Search Engine Report

The Search Engine Report includes cost, click, and (optionally) conversion data for one or more ad networks. By default, the data includes one row for each applicable ad network for each time unit in the specified date range. The rows are in ascending order first by ad network and then by the start date for the time unit by default. You can optionally retrieve more granular information, such as separate rows for each account, campaign, bid strategy, currency, and device.

You can view data for the previous 36 months.

Default columns

For descriptions of all default and custom columns, see “Report columns for basic and advanced reports.”

  • Search Engine
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Impressions
  • Cost
  • Clicks
  • CPC
  • Avg Position
  • Impr. (Abs. Top) %
  • Impr. (Top) %
  • ViewThroughConversions