
Character limits and other limits (offer size, audiences, profiles, values, parameters, etc.) that affect activities and other elements in Adobe Target.

The limits listed below should be considered “hard” limits unless specified as “recommended.”
When the limits designated as “recommended” are approached or exceeded, performance can slow. Slow interface load times can also be caused by a very complex activity, such as many audiences, targets, and experiences all in one activity.
Highly complex activities should be reviewed with Adobe Consulting and tested in a limited environment before being released to production.


Activity names

  • Limit: 250 characters.

Number of activities per account

  • Recommended limit: 10,000 active live activities.

  • Recommended limit: 10,000 active saved (and not ended) activities.

Target API calls

  • Limit: 50 calls per minute for the Admin, Reporting, and bulk profile update APIs. This limit does not apply to the Delivery and single profile update APIs.

    If you make more than 50 API calls per minute, Target returns a “503 HTTP status” error message.


Audience names

  • Limit: 255 characters.

Audiences, reusable per account

  • Recommended limit: 20,000 audiences.

Number of audiences per mbox, metric, or experience

  • Limit: 50 audiences

categoryId parameter

  • Limit: 256 characters.

Content delivery content-delivery

  • Limit: 100 concurrent Target content delivery requests per user session.

    If a customer exceeds 100 concurrent Target content delivery requests for a given user session, all subsequent requests for that user session are blocked. Two or more requests are considered to be concurrent if they are all sent to the Target server before the response is received for any of them. Target processes concurrent requests for the same session sequentially.

    • Error behavior:

      • Delivery API and Batch Mbox v2:

        • Error code: HTTP 420 Too Many Requests
        • Error message: “Too many requests with same session ID”
      • Legacy mbox API:

        • Default content with comment “Too many requests with same session ID”
      • at.js:

        • Default content displayed
  • Limit: 50 mboxes per Target content delivery batch mbox request.

    Exceeding 50 mboxes per Target content delivery batch mbox request results in a response error code HTTP 400 with error message size must be between 0 and 50.

    Batch mbox requests are processed sequentially, increasing the overall response time with each iteration. The more mboxes on the batch request, the more response latency can be expected, and therefore potential for timeouts. If experience rendering is blocked on these high latency batch requests, the latency could result in a degraded user experience as users wait for experiences to render.

  • Limit: 60 MB HTTP POST body size for Target content delivery requests.

    Exceeding 60 MB on the HTTP POST body size of a Target content delivery request results in a response error code HTTP 413 Request Entity Too Large.

  • Recommended limit: 50 notifications per Target delivery batch request.

    Exceeding 50 notifications per Target delivery batch request likely results in increased response latency and timeouts.

    Batch notification requests are processed sequentially, increasing the overall response time with each iteration. The more notifications on the batch request, the more response latency can be expected, and therefore potential for timeouts. Some additional latency on batch notification requests might be acceptable for some customers, but be aware that timeouts and any subsequent retries could cause even more latency.

Customer attributes

Customer attribute names

  • Limit: 250 characters through feed or API.

Customer attribute alias ID

  • Limit 50 characters.

Customer attributes, uploading

  • Maximum file size for each upload using the HTTP method: 100 MB.
  • maximum file size for each upload using the FTP method: 4 GB.
  • Number of attributes allowed to subscribe: 5 for Target Standard and 200 for Target Premium.


Number of entities

  • The maximum number of entities that can be referenced in a design, either hardcoded or via loops, is 99.
  • The recommended limit for best performance is to keep the catalog fewer than one million items per environment and fewer than ten million items across all environments.
  • The maximum limit is ten million items per environment and 100 million items across all environments. If you have between one million and ten million items per environment, performance of the Catalog Search UI is impacted. Target Recommendations, however, continues to produce and deliver recommendations.

Entity custom attributes

  • Custom entity attributes: 100.

  • Character Limit: The maximum character length depends on the language.

    • 15,000 characters (single-value, one- and two-byte languages)
    • 500 values, 100 characters per value (multi-value)

    The maximum length of single-value entity custom attributes is 15,000 characters (for one-byte and two-byte UTF-8 encoded languages such as English and other Latin-script alphabets) or 10,000 characters (for three-byte UTF-8 encoded languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

    Multi-value entity custom attributes can contain no more than 500 values. Each individual value is limited to 100 characters. The total number of characters across all values must conform to the limitations for the maximum length of single-value entity custom attributes (see above.)

  • Limit for implementations that require capturing purchase information: 50 characters.

    This limit is enforced because the productPurchasedId mbox parameter captures the entity.ids, which limits the character count to 50.

  • Limit for implementations that require view-based algorithms only:: 1,000 characters.

    View-based algorithms include view/view, most viewed, recently viewed, and so forth.

excludedIds excludedid

  • Limit: 5 KB for POST requests. 2,083 characters minus the length of the URL for GET requests.

    For GET requests, although the limit on the back end is 5 KB, due to the fact that Microsoft Internet Explorer limits the URL to 2,083 characters, the realistic limit is 2,083 characters minus the current length of the URL.


Experience names

  • Limit: 50 characters.

Experiences per activity

  • Limit: 2,000 experiences per Experience Targeting (XT), A/B Test, Multivariate Test (MVT), and Auto-Target activity.

    30,000 experiences per Automated Personalization (AP) activity.

Modifications per experience

  • Limit: 50 per experience on any activity


In-mbox profile attribute value in-mbox

  • Limit: 256 characters.

    Values with more than 256 characters are truncated when using at.js 1.x. You receive an error message when sending values with morethan 256 characters when using at.js 2.x or the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. Values are not automatically truncated.

In-mbox profile names

  • Limit: 128 characters.

mbox names mbox-names

  • Limit: 250 characters.

    For Delivery API (at.js 2.x), Batch mbox V2, and Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK (alloy.js) integrations, mbox names can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and any of the following characters:

    code language-none
    - , . _ / = ` : ; & ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | ? ~ [ ] { }

    For at.js 1.x integrations, mbox names cannot contain any of the following characters:

    code language-none
    ' " %22 %27 < > %3C %3E

mbox parameters mbox-parameters

  • Limit: The following limits apply to mbox parameters:

    For standard mbox calls:

    • mbox parameters: 500 parameters per mbox.
    • Profile parameters: 500 parameters profile parameters per mbox.
    • Other Parameters (URL, referring URL, etc.): 50 per mbox for each other parameter type.

    These limits apply unless the request is shortened due to web browser limitations.

    If you are using the Batch Delivery API, the limit is 50 mboxes per batch request.

    If you are using the Batch Delivery API in the Mobile Services SDK, the limit of 50 mbox parameters, 50 profile parameters, and 50 for other parameter types are limitations of the API itself. It is not possible to send a request containing more that these numbers using the Batch Delivery API. If a request contains more than these limits, the API will return the following error message:

    “The number of mboxParameters cannot exceed 50.”

    Limits set for endpoints:

    Batch mbox v2:

    • mbox parameters 100
    • mbox parameter name max length 128
    • mbox parameter value cannot be null
    • mbox parameter value 5000
    • profile parameters 50
    • profile parameter name max length 128
    • profile parameter value cannot be null
    • profile parameter value max length 5000

    Delivery API endpoint:

    • mbox parameters 100
    • mbox parameter name max length 128
    • mbox parameter value cannot be null
    • mbox parameter value 5000
    • profile parameters 50
    • profile parameter name max length 128
    • profile parameter value cannot be null
    • profile parameter value max length 5000

mbox request URLs

  • Limit: 2,083 characters.

    This limit is due to Microsoft Internet Explorer URL length restrictions.

mbox3rdPartyId parameter

  • Limit: 256 characters.


Offer names

  • Limit: 250 characters.

Number of offers

  • Limit: 150,000 total offers.

    Activity sync errors occur if the limit of 150,000 offers is exceeded.

Offer size offer-size

The following size limits apply to offers:

  • 1024 KB for HTML offers.

  • 1024 KB (for each experience) for visual offers from the UI.

  • 1024 KB from the API.

    If you are using a global mbox, the limit is for the whole set of content returned for the page. Limiting offer size improves page load times. If the limit is exceeded, the following message appears:

    “The content for the experience is too large to deliver. Please modify the experience to affect less page code.”

orderId parameter

  • Recommended limit: 120 characters.

orderTotal parameter

  • Recommended limit: 120 characters.

productPurchasedId parameter

  • Limit: 50 characters per comma-separated value and 250 characters in total. Individual values longer than 50 characters are truncated by the system. Total lengths above 250 characters result in a 400 error.

Profile scripts

  • Recommended limit of active profile scripts (those that are enabled): 300

  • Recommended limit of total profile scripts per account: 2,000

  • Recommendations for limiting profile script complexity: Profile scripts can execute a limited number of instructions. For more information, see Best practices in Profile attributes.


  • Recommended limit: 5,000 properties.

Reporting audiences/segments

  • Limit: 50 reporting audiences/segments per activity.

Script profile input box in the Target UI

  • Recommended limit: 2,000 characters.

    Depends on the size of the encoded string, which could be much longer than the raw string. If the string is too large, it fails before it gets to Adobe Target.

Script profiles

Script profile names

  • Limit: 50 characters.

Script profile values

  • Limit: 2,048 characters.

    For performance reasons, we recommend a return value that is no longer than 256 characters.

    For a String return value, if the size of the return value exceeds 2,048 characters, the script is disabled by the system.

    For an array return value, if the size of the concatenated values of the array exceeds 2,048 characters, the script is disabled by the system.

Success metrics

  • Limit: 200 per activity.


Target conditions

  • Recommended limit: 1,000 values.

    This refers to the number of line-separated values in the targeting text area. For example, entering 1,000 zip codes into a zip code target.

Targeting rules targeting-rules

  • Recommended limit: 2,500 characters per targeting rule value.
  • Recommended limit: 50,000 unique values per audience across targeting rules.
  • Recommended limit: 100,000 unique targeting rule values per activity.