Use Activity QA with server-side delivery
Use QA URLs with server-side delivery in Adobe Target to perform easy end-to-end activity QA with preview links that never change, optional audience targeting, and QA reporting that stays segmented from live activity data.
The standard implementation of Activity QA supports passing qa_mode
parameters via pageUrl
parameters. This approach is convenient for standard/ajax Target calls. However, for server-to-server calls, this is not the best approach for a Mobile SDK case when pageUrl
is not available.
The following code sample shows Activity QA in a server-side call:
"mbox" : "orderConfirmPage",
"clientSideAnalyticsLogging": true,
"clicked" : true,
"tntId" : "12121212.17_01",
"order" : {
"profileParameters" : {
"mboxParameters" : {
"requestLocation" : {
"qaMode" : {
"token" : "<encrypted token string>",
"bypassEntryAudience" : true,
"listedActivitiesOnly" : true,
"evaluateAsTrueAudienceIds" : [audienceId1, audienceId2...],
"evaluateAsFalseAudienceIds" : [audienceId3, audienceId4...],
"previewIndexes" : [
"activityIndex" : 1,
"experienceIndex" : 1
"mboxTrace" : true
The following table explains a server-side request’s details:
Default Value
Encrypted token
It cannot be empty.
It cannot be empty.
An encrypted entity that contains the list of activity IDs that are allowed to be executed in Activity QA.
Validation rules: Should be an encrypted token belonging to the client specified in the Target request. All activities specified in the token should belong to the client.
Validation rules: Should be an encrypted token belonging to the client specified in the Target request. All activities specified in the token should belong to the client.
Specifies whether entry step targets for QA activities should be evaluated or if they should be considered as matching.
Specifies whether QA activities should be executed in isolation or if they should be evaluated as active activities for the current environment.
List of IDs
Empty list.
List of audience IDs that should always be evaluated as true in the scope of the Target request.
List of IDs
Empty list.
List of audience IDs that should always be evaluated as false in the scope of the Target request.
It cannot be empty.
It cannot be empty.
Activity index in the encrypted token. If activityIndex is out of boundaries of the activity in the token or if null, it will be ignored. Index starts with 1.
Validation rules: Should be at least one activity index, and should reference an activity specified in the token.
Validation rules: Should be at least one activity index, and should reference an activity specified in the token.
When specified, selects an experience by index in the activity definition. If not specified or out of boundaries, it will fall-back to the activity’s experience selector strategy. Index starts with 1 Validation rules: Can be null, or should reference an experience in the activity.