About customizing data in campaign management views

In most campaign data views, you can customize the data that appears within the data table. You can customize the data in the following ways:

  • Edit the settings for your entire default view for a specific entity view (such as Campaigns) to include a specific column order, filters, date range, attribution rule, and more — and either apply the settings temporarily or save them. You can also create additional custom views and apply any of your views anytime.

  • Change the columns and their sort order from the Columns icon on the right side of the toolbar, or quickly change just the columns from any column heading in the view.

  • From the left navigation panel, you can:

    • Browse or search for entities by ad network, and filter by the status of the entity and the status of the account, campaign, and ad group or ad set. Click any entity or entity group in the panel to load a view of the child entities (for example, click a campaign name to view its child ad groups).

    • Browse or search for campaigns by portfolio or portfolio group, and filter by the status of the entity and the status of the portfolio group, portfolio, and campaign. Click any portfolio group, portfolio, or campaign in the panel to load data for the portfolio group, portfolio, or campaign within the current entity view.

    • Access, edit, and reset your default views; and access, edit, and delete your custom views. Clicking any view name loads the appropriate view.

  • Apply filters on any available data columns to change the data that is displayed on the current tab. You can create filters from the column headings or from a button on the toolbar. Filters are maintained when you open child entities. For example, if you view campaigns with > 100 clicks and then open an ad group within that campaign, only ad groups with

    100 clicks are shown.

  • Change the date range used in all default and custom views for which you haven’t saved specific date ranges.

  • Re-sort the data according to the values in a specific column.

  • Control whether to display 25 rows, 50 rows, 100 rows, 200 rows, or Continuous Scroll in the bottom right of any page.
