Reauthenticate a Google Analytics data source
Agency Administrators, Agency Account Managers, Adobe Account Managers, and Administrators Only
If you change the password for the email account used for a data source, or if the OAuth certificate for the account expires, then all open connections to the email account are closed, and you must reauthenticate to resume syncing data.
In the main menu, click Search > Admin > Data Source Setup.
Select the check box next to the data source that you want to reauthenticate.
In the toolbar above the data table, click
Edit the data source settings:
In the Connect to Google Analytics section, do the following.
(If necessary) Enter a new email address to use to access data for this data source. The email address must be registered to a Google account and have “Read & Analyze” permissions for the Google Analytics account. See the instructions for assigning user permissions in Google Analytics.
note tip TIP To make sure that only specific Google Analytics properties and views are available within Search, Social, & Commerce, log in using an email address that has access to only those properties and views.
Select the check box to authorize Search, Social, & Commerce to access metrics for the account.
Click Re-Authenticate.
Click Post.