The initial setup tasks for reports

New users should perform the following initial setup tasks:

  • Make the conversion metrics that Adobe Advertising is tracking for an advertiser available for reports and other views, and optionally [rename any of the conversion metrics](’t%20available%20for%20reports%20unless%20you%20specifically%20make%20them%20available.%20%20If%20you%20later%20begin%20to%20track%20a%20new%20conversion%20metric,%20then%20you%20must%20repeat%20this%20task.*%20(Optional?lang=en) Automate report generation:

    • If you want to regularly generate report data for a specific time increment, such as a Campaign Report for the last week or last 30 days, then you can set up report templates and schedule them to be run daily or on a specific day of the week or month. Each time the report is scheduled to run, a new report is generated. You have the option to notify the email addresses of specific Search, Social, & Commerce users when the report is completed, based on the notification settings configured in Notification Center.

    • If you want to view up-to-date, daily report data in a custom-formatted spreadsheet, with or without pivot tables and any additional columns you need to perform further calculations, then you can set up a daily spreadsheet feed. Spreadsheet feeds are refreshed daily with the latest performance data and continue to retain data for the previous dates. To configure spreadsheet feeds, you must first create a customized spreadsheet template in Microsoft Excel. You have the option to notify the email addresses of specific Search, Social, & Commerce users when a feed file is available, based on the notification settings configured in Notification Center.

    • If you want to receive basic and advanced reports at an FTP location, then you can set up FTP access to basic and advanced reports by requesting an FTP account and setting up report templates using a specific naming convention.
