Text ad and responsive search ad template settings for inventory feeds
Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! Japan Ads (delete actions only), and Yandex accounts only
- The following characters are reserved for designating column names and modifier names in the template, and are therefore prohibited as text in all attribute fields:
[ ] < >
- In Yandex templates, you can use the dynamic parameters
only in URLs, and you can’t use dynamic price insertion in ad descriptions.
[Above all tabs]
Template Name: The name of the template. You can change the name of an existing template without any consequences. The template name can’t include any of the following characters: # % * | \ : " < > . ? /
is allowed)
To create a new template with the same parameters as an existing template, clone the template and give it a new name. The ads that are created from the new template aren’t associated with the ads created from the source template.
Status: The template status: Active, Paused, or Deleted.
Feed data can be automatically propagated only through active templates. However, you can manually propagate data through a paused template.
Account: The ad network account associated with the template. Once you save the template, you can’t change the associated account.
- To re-use the template parameters for another account or search engine, clone the template, specifying the new account.
- If you clone the template for another search engine, you may have to adjust the template parameters accordingly. For example, Google Ads has two description fields for text ads whereas Microsoft Advertising has only one; each search engine has different maximum lengths for ad fields; and Google Param 1 and Google Param 2 are available only for Google Ads accounts.
[Left panel]
Feed & Columns: A feed file or merchant account associated with the template, and the columns (headers) for the selected file or account:
Feed File: Upload a file or select a file from the list of available feed files.
Google Merchant Center: Select a synced Google Merchant Center account. Search, Social, & Commerce creates only product groups; Google Ads auto-generates the shopping ads for the product groups. Custom columns aren’t supported.
Microsoft Merchant Center: (Microsoft Advertising shopping templates only) Select a synced Microsoft Merchant Center account. Search, Social, & Commerce creates only product groups; Microsoft Advertising auto-generates the product ads for the product groups. Custom columns aren’t supported.
Associating the template with a feed file or merchant account is optional until you are ready to create ads using the template.
When you insert a feed column in a template field, the inserted value is denoted as [field_name]
, where “field_name” is the specified field name, to indicate that the value is a variable.
- If you change the feed file or account for an existing template, you may need to adjust the template parameters if the new file contains different headers.
- If the feed file or account associated with the template is deleted or disabled, then the association is also deleted, and you must select a new feed file before you can create more ads using the template. If the new feed file or account doesn’t include the same headers as the original file, then you may need to adjust the template parameters accordingly.
Modifiers: A list of all modifier groups for the advertiser. To see the modifier values associated with a modifier group, click the group name; the values are displayed in the gray panel below it.
When you insert a modifier group in a template field, the inserted value is denoted as <modifier_group_name>
, where “modifier_group_name” is the name of the specified modifier group, to indicate that the value is a variable.
Each template can use only one modifier group.
Campaign: The campaign name, which can consist of any combination of static text, columns in the specified file, and modifiers. Column names and modifiers are substituted with actual data when the specified feed file is propagated through the template.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list.
Map Only: (Optional) Maps all new ad groups (not available for Yandex), keywords, and ads to existing campaigns, rather than creating campaigns. If you enable this option, select the mapping method.
Using Map Only at the campaign level requires an existing account structure that’s closely tied to the product taxonomy and easily maps to the data feed.
Map Method: (When Map Only is enabled for the campaign) The method by which new ad groups (not available for Yandex), keywords, and ads are mapped to existing campaigns:
Contains Anywhere: Adds data to an existing campaign whose name includes the specified string, if it exists.
Contains Exactly: Adds data to an existing campaign whose name includes the specified string, if it exists.
Exactly Matches (the default): Adds data to an existing campaign with the same name, if it exists.
When no match is found, all data for the campaign is ignored. If multiple campaign matches are found, then the keywords and ads are mapped to all of them.
Campaign Tracking Template: (Accounts with final/advanced URLs only; optional) The campaign-level tracking template, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and embeds the final URL in a parameter. This value overrides the account-level setting, but tracking templates at more granular levels (with keyword as the most granular) override this value.
For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include "EF Redirect" and "Auto Upload," Search, Social, & Commerce automatically appends redirect and tracking code when you save the record.
To embed the final URL:
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising only) For a list of parameters to indicate final URLs in tracking templates, see the (Microsoft Advertising only) Microsoft Advertising documentation or (Google Ads only) the “Tracking template only” parameters in the section on “Available ValueTrack Parameters” in the Google Ads documentation.
(Yahoo! Japan Ads only) Use the parameter
to indicate the landing page URL. -
You can optionally include URL parameters and any custom parameters defined for the campaign, separated by ampersands (&), such as
For third-party redirects and tracking, enter a value.
Final URL Suffix: (Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts only; optional) Any parameters to append to the end of final URLs to track information; include all parameters that your business must track. Example:param1=value1¶m2=value2
In accounts that use Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, the suffix must include the ad network’s click identifier (msclkid
for Microsoft Advertising; gclid
for Google Ads).
Accounts with an Adobe Analytics integration must use the AMO ID parameter. If the account has a server-side AMO ID implementation, then the parameter is added automatically when a user clicks an ad; otherwise, you must manually add it here. See the required suffix formats for Google Ads and required suffix formats for Microsoft Advertising.
- This field isn’t updated by the Auto Upload tracking setting.
- Final URL suffixes at lower levels override the account-level suffix. For easier maintenance, use only the account-level suffix unless different tracking for individual account components is necessary. To configure a suffix at the ad group level or lower, use the ad network’s editor.
Stock Level: (Optional) A numeric or text-based column in the specified file that represents the stock level of a product or service. The column name is substituted with actual data when the specified feed file is propagated through the template. To insert a value, click in the input field and then click the column name in the column list.
You can control whether to pause or delete ads for your inventory for out-of-stock items by using the feed data setting “When a numeric stock level reaches N units, or where a text-based value is ‘out of stock.’”
This column has non-numeric values:(Optional) The specified column has non-numeric values. For example, if you use the “Availability” column in a Google Merchant Center feed, then the values are non-numeric, such as “in stock” and “out of stock.” Note: Text-based values aren’t case sensitive.
Campaign Level Negative Keywords
Delete negative keywords when omitted from list: (All ad networks except Yandex; optional) Deletes existing campaign-level negative keywords previously created using the template that aren’t specified in the lists below. Note: Negative keywords created using other means (such as in plain bulksheets, the Campaigns views, or in the ad network’s ad editor) are never removed using the template.
Set negative keywords by campaign name condition: (All ad networks except Yandex; optional) Allows you to specify negative keywords for campaigns whose name includes a specified string. When you select this option, you can add up to three campaign name strings and corresponding keywords.
For each string, click Add (Up to 3) and enter the following information:
If campaign name contains: A text string to look for anywhere within the campaign name. The query is case-sensitive (for example, “Car” matches the campaign name “Car Parts” but not “INTERIOR CAR ACCESSORIES”).
Apply these negatives: Any static campaign-level negative keywords to add for campaigns whose name includes the specified string. To specify multiple keywords or multiple match types for the same keyword, enter them on separate lines. Use the following syntax, without a minus sign:
- Negative broad match:
(not supported by Microsoft Advertising) - Negative phrase match:
- Negative exact match:
- Negative broad match:
The customary syntax for phrase and exact match types is used in the bulksheet that’s generated when you propagate feed data through the template. Note: You can’t see the negative keywords in the Keywords tab or in the Search > Campaigns > Campaigns view.
All other campaigns: Apply these negatives: (All ad networks except Yandex; optional) Any static campaign-level negative keywords to add for campaigns whose name doesn’t match a specified string. To specify multiple keywords or multiple match types for the same keyword, enter them on separate lines. Use the following syntax, without a minus sign:
- Negative broad match:
(not supported by Microsoft Advertising) - Negative phrase match:
- Negative exact match:
The customary syntax for phrase and exact match types is used in the bulksheet that’s generated when you propagate feed data through the template. Note: You can’t see the negative keywords in the Keywords tab or in the Search > Campaigns > Campaigns view.
Manage Settings for NEW Campaigns
Manage Settings for NEW Campaigns:(Optional) Allows you to configure settings for any campaigns that are created.
Initial Budget: (Optional) The budget for each new campaign created. Enter either a numeric value or a column name. If you use a column name, then the lowest value for that column that is processed by the template is used. To insert a column name as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list. If you don’t enter a budget, each campaign created uses the default budget for the account.
Networks: (In Google Ads and Yandex campaign settings) The networks on which to place ads:
Search: To place bids for sponsored search listings.
(Google Ads campaigns) To include bids on listings for Google Ads search partners, select the check box next to Search partners.
Content: To place bids for placements on content (display) network listings. Note: You can’t create placements using the template. When you select this option, create placements for each ad group and specify which pages on the display network to target for each ad group using either bulksheets or the ad group and placement settings in the Search > Campaigns views.
Languages: (Google Ads search and display networks only) One or more target languages for ads in the campaign.
Google Ads determines a user’s language from the user’s Google language setting or the language of the search query, the current page, or recently viewed pages on the Google Display Network.
Locations: (All ad networks except Yandex) The geographical locations in which to place ads:
Target all locations or Target entire market (the default for new campaigns): To place ads at all locations for the specified language.
Target specified locations: To limit ad placement to specific geographical regions, or (Google Ads and Yahoo! Japan Ads only) to exclude ad placement in specific geographic locations. For Google Ads campaigns, you can optionally add bid adjustments for each location you include.
(To target or exclude specific locations) Find the location or sublocation, and drag it into the Locations Included box or (Google Ads and Yahoo! Japan Ads only) the Locations Excluded box.
To list the subcomponents of any item in the list (such as the states, metropolitan regions, or cities in the U.S.), click the item.
To search for a location, begin to enter the location name in the search field. In the search results, click Add next to a location to include or Exclude next to a location to exclude.
(Google Ads only; To add a bid adjustment for an included target location) Click a bid adjustment value (by default, “No Adj”), enter the value, and click OK. Note: For Google Ads campaigns in standard portfolios, Search, Social, & Commerce doesn’t optimize bids using location bid adjustments.
Values can include:
0%: To not adjust bids for ads in this location.
[Other values from -90% to 300%]: To increase or decrease the bid for ads in this location.
Ad Groups
Ad Group: The ad group name, which can consist of any combination of static text, columns in the specified file, and modifiers. Column names and modifiers are substituted with actual data when the specified feed file is propagated through the template.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list.
Map Only: (All ad networks except Yandex; optional) Maps all new keywords and ads to existing ad groups, rather than creating new ad groups. If you enable this option, select the mapping method.
Using Map Only at the ad group level requires an existing account structure that’s closely tied to the product taxonomy and easily maps to the data feed.
Map Method: (When Map Only is enabled for ad groups; all ad networks except Yandex) The method by which new keywords and ads are mapped to existing ad groups:
Contains Anywhere: Adds data to an existing ad group whose name includes the specified string, if it exists.
Contains Exactly: Adds data to an existing ad group whose name includes the specified string, if it exists.
Exactly Matches (the default): Adds data to an existing ad group with the same name, if it exists.
When no match is found, all data for the ad group is ignored. If the ad group data in the feed doesn’t include campaign data, then the ad group is mapped to an ad group with the same name in any campaign, if one exists. If multiple ad group matches are found, then the keywords and ads are mapped to all of them.
Ad Group Tracking Template: (Accounts with final/advanced URLs only) The ad group-level tracking template, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and embeds the final URL in a parameter.
For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically appends redirect and tracking code when you save the record.
For third-party redirects and tracking, enter a value. To indicate the landing page URL:
For Yahoo! Japan Ads accounts, use the parameter {lpurl}.
For parameters available for Microsoft Advertising and Google Ads accounts, see the Microsoft Advertising documentation or the "Tracking template only"parameters in the section on "Available ValueTrack Parameters" in the Google Ads documentation.
This value overrides the account- and campaign-level settings, but tracking templates at more granular levels (with keyword as the most granular) override this value.
Ad Group Level Negative Keywords
Delete negative keywords when omitted from list: (All ad networks except Yandex; optional) Deletes existing ad group-level negative keywords previously created using the template that aren’t specified in the lists below. Note: Negative keywords created using other means (such as in plain bulksheets, the Campaigns views, or in the ad network’s ad editor) are never removed using the template.
Apply these negatives: (All ad networks except Yandex; optional) Any static ad group-level negative keywords to add. To specify multiple keywords or multiple match types for the same keyword, enter them on separate lines. Use the following syntax, without a minus sign:
- Negative broad match:
(not supported by Microsoft Advertising) - Negative phrase match:
- Negative exact match:
The customary syntax for phrase and exact match types is used in the bulksheet that’s generated when you propagate feed data through the template. Note: You can’t see the negative keywords in the Keywords tab or in the Search > Campaigns > Campaigns view.
Manage Settings for NEW Ad Groups
Manage Settings for NEW Ad Groups:(Optional) Allows you to configure settings for any ad groups that are created.
Language: The target language for ads in the ad group: English, French, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Spanish, or Swedish. The default for new campaigns is English.
This setting determines the countries and regions in which your ad can be displayed. Choose a language compatible with the campaign’s location targets.
Keywords: Keywords for the specified ad group (or campaign for Yandex accounts), which can consist of any combination of static text, columns in the specified file, and modifiers. Column names and modifiers are substituted with actual data when the specified feed file is propagated through the template.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list. To specify multiple keywords or multiple match types for the same keyword, enter them on separate lines. To specify the keyword match type, use the following match type syntax around the column name:
For Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! Japan Ads templates:
For dynamic parameters: Broad Match =
, Broad Match Modifier for the first term in the Keyword column (such as +blue suede shoes) =+[keyword]
, Broad Match Modifier for each term in the Keyword column (such as +blue +suede +shoes) =+[keyword]+
, Phrase Match ="[keyword]"
, Exact Match =[[keyword]]
For static keywords: Broad Match =
, Broad Match Modifier =+keyword
, or Phrase Match ="keyword"
You can’t enter static keywords with exact match and standard match syntax here because they’re surrounded by brackets (
), like dynamic parameters are.
For Yandex templates:
For dynamic parameters: Insert the column name, such as
. To indicate match type, use the Yandex-specific syntax. Note: For broad match terms, use the following syntax: Broad Match Modifier for the first term in the Keyword column (such as +blue suede shoes) =+[keyword]
, Broad Match Modifier for each term in the Keyword column (such as +blue +suede +shoes) =+[keyword]+
For static keywords: Only search keywords are supported. Use the Yandex-specific syntax for the keyword. Brackets (
) to indicate word order aren’t supported.
- You can manually include multiple modifier values in the Keywords field by enclosing comma-separated values within parentheses either before or after a keyword parameter (but not in both places). For example,
(cheap, discount, affordable)[product]
produces three separate ads for each product. - If you don’t specify a match type, then the default match type “broad” is used.
- Negative matches aren’t supported.
- Google broad match modifiers now have the same matching behavior as phrase match for some languages, and you can’t create new broad match modifier keywords. See the Google Ads documentation for more information.
Map Only: Adds any new ads to ad groups (or to campaigns for Yandex accounts) in which the specified keywords are found, rather than creating new keywords. To enable this option, select the check box. When this option is enabled, any Param 1 and Param 2 variables in the specified keywords don’t apply because the keywords exist.
Keyword Final URL: (Accounts with final/advanced URLs; optional) The landing page URL to which ad network users are taken when they click your ad. It must include the same domain as the display URL, and any parameters in the final URL must match the parameters in the landing page URL after the ad click. It may contain redirects within the landing page domain or subdomain but no redirects outside the landing page domain.
If you use a Google Merchant Center feed and include this value in the "Link" column, then insert that column in this field.
- If you generate tracking URLs when you post data propagated through the template, tracking parameters are appended to this value based on the account tracking settings.
- (Google Ads accounts) Avoid using macros, which aren’t substituted for clicks from sources that enable parallel tracking. If the advertiser must use macros, then the Adobe Account Team should work with Customer Support or the implementation team to add them.
Keyword Tracking Template: (Accounts with final/advanced URLs; optional) The tracking template, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and embeds the final URL in a parameter. The tracking template at the most granular level (with keyword as the most granular) override values at all other levels.
For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically appends redirect and tracking code when you save the record.
You can optionally enter third-party redirects and tracking.
To indicate the landing page URL:
(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising only) For a list of parameters to indicate final URLs in tracking templates, see the (Microsoft Advertising only) Microsoft Advertising documentation or (Google Ads only) the “Tracking template only” parameters in the section on “Available ValueTrack Parameters” in the Google Ads documentation.
(Yahoo! Japan Ads only) Use the parameter
to indicate the landing page URL.
Param 1, Param 2 [Google Ads templates]: (Google Ads templates only) The column in the specified file that represents the Google Ads {param1}
or {param2}
variable, which you can include in the ad copy or display URL for any ad created from the template. To insert the dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list. The column name is substituted with the actual data when the feed file is propagated through the template.
If you use either parameter, you have an option to only apply the parameter to new keywords or to also update the values of existing keywords that weren’t created from the template:
Do Not Apply to Existing Keywords (the default): Simply inserts the value of the parameter for new keywords that are created using the template.
Apply to Existing Keywords: Constant: In addition to creating new keywords from the feed, Search, Social, & Commerce also updates the value of the parameter for all existing keywords in the ad group that weren’t created using the template. Enter a single numeric value that is used for all of those keywords. The template must contain at least one keyword.
Apply to Existing Keywords: Min: In addition to creating new keywords from the feed, Search, Social, & Commerce also updates the value of the parameter for all existing keywords in the ad group that weren’t created using the template as long as the feed file contains numeric values for the parameter, with up to one decimal point but without commas, currency symbols or codes, or any other characters. The minimum value for the parameter in the feed file is used for all existing keywords. For example, if the feed file has Param1 values of 21500 and 22000, then the Param1 values for the existing keywords are changed to 21500. The template must contain at least one keyword. Tip: Use this option only when you have tightly themed ad groups so that it makes sense for keywords to have the same value.
The data fields in the feed file may have a maximum of 25 characters and may consist of only numeric data with the following non-numeric characters:
(When you use the "Apply to Existing Keywords: Min" parameter) Up to one decimal point only.
(When you don’t use the "Apply to Existing Keywords: Min" parameter):
The value can be preceded or appended with a currency symbol or code. For example, £2.000,00 and 2000GBP are valid.
The value can include a comma (,) or period (.) as a separator, with an optional period (.) or comma (,) for fractional values. For example, 1,000.00 and 2.000,10 are valid.
The value can be prefixed or appended with a percent sign (%), plus sign (+), or minus sign (-). For example, 20%, 208+, and -42.32 are valid.
Two numbers can be embedded with a forward slash. For example, 4/1 and 0.95/0.45 are valid.
Param 2 [Microsoft Advertising templates]: (Microsoft Advertising templates only) The string to use as the substitution value in an ad if the title, text, display URL, or final URL contains the {Param2}
dynamic substitution string. The maximum length is 70 characters, but be aware of the maximum length of the ad elements in which you use it (for example, an ad title may include up to 25 characters).
Param 3: (Microsoft Advertising templates only) The string to use as the substitution value in an ad if the title, text, display URL, or final URL contains the {Param3}
dynamic substitution string. The maximum length is 70 characters, but be aware of the maximum length of the ad elements in which you use it (for example, an ad title may include up to 25 characters).
Initial Bid (<Match Type or Ad Type>): The initial bid for each keyword with the specified match type or ad type.
Ad Type: (Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns only) The type of ads: Expanded Search Ads or Responsive Search Ads.
Prefill: (Optional) Prefills all alternate ad copy fields with text from the original ad copy fields.
Pin: (Responsive search ads only) The ad position at which the title/headline must be included (such as "Pinned at position 1"). The default is Unpinned.
At least one title must be available for each position. If you pin multiple titles to the same position, then the final ad always includes one of those titles in the specified position. Titles pinned to position 3 may not be shown with the ad.
Headline 1, Headline 2, Headline 3: (Responsive search ads only) The ad titles (headlines). Each ad variation must include at least three, and up to 15, ad titles. The ad network displays ads with up to three headlines. The maximum length for each title is 30 characters, including any dynamic text (such as the values of keywords and ad customizers).
To insert an ad customizer, use the following formats, where Default text
is an optional value to insert when your feed file doesn’t include a valid value:
Google Ads:
{CUSTOMIZER.AdCustomizerName:Default text}
, such as{CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}
Microsoft Advertising:
{CUSTOMIZER.Attribute name:Default text}
, such as{CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}
Ad Title: (Existing Microsoft Advertising standard text ads only; read-only) The title, or first line, of an ad. Microsoft Advertising has deprecated the creation and editing of standard text ads.
Headline 1, Headline 2: (Google Ads and Yahoo! Japan Ads expanded/extended text ad templates only) The headline of an ad. The maximum length for each line (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 30 characters or 15 double-byte characters.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list. To insert the Param1 or Param2 variable, enter the value {param1:default text}
or {param2:default text}
, where "default text" is text that is used if the parameter column in the feed file is empty for an ad row.
Headline 3: (Google Ads expanded text ad templates only; optional) A third headline for an ad. The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 30 characters or 15 double-byte characters.
Title: (Yandex only) The title, or first line, of an ad. The maximum is 33 characters.
Title Part 1, Title Part 2: (Microsoft Advertising expanded text ads only) The headline of an ad. The maximum length for each line (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 30 characters or 15 double-byte characters.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list. To insert the Param1 or Param2 variable, enter the value {param1:default text}
or {param2:default text}
, where "default text" is text that is used if the parameter column in the feed file is empty for an ad row.
Ad Text: (Microsoft Advertising expanded text ads only) The body of an ad. The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 80 characters or 40 double-byte characters (such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).
Description: The body of the ad.
(Google Ads expanded text ad templates) The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 90 characters or 45 double-byte characters.
(Yahoo! Japan Ads templates) The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 80 characters or 40 double-byte characters.
(Yandex templates) The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 75 characters, and a single word can’t be more than 22 characters.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list. To insert the Param1 or Param2 variable, enter the value {param1:default text}
or {param2:default text}
, where "default text" is text that is used if the parameter column in the feed file is empty for an ad row.
Pin: (Responsive search ads only) The ad position at which the description must be included (such as "Pinned at position 1"). The default is Unpinned. At least one description must be available for each position.
If you pin multiple descriptions to the same position, then the final ad always includes one of those descriptions in the specified position. Descriptions pinned to position 2 may not be shown with the ad.
Description 1, Description 2: (Responsive search ads only) The ad descriptions. Each ad variation must include at least two, and up to four, ad descriptions. The ad network displays ads with up to two descriptions; enter at least two. The maximum length for each description is 90 characters, including any dynamic text (such as the values of keywords and ad customizers).
To insert an ad customizer, use the following formats, where Default text
is an optional value to insert when your feed file doesn’t include a valid value:
Google Ads:
{CUSTOMIZER.AdCustomizerName:Default text}
, such as{CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}
Microsoft Advertising:
{CUSTOMIZER.Attribute name:Default text}
, such as{CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}
Description 2: (Google expanded text ad templates only; optional) A second line of the ad. The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) is 90 characters or 45 double-byte characters.
Display Path 1, Display Path 2: (Expanded text and responsive search ads only; optional) One or two URL paths to include consecutively after the base URL. They should describe the product or service in the ad in more detail. For example, if you add a Display Path 1 of "Shoes" and Display Path 2 of "Outdoor" to the base URL www.example.com, the URL is www.example.com/Shoes/Outdoor. The maximum length (after any dynamic parameters are replaced) for each field is 15 characters or 7 double-byte characters.
For responsive search ads, insert an ad customizer using the following formats, where Default text
is an optional value to insert when your feed file doesn’t include a valid value:
Google Ads:
{CUSTOMIZER.AdCustomizerName:Default text}
, such as{CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}
Microsoft Advertising:
{CUSTOMIZER.Attribute name:Default text}
, such as{CUSTOMIZER.Discount:10%}
Display URL: (Existing Microsoft Advertising and Yahoo! Japan Ads standard text ads only; read-only) The URL displayed in an ad.
Microsoft Advertising and Yahoo! Japan Ads have deprecated the creation and editing of standard text ads.
Base URL: (Accounts with destination URLs only) The page to which users are taken. It can include third-party redirection and tracking code. If you use the Adobe Advertising conversion tracking service, and the campaign settings include using the EF Redirect and adding tracking at the ad level, then Search, Social, & Commerce automatically adds its own redirection and tracking code to the ad.
To insert a column name or modifier group as a dynamic parameter, click in the input field, and then click a column name in the column list or a modifier name in the Modifiers list.
Final URL: (Accounts with final/advanced URLs) The landing page URL to which users are taken when they click your ad. It must include the same domain as the display URL, and any parameters in the final URL must match the parameters in the landing page URL after the ad click. It may contain redirects within the landing page domain or subdomain but no redirects outside the landing page domain.
If you use a Google Merchant Center feed and include this value in the "Link" column, then insert that column in this field.
- If you generate tracking URLs when you post data propagated through the template, then tracking parameters are appended to this value based on the account tracking settings.
- (Google Ads accounts ) Avoid using macros, which aren’t substituted for clicks from sources that enable parallel tracking. If the advertiser must use macros, the Adobe Account Team should work with Customer Support or the implementation team to add them.
Tracking Template: (Accounts with final/advanced URLs; optional) The tracking template, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and embeds the final URL in a parameter. The tracking template at the most granular level (with keyword as the most granular) override values at all other levels.
For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include "EF Redirect" and "Auto Upload," Search, Social, & Commerce automatically appends redirect and tracking code when you save the record.
For third-party redirects and tracking, enter a value. To indicate the landing page URL:
For Yahoo! Japan Ads accounts, use the parameter {lpurl}.
For parameters available for Microsoft Advertising and Google Ads accounts, see the Microsoft Advertising documentation or the "Tracking template only"parameters in the section on "Available ValueTrack Parameters" in the Google Ads documentation.
[Alternate ad fields below the original ad fields]: (Optional) An alternate set of ad copy for an ad, which may be used if any of the lines in the original ad copy exceed the maximum length allowed once any dynamic parameters are filled in with data during propagation.
- If the Prefill option is selected, then the alternate fields are pre-filled with the original fields, and you can edit them as needed.
- Only the ad copy fields that exceed the maximum length are replaced with the alternate value. For example, if only an original headline or title is too long, then the generated ad variation uses the alternate headline or title and the original descriptions. Therefore make sure that the alternate ad copy makes sense when combined with the original ad copy.
- If the original ad copy meets the search engine’s length requirements, then the alternate ad copy is discarded.
[Component] Ad Label Classifications > [Label Classification and Value]: (Optional) Values for up to five existing label classifications to assign to the ad variations that are created or edited using the template. For each campaign component to which you want to assign label classifications:
Click the check box.
Configure the label classification values for the ad variation template:
For each label classification and value to assign to the component, do the following:
Click Add Label Classification.
Select the existing label classification, and then either select an existing value or enter a new value.
The maximum length for each value is 100 characters, and it can include ASCII and non-ASCII characters.
To insert a column name as a dynamic parameter for a label classification value, click in the input field (the second field), and then click a column name in the column list.
You can include only one value per classification per campaign component. For example, a campaign can have Color=Red but not Color=Red and Color=Blue.
To change an existing label classification value, select or enter a new value.
To remove an existing label classification value, click X next to the value.
Feed Filters
[Feed Filter]: Which rows in the feed file to propagate:
Propagate all rows found in feed: (The default) To propagate data for all rows.
Propagate rows that meet certain conditions: To propagate data for only rows that meet up to ten specified conditions. Specify the filters to apply:
Select the Boolean operation to use for all filters: AND or OR.
Select a column name from the first menu, select an operator from the second menu, and then either enter the applicable values or leave the input field blank to propagate data for rows without conditions.
The column list includes all available columns in the feed.
Available operators include contains, does not contain, =, <> (isn’t equal to), in, not in, less than, and greater than. When you select the operator “in,” you can enter a comma-separated list of values; if a record matches any of the specified values, then data is propagated for those rows. For all other operators, enter only one value. Values aren’t case-sensitive.
For example, if you selected the “product_type” column and want to return only rows for product names containing “shoes,” then select “contains” and enter
in the input field.- (To apply up to nine additional filters) For each additional filter, click Add Condition, and then specify the additional filter per Step 2.
Label Classifications
[Component] Label Classifications > [Label Classification and Value]: (Optional) Values for up to five existing label classifications to assign to the different campaign components that are created or edited using the template. Label values are inherited by child entities (including child entities that are created later), so you don’t need to enter values for child entities unless you want to override the inherited values. Label classifications for product groups are applied to the unit (most granular) level.
For each campaign component to which you want to assign label classifications:
Click the check box next to [Component] Label Classifications.
Configure the label classification values for the template:
For each label classification and value to assign to the component, do the following:
Click Add Label Classification.
Select the existing label classification, and then either select an existing value or enter a new value.
The maximum length for each value is 100 characters, and it can include ASCII and non-ASCII characters.
To insert a column name as a dynamic parameter for a label classification value, click in the input field (the second field), and then click a column name in the column list.
You can include only one value per classification per campaign component. For example, a campaign can have Color=Red but not Color=Red and Color=Blue.
To change an existing label classification value, select or enter a new value.
To remove an existing label classification value, click X next to the value.