Recommending items based on brand

After your entity attribute rules are built, they will filter out all recommendations with attributes that do not match the entity value passed on the page.

The following example shows recommendations matching product brand shown on the page:

When you visit a page that features a Brand A product, the page sets the value of the entity.brand parameter to “BrandA”.

Example Target call

In the recommendations on the page, you will see Brand A products only.

Brand A recommendations

If you then view a Brand B product page, the entity.brand value will be reset to “BrandB” and you will see Brand B products recommended on Brand B product pages.

Brand B recommendations

Upselling to a more expensive product

Suppose that you’re an apparel retailer and want to encourage users to consider higher-priced and, therefore, more profitable items. You can use the “equals” and “is between” operators to promote more expensive items that are from the same category and the same brand. For example, a shoe retailer can promote more expensive running shoes in an effort to up-sell a visitor looking at running shoes, as in the following sample:


Entity Attribute Matching
category - equals - current item's - category
Entity Attribute Matching
brand - equals - current item's - brand
Entity Attribute Matching
value - is between - 100% and 1000% of - current item's - value

Promoting private-label products

You can mix dynamic and static filters to promote private-label products. For example, an office supply company can promote toner cartridges of the company’s house brand to drive a more profitable sale for a visitor looking at toner – and promote pens of the company’s house brand to drive a more profitable sale for a visitor looking at pens, as in the following sample:

House Brand

Entity Attribute Matching
category - equals - current item's - category
Static Filter
IsHouseBrand - equals - true


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
