Change the status of keywords and negative keywords

You can pause an active, biddable search keyword to disable bidding on it. You can later resume bidding by changing the status back to active.

You can also delete active or paused search keywords or negative keywords. Deleted keywords/negative keywords are deleted from the ad network. They’re still visible, but you can’t change them.

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Campaigns. In the submenus, click Live > Keywords > [Keywords | Negatives].

  2. (Optional) Filter the list to include specific keywords or negative keywords.

  3. Select the check box next to each biddable keyword or negative keyword whose status you want to change.

    For tips on selecting multiple rows, see “Select multiple rows.”

  4. In the toolbar, click the status button:

    • (Biddable keywords only) To activate the rows, click Activate .

    • (Biddable keywords only) To pause the rows, click Pause .

    • To delete the rows, click More and select Delete. In the confirmation message, click Delete.
