About syncing Google Analytics conversion metrics

Search, Social, & Commerce can sync conversion metrics for a specific Google Analytics account, property, and view combination for optimization and reporting. Page views, Sessions, Bounce Rate (calculated as bounces/sessions), and Session Duration are automatically included. You can include up to 16 additional metrics per data source.

Advertising DSP users can use the conversion metrics as custom goals and in reports.

All API usage for the data transfers is assessed to a project in the applicable Google Analytics account. You can view your quotas for this project in the Google API Console. See Google Analytics documentation for more information about quotas and call limits for reporting API requests.

The following steps outline the process for syncing conversion data from Google Analytics.

  1. Perform the prerequisite tasks

    • Implement an Adobe Advertising token (ef_id query string parameter) in the landing page URLs for all applicable advertising accounts.

    • Capture the Adobe Advertising token (ef_id query string parameter) in a Custom Dimension in Google Analytics.

  2. (Agency account administrator, agency account manager, Adobe account manager, and administrator users only) Create one data source per Google Analytics account, property, and view combination.

    To integrate metrics for multiple properties or for multiple views for a single property, set up a separate data source for each.

    Once a data source is configured, Search, Social, & Commerce pulls data daily, beginning at 05:00 in the advertiser’s time zone. Once the metrics are available, you can include them in campaign and portfolio management views and in reports, and use them in optimization objectives, as needed.
