Bing Ads Geo Report
Microsoft Advertising accounts only
The Bing Ads Geo Report includes cost, click, impression, and (optionally) derived metric data by country/region/metro code/city combinations for each ad group in one or more accounts. By default, the data includes one row for each country/region/metro code/city combination that received at least one impression or click for each applicable ad group for each time unit in the specified date range. The rows are in ascending order by campaign name and then by country, region, metro code, city, and then ad group, by default. The report does not include conversion data tracked by Microsoft Advertising nor Adobe.
You can view data for the previous two months.
- The totals for this report may differ from the totals for the same campaigns and time period in the Geo Distribution Report (which Search, Social, & Commerce compiles) because of different vendors and methodologies in determining geographical locations.
- Data for this report is pulled for the previous day at 23:00 (11:00 p.m.) each day. For example, at 23:00 on June 18, it pulls data for June 17. If you run the report on June 19 at 09:00 — before data for June 18 is pulled — then report includes data through June 17 at 23:00.
Default columns
For descriptions of all default and custom columns, see “Report columns for specialty reports.”
- Account Name
- Start Date
- End Date
- Campaign Name
- Campaign Status
- Ad Group Name
- Ad Group Status
- Country
- Region
- Metro Code
- City
- Impressions
- Clicks
- Cost
- Average Position
- Ad Distribution