Click-tracking formats for sponsored ads on Yandex

The following base destination UR format applies to sponsored ads:<advertiser_ID>/cq?ev_sid=90&ev_lx={phrase_id}&ev_crx={ad_id}&ev_ln={keyword}&ev_mt={source_type}&ev_ltx=&ev_src={source}&ev_pos={position}&ev_pt={position_type}&url=<the landing page>


  • <advertiser_ID> is a variable for the advertiser’s unique ID within Adobe Advertising.

  • This format indicates that token passing is enabled for the campaign (the default). If token passing is disabled, substitute cq? after <advertiser_ID> with c?.

  • <the landing page> is a variable that represents the URL on your site to which end users are directed.

  • source_type is the match type.

  • source is whether the ad was shown on a search or content-based site.

  • position is the position number for the ad in the block. For non-search traffic, the value is “0.”

  • position_type is the block in which the ad was shown on Yandex. Possible values: “premium” (top block), “other” (right block), or “none” (non-search traffic).
