Apply a data filter from a column heading menu

You can apply as many filters as you want to a column, one at a time. All filters are joined using the AND operator. To add more than one filter at a time using all available metrics, see “Apply data filters from the toolbar.”

  1. On the right side of the column heading, click Down arrow , and then click Add Filter.

  2. Define the filter on the column:

    • (Filters without input fields) Select the check boxes next to each value to include, and then click Update Filter .

    • (Filters with input fields) Select an operator from the second menu, enter the applicable value, and then click Update Filter .

      For example, if you’ve selected the “Clicks” column and want to return only rows with more than 100 clicks, then select greater than" and enter 100 in the input field Depending on the data type, available operators may include greater than, less than, equals, contains, doesn’t contain, starts with, ends with, no value, has value, before, after, or no date.

      note note
      • Text values aren’t case-sensitive. For example, if you filter by campaigns with “loan” in the name, the results include “Consumer Loans” and “loan applications.”
      • You can apply only one simple numeric filter (such as Impressions > 100) per column.