Custom Target attribute categories

The following table shows the customer-provided data collected by Automated Personalization and Auto-Target activities. This data is collected only if you provide it. Specific attribute names and sample values are particular to your system configuration.

Data categorySystem prefixDescriptionDisplay name in Insights reports
Page parametersBOXCustom page parameters (“mbox parameters”) passed in the call to Target.Custom - Mbox Parameter - [parameter name]
Target profilePROCustom profile attributes are directly uploaded to the Target profile via API or page parameter and Target profile scripts.Custom - Visitor Profile - [attribute name]
Customer attributesCRSCustomer Attributes uploaded to the Target profile via the Adobe Experience Cloud Customer Attributes Service.Custom - Visitor Profile - [attribute name]
URL parametersURLURL and any URL parameters for the currently viewed page.Custom - URL Parameter - [URL Parameter]
Referring URLREFReferring URL and any URL parameters for the referring URL.Custom - [Referring URL Parameter] - [Parameter value]
Adobe Experience Cloud shared audiencesAAMAll audiences shared with Target from other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions (for example, Adobe Audience Manager and Adobe Analytics, via the Experience Cloud Audience Library).Custom - Experience Cloud Audience - [Audience Name]
Adobe Experience Platform Real-time CDP audiencesUPSPlatform Real-time CDP Audiences shared with Target via Destinations.
Adobe Experience Platform Real-time CDP attributesAEPPlatform Real-time CDP Attributes shared with Target via Destinations.

Blocking features from Target machine-learning algorithms

Features can be blocked from Target machine-learning algorithms, preventing them from being used in any Automated Personalization or Auto-Target model or activity.

For more information, see Models API (Blocklisting) Overview in the Adobe Target Developer Guide.

Device and mobile data

Attribute nameAttribute descriptionSample valuesSystem name
Mobile - Device - BrandThe brand of the mobile device the visitor used to access the
Mobile - Device - eReaderSpecifies whether the device is an eReader.0 is False, 1 is
Mobile - Device - Game ConsoleSpecifies whether the device is a game console.0 is False, 1 is
Mobile - Device - Media PlayerSpecifies whether the device is a media player.0 is False, 1 is
Mobile - Device - Mobile PhoneSpecifies whether the device is a mobile phone.0 is False, 1 is
Mobile - Device - Model NameThe model name of the mobile device the visitor used to access the activity.iPhone
Device - Set-Top BoxSpecifies whether the device is a set-top box.0 is False, 1 is
Mobile - Device - TabletSpecifies whether the device is a tablet.0 is False, 1 is
Mobile - Pixel Density (ppi)The mobile device’s pixel density the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so
Mobile - OS – OS X (Android, Windows, and so on)Specifies whether the user used an OSX (or Android, Windows, and so on) device to access the activity.0 is False, 1 is[OS]
For example,,,,
Mobile - Screen Height (px)The mobile device’s screen height (in pixels) the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so
Mobile - Screen Width (px)The mobile device’s screen width (in pixels) the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so

Environmental data

Attribute nameAttribute descriptionSample valuesSystem name
Browser - Day of WeekThe day of the week when the visitor accessed the activity.0 – 6.
(0 is Sunday)
Browser - Hour of DayThe hour of the day when the visitor accessed the activity.0 – 23
(0 is midnight)
Browser - Hour of WeekThe hour of the week when the visitor accessed the activity.0 – 168
(Sunday midnight is 0)
Browser - Language SettingThe language specified in the visitor’s browser used to access the activity.English
Browser - Time of DayThe browser’s time of day when the visitor accessed the activity.0, 6, 12, 18
(0 is night, 6 is morning,
12 is afternoon, 18 is evening)
Browser - TimezoneThe visitor’s time zone while accessing the activity.Pacific Time
Eastern Time
Browser - TypeThe type of browser the visitor used while accessing the activity.Chrome
Internet Explorer
Browser - Weekday/WeekendThe work status when the visitor accessed the activity (weekend, work hours, or weekday free-time).Saturday and Sunday are weekend
Monday-Friday 0900 – 1800 is work time
Monday-Friday after 1800 until 0900 is weekday free time
Browser - Window Height (px)The browser’s window height (in pixels) the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so on,ENV_BrowserHeight
Browser - Window Width (px)The browser’s window width (in pixels) the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so on,ENV_BrowserWidth
Device - Screen Height (px)The device’s screen height the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so on,ENV_ScreenHeight
Device - Screen Width (px)The device’s screen width the visitor used to access the activity.1, 2, 3, and so on,ENV_ScreenWidth
Operating SystemThe operating system on the visitor’s device used to access the activity.Mac OS
Search Bot
Unknown OS
Operating System - VersionThe operating system’s version the visitor used to access the activity.Windows 10
Mac OS 10
Traffic Sources - Referring Landing Page URLThe first page the visitor saw when accessing your site.

Geographical data

Attribute nameAttribute descriptionSample valuesSystem name
Geo - CityThe city from which the visitor accessed the activity.San FranciscoGeo_City
Geo - CountryThe country from which the visitor accessed the activity.GermanyGeo_Country
Geo - DMAThe Designated Marketing Area (DMA) from which the visitor accessed the activity.CharlottesvilleGeo_DMA
Geo - LatitudeThe latitude from which the visitor accessed the activity.47.269
Rounded to 3 decimal places (approximately 100-meters accuracy)
Geo - LongitudeThe longitude from which the visitor accessed the activity.-122.269
Rounded to 3 decimal places (approximately 100-meters accuracy)
Geo - State/RegionThe state or region from which the visitor accessed the activity.Utah
New South Wales
Geo - Zip CodeThe Zip Code from which the visitor accessed the activity.84004GEO_ZipCode
Mobile - CarrierThe mobile carrier the visitor used when accessing the activity.Vodafone
Network - Connection SpeedThe network connection speed of the device when the visitor accessed the activity.Broadband
Network - Domain NameThe name of the network domain from which the visitor accessed the activity.nnt.netGEO_DomainName
Network - ISPThe network from which the visitor accessed the activity.nnt communications corporationGEO_IspName

Session data

Attribute nameAttribute descriptionSample valuesSystem name
Visitor Profile - Activity Lifetime Order ValueSpecifies the sum of all order values across all visits/sessions to a particular activity.DoubleSES_CUMULATIVE_ORDER_VALUE
Visitor Profile - Activity Lifetime Time on SiteSpecifies the visitor’s total time spent on site, excluding the current session, and is updated when the session expires.Double, millisecondsSES_TOTAL_TIME
Visitor Profile -Average Page Views per Visit during ActivitySpecifies the average number of page views per session, excluding the current session.DoubleSES_REQUESTS_PER_SESSION
Visitor Profile - Average Time per VisitSpecifies the average time spent per visit/session. This does not include the current session.Double, millisecondsSES_TIME_PER_SESSION
Visitor Profile - First VisitSpecifies the time of the first visit that the user interacted with Target.Double, millisecondsSES_PROFILE_CREATION_TIME
Visitor Profile - Hours since Last VisitSpecifies the hours since the last visit to this particular activity.Double (Only integer positive number) 1, 2, 3, and so on.SES_HOURS_SINCE_LAST_VISIT
Visitor Profile - Impressions of Location/ContentSpecifies the number of impressions to a particular location/content combination in a particular activity.Double (Only integer positive number) 1, 2, 3, and so on.SES_CUMULATIVE_ACTION_[LOCATION_ID]_[CONTENT_ID]
Visitor Profile - Last Target InteractionSpecifies the time of last interaction with Target. Interaction happens on every Target request because the current implementation of Target updates the profile on each request.Double, millisecondsSES_PROFILE_UPDATE_TIME
Visitor Profile - Pages Seen Before ActivitySpecifies the number of total page views (impressions), including the current visit/session until the visitor enters the activity.Double (Only integer positive number) 1, 2, 3, and so on.SES_TOTAL_PAGE_VIEWS
Visitor Profile - Page Views in Current VisitSpecifies the number of page views in the current visit/session until the visitor enters the activity. More precisely, the number of impressions. These impressions are not real page views, rather this is the number of times the request reached Target. Target is not capable of distinguishing between timeouts or any other reasons that the user did not receive or view the content.Double (Only integer positive number)SES_SESSION_POSITION
Visitor Profile - Start of Current VisitSpecifies the time when the current visit/session with Target started. The visit with Target can be initiated without entering an activity. All that is required is a call to any Target request. A visitor might take a while until entering the activity and the snapshot is taken.Double, millisecondsSES_SESSION_START
Visitor Profile - Start of Most Recent VisitSpecifies the time of when the last visit/session with Target started. This attribute gets updated when the session expires.
If this is the first session for the visitor, it results in LAST_SESSION_START = 0.
Double, millisecondsSES_LAST_SESSION_START
Visitor Profile - Time Since Most Recent Visit When First Enter ActivitySpecifies the duration between the previous session and the time when the user enters the activity and the snapshot is performed.Double, millisecondsSES_RECENCY
Visitor Profile - Time in Visit Before Enter ActivitySpecifies the difference between the last interaction with Target and when the current visit started. This attribute could be considered visit/session duration until the user enters the activity and the snapshot is performed.
Negative values happen when the session start and the last update time are triggered by the same Target call. Negatives values should be considered as 0 (zero).
Double, millisecondsSES_SESSION_TIME
Visitor Profile -Total VisitsSpecifies the total number of visits/sessions. Does not include the current visit/session.Double (Only integer positive number) 1, 2, 3, and so on.SES_TOTAL_SESSIONS
Visitor Profile - Total Visits to ActivitySpecifies the number of visits to a particular activity. If there is no previous visit, returns 0 (zero).Double (Only integer positive number) 1, 2, 3, and so on.SES_PREVIOUS_VISIT_COUNT
Visitor Profile - Total Visits to Activity with ConversionSpecifies the number of visits/sessions to a particular activity when there was at least one conversion during the visit.DoubleSES_CUMULATIVE_SUCCESSES
Visitor Profile - Visits to Activity with No ConversionNumber of visits/sessions with no conversions to a particular activity. This value is reset to zero after conversion, or -1 if conversion never happened.Double (Only integer positive number) 1, 2, 3, and so on.SES_SUCCESS_RECENCY
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Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
