Microsoft Advertising keyword settings

You can create keywords for campaigns that use the search and display networks.

Keyword Details

Keywords: The keywords, including any Microsoft Advertising match syntax and placeholders. The maximum length per keyword is 100 characters.

You can enter or paste up to 2000 keywords. Separate multiple keywords with commas, or enter them on separate lines.

  • You can create negative keywords from the Keywords > Negatives view and in the ad group and campaign settings.
  • Changing a Microsoft Advertising keyword deletes the existing keyword and creates a new one with a new keyword ID. Changing the match type, however, doesn’t delete the existing keyword.

Status: The display status of the keyword: Active or Paused. The default for new keywords is Active.


Bid: The maximum cost per click (CPC) for an ad or cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) for an ad using the keyword, as applicable for the ad network and campaign pricing model. This value overrides the ad group-level value.

If a CPM keyword is in an optimized portfolio, then the specified bid is applied for one day. Afterward, the optimization capability places bids according to its own calculations.


Param2: The string to use as the substitution value if the keyword’s base URL or the ad’s title, description, or base URL contains the {Param2} dynamic substitution string. The maximum length is 70 characters, but be aware of the maximum length of the ad elements in which you use it (for example, Title 1 and Title 2 combined may be a maximum of 76 characters).

Param3: The string to use as the substitution value if the keyword’s base URL or the ad’s title, description, or base URL contains the {Param3} dynamic substitution string. The maximum length is 70 characters, but be aware of the maximum length of the ad elements in which you use it (for example, Title 1 and Title 2 combined may be a maximum of 76 characters).

URL Options

Base URL: The landing page URL to which search engine users are taken when they click your ad. Include any parameters that determine the content of the page. Base URLs at the keyword level and sitelink level override those at the ad level.

Once you save the record, the base URL includes any append parameters that are configured for the campaign or account.

This field can optionally include the {Param2} and {Param3} dynamic substitution variables.

Tracking Template: (Optional; not available for all entities) The tracking template or tracking URL, which specifies all off-landing domain redirects and tracking parameters and also embeds the final/landing page URL in a parameter. Example: {lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 or{lpurl}?source={network}&id=5 to include a redirect.

For Adobe Advertising conversion tracking, which is applied when the campaign settings include “EF Redirect” and “Auto Upload,” Search, Social, & Commerce automatically prefixes its own redirect and tracking code when you save the record.

  • The tracking template at the most granular level overrides the values at all higher levels. For example, if both the account settings and the keyword settings include a value, then the keyword value is applied.
  • You can update your tracking templates at any level without resubmitting your ads for approval.