Report columns for specialty reports

[Advertiser-specific custom (derived) metrics]
The value for a custom metric you’ve created that’s calculated from existing metrics.
[Advertiser-specific conversion metrics]
The number of conversions for a specified conversion metric or site engagement metric.
Absolute Top Impression Rate Percent
The percentage of your ad impressions that were shown in the first position at the top of search results.
Absolute Top Impression Share Lost To Budget Percent
The estimated percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown in the first position at the top of search results because your daily or monthly budget was too low.
Absolute Top Impression Share Lost To Rank Percent
The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown in the first position at the top of search results because of a poor ad rank.
Absolute Top Impression Share Percent
The impressions you’ve received in the absolute top location (the first ad above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive in the top location.
Account Name
The account name.
Account Number
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The account identifier assigned by the ad network.
Account Status
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The account status: Active, Paused, or Inactive.
Ad Distribution
(Bing Ads Geo Report, MSA Network Impression Share Report, and MSA Network Performance Report) Where the ad was distributed: Audience (on the audience network), Search (on search results pages) or Content (on Microsoft-owned websites or participating partner websites).
Ad Extension ID
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The ID for the ad extension.
Ad Extension Number
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The version attribute for the ad extension.
Ad Extension Type
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The type of ad extension.
Ad Group
The ad group.
Ad Group ID
The unique ID that identifies an existing ad group.
Ad Group Name
The ad group.
Ad Group Status
The ad group status: Active, Paused, or Deleted.
Ad Title
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The ad title.
The advertiser name.
Advertiser ID
The numeric ID for the advertiser’s Search, Social, & Commerce account.
All Conversion Rate
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The conversion rate as a percentage.
All Conversions
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The number of conversions.
All Conversions Qualified
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The number of conversions.
All Cost Per Conversion
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The cost per conversion.
All Return on Ad Spend
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The total revenue divided by spend, expressed as a percentage.
All Revenue Per Conversion
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The revenue per conversion.
(RSA Asset Report) The asset.
Asset ID
(RSA Asset Report) The unique ID that identifies an existing asset.
Asset Performance Label
(RSA Asset Report) The Google Ads performance rating for the asset.
Asset Status
(RSA Asset Report) The asset status: Enabled or Enabled (removed).
Asset Type
(RSA Asset Report) The asset type: Creative Title or Description.
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The number of times an entity contributed to a conversion associated with a different entity.
Audience ID
The numeric audience ID.
Audience Name
The audience. Available audiences include your Google Ads customer data-based, in-market, and similar audiences and your Microsoft Advertising custom, customer match, dynamic remarketing, in-market, remarketing, and similar audiences.
Audience Impression Lost To Budget Percent
The percentage of impression share you lost on the Microsoft Audience Network because your daily or monthly budget was too low.
Audience Impression Lost To Rank Percent
The percentage of impression share you lost on the Microsoft Audience Network because of a poor ad rank.
Audience Impression Share Percent
The estimated percentage of impressions on the Microsoft Audience Network divided by the total available impressions you could have received.
Audience Status
The status of the audience.
Average CPC
The average cost per click.
Average Position, Avg Position
The average position of the ads during the specified date range.

For Google Ads and Yahoo! Japan Ads campaigns, this data is available only through September 2019. For Microsoft Advertising, this data is available only through 22 January 2021.
Bid Match Type
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The match type associated with the keyword that was bid on.
Campaign Budget
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The campaign budget.
Campaign Name
The campaign.
Campaign Start Date
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The first day on which bids were/are placed for the campaign.
Campaign Status
The campaign status: Active, Paused, Ended, or Deleted.
Category (1st level - 5th level)
(AdWords Shopping Performance Report) The first-level through fifth-level Google product categories.
Channel Type
The type of marketing channel: Search or Content. This column isn’t included when the report’s Search/Content setting in the report settings is “Combined.”
(AdWords Geo Report and Bing Ads Geo Report) A city from which clicks originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
Click Match Type
(Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The keyword match type for the ad that was clicked. This value is the same as the Listing Match Type except for Microsoft Advertising keywords with multiple match types. For Microsoft Advertising keywords, this value is the match type that was actually clicked.
Click Type

What the user clicked. Values may include the following:

  • driving_direction: Clicks on a location extension link on an ad for directions
  • other
  • phone_calls: Clicks on a call extension link on an ad to make a telephone call
  • print_offer: Clicks on a Google offer in an ad
  • product_extension: Clicks to expand product extension information in an ad
  • product_listing _ads: Clicks on a shopping ad
  • sitelink: Clicks on a sitelink in an ad
  • url_clicks: Clicks on an ad that contains a base URL leading to your website.
The number of clicks on ads during the specified date range.
Content IS% (Google)
(Google Ads only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The number of impressions you received for ads on the display/audience network divided by the estimated number impressions that you were eligible to receive. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Content IS% Lost to Budget (Google)
(Google Ads only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The estimated percentage of impressions that your ads on the display/audience network didn’t receive because your daily or monthly budget was too low. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Content IS% Lost to Rank (Google)
(Google Ads only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The estimated percentage of impressions that your ads on the display/audience network weren’t shown because of a poor ad rank. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Cost Micros
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during the specified period.
Conversion Rate
The number of conversions divided by the total number of clicks.
Conversion Type
The user-defined conversion type that was tracked on the advertiser’s website.
(MSA Ad Extension and Google Asset Group Performance reports) The value of conversions for the specified period. For the MSA Ad Extension, this is the number of clicks that resulted in a sale or another measure of success.
Conversions from Interactions Rate
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) The number of conversions from ad interactions divided by the number of ad interactions. This value considers only conversion actions for which the include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true.
Conversions Qualified
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The number of conversions.
The total cost for ads during the specified date range.
Cost Per Assist
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The total cost per assist.
Cost Per Conversion
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The total cost per conversion.
(AdWords Geo Report and Bing Ads Geo Report) A country from which clicks originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
The cost per click (CPC) for ads during the specified date range.
Creative Description 1, Creative Description 2
The first and second lines of the ad.
Creative Destination URL
The final URL or the destination URL (including any tracking parameters) for the ad.
Creative Display URL
The display URL for the ad, which is what end users see in the ad.
Creative Status
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The status of the ad.
Creative Name
(Transaction Report; Yahoo! Japan only) The ad image name.
Creative Title
The title or headline of the ad.
The click-through rate, which is the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions for the included ads.
Current Quality Score
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns only) The current quality score for the keyword or bid unit, as designated by the ad network. It ranges from 1 (low) to 10 (perfect). For a single keyword and match type combination, this value is the current score for that combination. When the same keyword and match type combination is used in multiple campaigns, this value is the maximum current score among all instances.

The ad networks use the quality score to determine bid prices and ad position. It’s calculated according to many factors, including the relevancy of the keyword to its associated ad and to the user’s search query and the quality of the landing page. For keywords in Google Ads, the keyword’s click-through rate is also considered, and for keywords in Microsoft Advertising, the user experience provided by the landing page is also considered.
Delivered Match Type
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The match type the ad network used to deliver the ad.
Device OS
The operating system of the device on which the ad was displayed or clicked.
Device Type

The device on which the ad was displayed or clicked:

  • desktop: Desktop computer
  • mobile: Mobile device with a full browser
  • tablet: Tablet with a full browser
The effective CPM, or the average cost paid per 1000 impressions during a specified date range. eCPM values are calculated for either CPM or CPC campaigns.
EF Campaign ID
The numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce assigns to the campaign.
EF Portfolio Group ID
The numeric ID for the portfolio group to which the portfolio belongs.
EF Search Engine ID
The numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce assigns to the ad network: 3 for Google Ads, 10 for Microsoft Advertising, 45 for Meta, 86 for Yahoo! Display Network, 87 for Naver, 88 for Baidu, 90 for Yandex, 94 for Yahoo! Japan Ads, 105 for Yahoo Native (deprecated), or 106 for Pinterest (deprecated).
End Date
The last day reported.
Extension Property Value
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The display name of the extension.
Extension Type ID
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The ID for the ad extension type.
Final URLs
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) A list of final URLs after all cross-domain redirects. The URLs may be expanded if URL expansion is enabled for the campaign.
Final Mobile URLs
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) A list of final URLs for mobile devices after all cross-domain redirects. The URLs may be expanded if URL expansion is enabled for the campaign.
(MSA Ad ExtensionReport reports, MSA Network Performance Report) The name of the conversion goal.
Goal Type
(MSA Ad Extension reports, MSA Network Performance Report) The type of conversion goal.
Google Conversions
(AdWords Conversion Report) The number of online conversions tracked by the Google Ads Conversion Optimizer.
Google Converted Clicks
(AdWords Conversion Report; deprecated in 2016) The number of clicks that resulted in one or more conversions.
Impr. (Abs. Top) %
(Google Ads only; AdWords and Bing Audience Target Report, Campaign Daily Impression Share Report, and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of your ad impressions that were shown as the first ad above the organic search results.
Impr. (Top) %
(Google Ads only; AdWords and Bing Audience Target Report, Campaign Daily Impression Share Report, and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of your ad impressions that are shown above the organic search results.
Impression Lost To Budget Percent
The estimated percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown because your daily or monthly budget was too low.
Impression Lost To Rank Percent
The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown because of a poor ad rank.
Impression Share Percent
The impressions you’ve received divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive.
The number of ad impressions during the specified date range.
The keyword.

Note: If the report includes data from ad groups in content-enabled search campaigns, then this column includes the applicable ad group names such “(adgroup content) Your Ad Group Name.” For a site-targeted placement in a search campaign, this column doesn’t have a value.
Keyword ID
The unique ID that identifies an existing keyword.
Keyword Extension ID
(MSA Ad Extension by Keyword Report) The numeric ID that the ad network assigns to the ad extension.
Keyword Extension Number
(MSA Ad Extension by Keyword Report) The version attribute for the ad extension.
Keyword Extension Type
(MSA Ad Extension by Keyword Report) The ad extension type.
Keyword Status
The status of the keyword to which the search term was matched: Active, Paused, Deleted*, or Disapproved*.
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The target language.
Language and Region
(Bing Ads Geo Report) The target language and market for the ad group (such as English-UK).
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report) The target audience location.
Max Spend % Target
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report; campaigns in portfolios with ROI, CPT, or Marginal Cost per Transaction spend strategies) The maximum daily budget target for the portfolio.
Metro Code
(AdWords Geo Report and Bing Ads Geo Report) A numeric metro code from which impressions or clicks originated (such as us-751 for Denver). It’s determined from the search user’s IP address.
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The marketplace for the ad network.
Network Account ID
The account ID assigned by the network.
Network Ad Group ID
The ad group ID assigned by the network.
Network Asset Group ID
The asset group ID assigned by the network.
Network Asset Group Name
The asset group name.
Network Campaign ID
The campaign ID assigned by the network.
Network Type

The network on which the ad was displayed:

  • google_search: Google Search Network
  • search_partners Google Search Partners
  • display_network: Google Display Network
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) The first set of text that may be appended to the display URL in the ad.
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) The second set of text that may be appended to the display URL in the ad; this field is available only when a Path1 value is specified.
Portfolio Group Name
The name of the portfolio group to which the portfolio belongs.
Portfolio ID
The numeric portfolio ID.
Portfolio Name
The portfolio.
Portfolio Spend Strategy
(Portfolio Report) The spend strategy for the portfolio: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, ROI, Day of week, Day of month, CPT, Marginal CPT, Google Target CPA, or Google Target ROAS.
Portfolio Status

The portfolio status:

  • Optimize: The optimization capability is gathering click and revenue data for the relevant campaigns, modeling the data used for optimization, and optimizing bids, campaign budgets, and campaign bid strategy targets (depending on the optimization type and the bid strategies).
  • Active: The optimization capability is gathering click and revenue data for the relevant campaigns and is modeling the data, but it isn’t optimizing bids or campaign budgets.
  • Inactive: The optimization capability is gathering click data for the relevant campaigns for reporting purposes, but it’s not modeling the data nor optimizing bids or campaign budgets.
Primary Status
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) Why the asset group is or isn’t serving at full capacity. It takes into account the asset group status as well as other signals, such as policy and quality approvals. Values may include ELIGIBLE, LIMITED, NOT_ELIGIBLE, PAUSED, PENDING, REMOVED, UNKNOWN, or UNSPECIFIED.
Primary Status Reason
Product ID
(AdWords Shopping Performance Report) The product ID of the product shown with the ad. Note: The ID is captured only when the product listing includes the tracking parameter ev_plx=<GMC product ID>, which you must add within Google Merchant Center.
Product Type (1st level - 5th level)
(AdWords Shopping Performance Report) The first-level through fifth-level product types (your self-defined attributes for the product group).
Query Match Type
(AdWords Search Query Report) The keyword match type for the search query.
(AdWords Geo Report and Bing Ads Geo Report) A region or U.S./Canadian state for which impressions or clicks originated. It’s determined from the user’s IP address.
Return on Ad Spend
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The total revenue divided by spend, expressed as a percentage.
(MSA Ad Extension reports, MSA Network Performance Report) The total revenue.
Revenue per Assist
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The total revenue per assist.
Revenue per Conversion
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The total revenue per conversion.
SE Account Name
The account name on the ad network.
SE Creative ID
The ad ID assigned by the network.
(AdWords Search Query Report) The search term ID assigned by the ad network.
Search (Abs. Top) IS
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The impressions you’ve received in the absolute top location (the first ad above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive in the top location. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%” or “0.0999.”
Search (Top) IS
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The impressions you’ve received in the top locations (above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive in the top locations. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%” or “0.0999.”
Search Engine
The ad network.
Search Exact Match IS% (Google)
(Google Ads campaigns only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The impressions received divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword), regardless of your keyword match types. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search impr. share
(Google Ads only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The impressions you’ve received divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search IS %
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The impressions received on the search network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search IS% Lost to Bid (Bing)
(Microsoft Advertising only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report; data available through 11 October 2019 only) The estimated percentage of impressions your ad didn’t receive because either your bid was too low or your bid and quality score were below minimum thresholds. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search IS% Lost to Budget
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The estimated percentage of impressions your ad didn’t receive because your daily or monthly budget was too low. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search IS% Lost to Keyword Relevance (Bing)
(Microsoft Advertising only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report; data available through 11 October 2019 only) The estimated percentage of impressions your ad didn’t receive because of insufficient keyword relevance. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search IS% Lost to Page Relevance (Bing)
(Microsoft Advertising only; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report; data available through 11 October 2019 only) The estimated percentage of impressions your ad didn’t receive because of insufficient page relevance. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”
Search IS% Lost to Rank
(Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn’t receive because of an insufficient ad rank. Percentages under 10% are indicated as “<10%,” and percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%.”

Note: Data for Microsoft Advertising campaigns is only available through 11 October 2019.
Search lost abs. top IS (budget)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t the first ads above the organic search results because your daily or monthly budget was too low. For Google Ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost abs. top IS (rank)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t the first ads above the organic search results because of a poor ad rank. For Google Ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost IS (budget)
(Google Ads only; Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown because your daily or monthly budget was too low. This metric is available at the campaign level only. Percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost IS (rank)
(Google Ads only; Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown because of a poor ad rank. Percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost top IS (budget)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown above the organic search results because your daily or monthly budget was too low. For Google Ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search lost top IS (rank)
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising; Campaign Daily Impression Share Report and Keyword Daily Impression Share Report) The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown above the organic search results because of a poor ad rank. For Google Ads campaigns, percentages over 90% are indicated as “>90%” or “0.9001.”
Search Term
(AdWords Search Query Report and Bing Ads Search Query Report) A user search term from which clicks originated.
Start Date
The first day reported.
(Google Asset Group Performance Report) The asset group status.
Store ID
The ad network’s ID that for the merchant center store.
(MSA Ad Extension by Ad Report) The first line of the ad that links to your website.
(MSA Ad Extension by Ad Report) The second line of the ad that links to your website.
(MSA Ad Extension by Ad Report) The third line of the ad that links to your website.
Top Impression Rate Percent
The percentage of your ad impressions that were shown in the mainline (the top ad placements above the search results).
Top Impression Share Lost To Budget Percent
The estimated percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown in the mainline (the top ad placements above the search results) because your daily or monthly budget was too low.
Top Impression Share Lost To Rank Percent
The percentage of time that your ads weren’t shown in the mainline (the top ad placements above the search results) because of a poor ad rank.
Top Impression Share Percent
The impressions you’ve received in the mainline (the top ad placements above the search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions that you were eligible to receive in the top location.
Top vs. Other
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The position of your ad on the search results page.
Total Clicks
(MSA Ad Extension reports) The number of clicks when the ad element was present in the ad copy, whether or not it was clicked.
User SE Account ID
The numeric ID that Search, Social, & Commerce assigns to the ad network.
(Bing Ads Geo Report; ads on the audience network) The number of conversions that resulted from one or more impressions but no clicks.