adobe segments used to create or edit a Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising audience.