Microsoft Advertising product group settings

“All Product” product groups

Condition: (Read-only) All Products

Bid: (Included product groups only) The maximum cost per click (CPC), which is the highest amount to pay for an ad click. This value is used only for units without child product groups, and it’s used instead of the ad group-level value.

Tracking Template: (Optional; not available for all entities) The tracking template or tracking URL, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and also embeds the final/landing page URL in a parameter. Example: {lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 or{lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 to include a redirect.

For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically prefixes its own redirect and tracking code when you save the record.

  • The tracking template at the most granular level overrides the values at all higher levels. For example, if both the account settings and the keyword settings include a value, then the keyword value is applied.
  • You can update your tracking templates at any level without resubmitting your ads for approval.

This template overrides templates at higher levels and is used only for units without child product groups.

All other product groups

Condition/Value: (Read-only for existing product groups) The product dimensions to target. For new product groups, enter the dimension by which to target products and the qualifying attribute for the selected information category (such as “Acme” when you are targeting by brand, or “New” when you are targeting by condition).

Once you create a product group for specific product dimensions (that is, not “All Products”), Search, Social, & Commerce automatically creates a product group for “Everything Else.”

For a list of available product dimensions, see “Shopping campaign product filters.” Your list of dimensions may be limited based on the campaign’s Inventory Filter setting.

Excluded: (Optional for new product groups; read-only for existing product groups) Excludes bids on ads for matching products.

Bid: (Included product groups only) The maximum cost per click (CPC), which is the highest amount to pay for an ad click. This value is used only for units without child product groups, and it’s used instead of the ad group-level value.

Tracking Template: (Optional) The tracking template or tracking URL, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and also embeds the final/landing page URL in a parameter. Example: {lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 or{lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 to include a redirect.

For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically prefixes its own redirect and tracking code when you save the record.

  • The tracking template at the most granular level overrides the values at all higher levels. For example, if both the account settings and the keyword settings include a value, then the keyword value is applied.
  • You can update your tracking templates at any level without resubmitting your ads for approval.

This template overrides templates at higher levels and is used only for units without child product groups.
