Adobe Advertising Ad Requirements Policy

Policy last updated: July 17, 2024

For Adobe Advertising DSP and Adobe Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce

This Ads Requirements Policy (“Policy”) sets forth the requirements for Ads distributed via Adobe’s On-demand Services for Adobe Advertising (“Services”). This Policy is incorporated by reference into the Agreement between Adobe and the Customer (“you”) using the On-demand Services. Capitalized terms used in this Policy but not defined herein will have the meaning set forth in that Agreement.

Adobe reserves the right to determine, in its sole judgment, whether an Ad, or the website(s) to which the Ad re-directs or links, violates the requirements of this Policy, in which event Adobe may reject such Ad and/or terminate or suspend access to the Services on that basis.

In addition to the requirements set forth below and in the Agreement, you must comply with the requirements imposed by each media source on which you place your Ads as well as those imposed by any supply side platform (SSP) or other platform used to deliver any of your Ads. It is your responsibility to understand and comply with the policies of the publishers and platforms through which you deliver Ads.

Ad Content Requirements

Creative Requirements

All Ads transmitted, stored, displayed, distributed, or otherwise made available by you via the On-demand Services must be consistent with the advertising specifications contained in the Adobe Advertising Ad Specs, as may be revised by Adobe from time to time.

Prohibited Ads

You must ensure that your Ads and the website(s) to which an Ad links or re-directs do not contain or promote any of the following:

  • Illegal content. Ads may not contain illegal content or promote, encourage, or facilitate illegal activities, products, or services. This includes, but is not limited to, content, products, activities or services that involve use of illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia or violate securities laws. For purposes of this Policy, Ads regarding content, products, activities, or services that relate to licensed cannabis or hemp or derivatives of these substances, such as cannabidiol (CBD) products, are not prohibited, but are subject to restrictions (See “Restricted Ads, Cannabis; Hemp).

  • Infringement upon of the rights or contracts of another. Ads may not violate or infringe the rights or contract of another or promote any product or service that engages in those activities. This includes infringement of intellectual property rights and violations of privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights, including the promotion of file-sharing services that are used primarily to infringe copyrights.

  • Violence or dangerous activities. Ads may not promote or depict violent or dangerous activities or materials, including content that is shocking, sensational, gory, obscene, or that promotes or depicts physical injury, harm or abuse, weapons (including weapon modification or accessories), ammunition, fireworks or other explosive materials.

  • False or misleading ads. Ads may not contain content that is false, misleading, or deceptive. This includes Ads setting unrealistic expectations for users, hiding the true destination that users will be directed to after clicking on an Ad, redirecting or linking to a site that misrepresents itself as another service, mimicking system alerts or warnings (such as from any operating system or mobile application), or appearing confusingly similar to another product or application. Any offers of “free” or discounted products or services must contain clear and accurate disclosures of any terms, conditions, or other requirements to claim such offers consistent with requirements under law. Any claims made must be accurate and truthful.

  • Harmful Ads. Ads may not contain or promote viruses, spyware, or malware, or link to websites containing such software or products. This includes promoting hacking software, cheating services and other offerings that are designed to perform unauthorized actions. Additionally, Ads may not contain content that is harassing, threatening, derogatory, defamatory, discriminatory, offensive, or otherwise objectionable.

  • Counterfeit or fake products. Ads may not promote or depict counterfeit or fake products, including fake documents, such as passports or official paperwork.

  • Sexually suggestive content. Ads may not contain content that contains or promotes sexually suggestive content, including nudity, pornography, adult services or entertainment, or suggestive or explicit depictions or language.

  • Online pharmacies. Ads may not advertise pharmacy services that make prescription or over-the-counter drugs available for purchase online.

  • Healthcare. Ads may not contain claims regarding non-government-approved products or services that are marketed in a way that indicates (directly or by implication) that they are effective for use in preventing, treating, or curing any disease or ailment. Ads may not advertise direct-to-consumer generic tests unless authorized or licensed by the government or clinical trial recruitments.

  • Tobacco. Ads may not offer or promote the sale or use of tobacco products or paraphernalia, including electronic cigarettes.

  • Profanity and vulgar or obscene language. Ads may not contain profanity or vulgar or obscene language. Ads also may not include language intending to accomplish the same effect but which obscures the profanity.

  • Hateful Ads. Ads may not promote or relate to hateful speech or religious intolerance and may not disparage an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, medical or genetic condition, age, nationality or national origin, veteran status, refugee status, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.

  • Sensitive events. Ads may not capitalize on or lack reasonable sensitivity towards any natural disaster, conflict, death, epidemic, pandemic, tragic event, or public fear.

  • Pyramid schemes. Ads may not promote pyramid schemes, multilevel marketing opportunities, chain letters, or other “get rich quick” schemes. Any Ads that include income-generating opportunities must contain a complete explanation of the business model.

  • Sale of body parts. Ads may not promote the sale of body parts or bodily fluids.

  • Distracting Ads. Ads may not contain distracting, undesirable or uncomfortable features or content, including auto-play features (such as Ads that automatically play audio or video), content that flashes, shakes, pulsates, blinks or contains excessively animated objects, text, or images, locally shared objects (including flash cookies and HTML5 local storage), and Ads that interrupt the user experience (such as by overlaying on top of other content).

  • Political content. Political content includes communications that: (1) are paid for by any candidate for office (federal, state, local, or international) or candidate’s campaign; (2) are paid for by any entity that is registered or reporting under the campaign finance law of any jurisdiction (federal, state, local, or international); (3) expressly advocate for or against any clearly identified candidate (federal, state, local, or international), or (4) are otherwise regulated under any jurisdiction’s campaign finance law. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, issue advocacy Ads that are directly or indirectly related to any election, political campaign, candidate for public office, voting, ballot initiative, legislation, or referendum.

Restricted Ads

Ads containing content in the below categories are permitted with specific restrictions described below. Restrictions are based on laws and regulations, industry best practices, and other business considerations.

  • Alcohol. Ads that advertise or promote alcoholic beverages and alcohol companies are only permitted if in compliance with applicable laws and self-regulatory rules. For instance, alcohol Ads may not target minors and can only run in countries that allow ads for alcohol. However, in no event may any Ads glamorize or depict excessive alcohol consumption.

  • Cannabis. Ads that advertise or promote state-legal cannabis companies or cannabis in the Permitted Canadian Provinces are only permitted if in compliance with applicable state or Canadian laws, respectively, subject to (a) previously entering into the applicable Adobe Rider, (b) compliance with Adobe due diligence requirements, and © as permitted by Media Suppliers and applicable laws. Ads for state-legal cannabis may may not offer or promote specific products for sale, and must be geo-targeted to the appropriate state. All permitted cannabis ads may not (1) be appealing to minors, or (2) glamorize or depict cannabis consumption. “Permitted Canadian Provinces” means the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon.

  • Gambling. Ads containing gambling-related content, including by promoting casinos, lotteries, and other games of chance (whether online or offline) may only be promoted in in accordance with applicable laws. However, no Ads may glamorize or depict excessive gambling behaviors or misrepresent the odds or risks of gambling.

  • Hemp. Ads for hemp and hemp-derived products must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, subject to (a) previously entering into the applicable Adobe Rider, (b) compliance with Adobe due diligence requirements, and © as permitted by Media Suppliers and applicable laws. Ads for hemp and hemp-derived products may not (1) make health-related claims, (2) target vulnerable populations, including minors, or (3) glamorize or depict smoking, or (4) suggest that such products have similar intoxicating effects to cannabis.

  • Pharmaceutical Ads. Ads promoting prescription and over-the-counter drugs must comply with applicable federal and local laws, regulations, and guidelines.

  • Financial Products and Services. Ads that promote financial products or services to consumers must comply with applicable federal and local laws, regulations, and guidelines and must disclose all applicable fees. Ads may not promote payday loans, loans that require repayment in full in 60 days or less from the date the loan is issued, title loans, or pawn shops. Ads for mortgages, car loans, student loans, and revolving lines of credit are permitted provided destination URLs prominently disclose key terms such as minimum and maximum period for repayment, annual percentage rate, and representative example of total cost of loan, including any fees.

  • Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Services. Ads that promote cryptocurrency or other blockchain related products or services must comply with applicable federal and local laws, regulations, and guidelines, and must not promote products or services related to unregistered securities offerings, non-fungible tokens, or the sale or issuance of any particular cryptographic token. Ads for cryptocurrency exchange platforms and wallet services are permitted provided that all applicable fees are conspicuously disclosed, and also provided that the advertised service provider is a federally-registered money service business. Ads for blockchain analytics service providers that support transaction monitoring and other compliance functions are permitted.

  • Ads Related to Weight Loss. Ads that promote weight loss or appetite suppressant pills and supplements are not permitted, including products that contain human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Ads may not promote unlikely or dangerous weight loss claims or present deceptive before-and-after weight loss imagery.

Advertising to Minors

Ads may not use personal data to intentionally target users under the age of 16. In addition to the Prohibited Ads and Restricted Ads listed above, Ads may not knowingly market or advertise the following products or services to users under the age of 18:

  • Alcoholic beverages and related accessories
  • Cannabis or hemp products
  • Projectile, BB, or pellet guns/devices
  • Handgun safety certificates
  • Aerosol paint or etching cream capable of defacing property
  • Any substance/material containing Salvia divinorum or Salvinorin A
  • Dietary supplement products
  • Tanning in an ultraviolet tanning device
  • Gambling products and services, including lotteries
  • Body branding such as tattooing, body piercing, or permanent cosmetics

Targeted Ads

The Services may not be used to target ads to users or exclude users from being targeted, including to retarget users based on visits to your websites or other online services, in a way that implies that you are aware of potentially sensitive information about them.

  • Prohibited Targeting. Ads may not be targeted to or directed at an audience based on any of the following factors, whether known or inferred:

    • Religious or similar beliefs or affiliations
    • Race, color, or ethnic origin
    • Sexual history, interests, or orientation
    • Transgender identification
    • Genetic or biometric information
    • Negative financial status (such as credit score), or criminal record, history, or convictions
    • Health or medical records, including prescription records
    • Relationships or relationship status related to personal hardships (such as divorce, bereavement)
    • Abuse and trauma, including status as a victim of crime, abuse, or traumatic event
    • Membership in a marginalized or vulnerable group, including based on social caste or immigration or refugee status
  • European Union. In addition, in the European Union, Ads may not be targeted to or directed at an audience based on the following factors, whether known or inferred about the user:

    • Political affiliation
    • Trade union membership
    • Any other special categories of personal data
  • Health-Related Targeting. You may not use the Services to collect sensitive-health related data or to make inferences about users’ sensitive health or medical treatments. In particular, you may not use the Services to target Ads for any of the following: any form of cancer, mental health-related conditions, or sexually transmitted diseases. Ads may be targeted for non-sensitive health conditions, including acne, allergies, dental, vision, heartburn, cold and flu, sinus, headache, back pain, first aid, sore throat, blood sugar management, diet and fitness, hair removal, and vitamins and supplements.

No Discrimination

You may not use the Services to engage in discrimination in violation of law, including by wrongfully targeting specific groups of people for advertising, wrongfully excluding specific groups of people from seeing ads, or featuring discriminatory content in ads. You are responsible for using the Services responsibly to avoid discrimination against protected classes, including but not limited to ensuring that your Ads do not have a disparate impact on protected classes.
