Propagate inventory feed data through templates
Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! Japan Ads (delete actions only), and Yandex accounts only
After you create an ad network-specific feed template and associate a feed file or a Google or Microsoft merchant center account with it, you can dynamically create ads by propagating the feed data through the template according to the feed data settings. During propagation, the column names in the template are replaced with data values in the feed, and the generated campaigns and their components have the default settings unless the template specifies otherwise. Depending on the template options, Search, Social, & Commerce either creates new account structure (campaigns, ad groups, keywords) for the ads or maps the ads to the existing account structure.
When new feed data contains new data values for an item, or the template has changed, existing ads are deleted and new ones are created. If the only change is the designation of Google Ads Param 1 and Param 2, then only those values are updated. Duplicate ads (the same ad copy and landing page) are never created.
When you propagate data, you can optionally preview the generated data within a campaign hierarchy view, generate a bulksheet file for review, or generate a bulksheet file for immediate posting to the ad network. When each propagation action is completed, a propagation summary is added to the Propagations tab, indicating the number of each entity type that was or would be created, paused, or deleted based on the propagation. If you don’t post the data immediately, then you can preview it and post it later.
Propagate feed files from the Templates tab
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM), which opens to the Templates tab.
Select the check box next to the templates to propagate.
In the toolbar, click Propagate, and then select one of the following options:
Propagate Only: To show the propagated data on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads tabs. You can still post the data for any component and its subcomponents later from the Templates tab.
Propagate and Preview: To create a bulksheet file (named “
<feed file name>_<template name>
”), which is available in the Bulksheets view for review (but not on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads tabs). You can later post the bulksheet file from the Bulksheets view.When the resulting bulksheet file is more than 2 MB, the file is in ZIP format. You don’t need to unzip the file to post it.
Propagate and Post to SE: To create a bulksheet file (named “
<feed file name>_<template name>
”) that is immediately queued for posting to the ad network. The bulksheet file is available in the Bulksheets view, but it isn’t available on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads tabs.When the resulting bulksheet file is more than 2 MB, the file is in ZIP format.
The “Last Prop. Status” column shows the job status for the applicable templates.
When each propagation action is completed, a propagation summary is added to the Propagations tab, indicating the number of each entity type that was or would be created, paused, or deleted based on the propagation. The estimate doesn’t include changes made from within the ad network’s own ad editor.
Propagate feed files from the Feeds list
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM).
In the toolbar above the data table, click Feeds.
Select the check box next to the feed file.
Above the data table, click Propagate/Post Feed Data, and then select one of the following options:
Propagate Only: To show the propagated data on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads tabs. You can still post the data for any component and its subcomponents later from the Templates tab.
Propagate and Preview: To create a bulksheet file (named “
<feed file name>_<template name>
”), which is available in the Bulksheets view for review (but not on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads tabs). You can later post the bulksheet file from the Bulksheets view.When the resulting bulksheet file is more than 2 MB, the file is in ZIP format. You don’t need to unzip the file to post it.
Propagate and Post to SE: To create a bulksheet file (named “
<feed file name>_<template name>
”) that is immediately queued for posting to the ad network. The bulksheet file is available in the Bulksheets view, but it isn’t available on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads tabs.When the resulting bulksheet file is more than 2 MB, the file is in ZIP format.
In the pop-up window, select the check box next to each template through which you want to propagate data from the feed file, and then click Propagate Feed.
All templates associated with the file are listed.
The Templates tab opens, and the “Last Prop. Status” column shows the job status for the applicable templates.
When each propagation action is completed, a propagation summary is added to the Propagations tab, indicating the number of each entity type that was or would be created, paused, or deleted based on the propagation. The estimate doesn’t include changes made from within the ad network’s own ad editor.
View a propagation summary
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM).
Click the Propagations tab.
Next to the template name, click
Stop a propagation job
You can stop a propagation job for inventory feed data while the job is still queued.
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM), which opens to the Templates tab.
In the “Last Prop. Status” column next to the template name, click Cancel.