Microsoft Advertising expanded dynamic search ad settings

Expanded dynamic search ads (eDSAs) are available only in dynamic ad groups in campaigns on the search network. The ad network dynamically generates the headline and chooses the landing page for a dynamic search ad, and then automatically generates the final URL.

Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Details

Description Line 1: The body of the ad. The maximum length is 90 single-byte characters or 45 double-byte characters.

Display Path 1, Display Path 2: (Optional) Text that’s added to the display URL that’s automatically extracted from the final URL. Each path is preceded in the URL by a forward slash (/). A path can’t contain forward slash (/) or newline (\n) characters. The maximum length for each path is 15 characters or 7 double-byte characters.

To insert an ad customizer, use the following formats, where Default text is an optional value to insert when your feed file doesn’t include a valid value:

  • Google Ads: {CUSTOMIZER.AdCustomizerName:Default text}, such as {CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}

  • Microsoft Advertising: {CUSTOMIZER.Attribute name:Default text}, such as {CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}

For example, if Display Path 1 is “deals” and Display Path 2 is “local,” then the display URL would be <display URL>/deals/local, such as

Description Line 2: (Optional) A second line for the ad. The maximum length is 90 single-byte characters or 45 double-byte characters.

Status: The display status of the ad: Active (to enable bidding; the default), Paused (to disable bidding), or Deleted (to delete the ad; existing ads only).

Tracking URLs

Tracking Template: (Optional; not available for all entities) The tracking template or tracking URL, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and also embeds the final/landing page URL in a parameter. Example: {lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 or{lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 to include a redirect.

For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically prefixes its own redirect and tracking code when you save the record.

  • The tracking template at the most granular level overrides the values at all higher levels. For example, if both the account settings and the keyword settings include a value, then the keyword value is applied.
  • You can update your tracking templates at any level without resubmitting your ads for approval.