View your publisher recommendations and performance insights

Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts

View your publisher recommendations

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Insights & Reports > Recommendations & Publisher Insights.

  2. In the upper right, select the ad network and the account.

    For Microsoft Advertising accounts, the Recommendations for the account are listed by default.

  3. In the Actions column for the row, click View. If the recommendation has sub-recommendations, then click View next to the sub-recommendation.

    You can optionally apply or dismiss the ad network’s recommendations.

View your Microsoft Advertising performance insights

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Insights & Reports > Recommendations & Publisher Insights.

  2. In the upper right, select the ad network and the account.

  3. Click Insights above the data table.

  4. When the Actions column for the row includes an action, you can optionally click Click here to open the Microsoft Advertising editor, from which you can act on the insight.

    If you aren’t logged in to the Microsoft Advertising editor, you’re first directed to the login screen.
