Expected data variance when not using A4T

Variances of 15-20% are normal, even with similar data sets. Systems that count differently can result in much higher data variances, as much as 35-50%. Sometimes, variances can be even higher.

Although actual data can vary significantly, trends are usually consistent. As long as the differences and trends remain consistent, the data remains valuable and useful. If the differences and trends are inconsistent, it could mean that something is set up incorrectly. In this case, contact your account representative for assistance.

Analytics uses a system based on visits and transactions, but Target uses visitor-based metrics. Whenever a visitor opens a page, it counts as a visit in Analytics, but Target does not count the visit until the conditions set in the activity are met.

Reports in Target show performance based on the conversion mbox selected when defining the activity. However, this conversion mbox data is not sent to Analytics, which has its own conversion variables as defined by your Analytics tagging implementation. Where you expect identical data (for example, if a retailer’s order confirm that page contains both a conversion mbox and an Analytics purchase event), data can differ due to the placement of these tags. In general, trends in the two products’ reports are similar.

Expected data variances can be caused by both technical and business variances.

Examples of Technical Variances

The following can cause data variances based on technical differences:

  • Target visitors must allow cookies and JavaScript
  • 1st- and 3rd-party cookies are processed differently; as a result, data from these cookie types do not match
  • Relative location of tags on pages and “leakage” caused by visitors who exit the page before it fully loads
  • Time zone considerations
  • Differences in which devices can be counted

Examples of Business Variances

The following can cause data variances based on business differences:

  • Differences between visitor and visit metrics
  • Targeting on activities excludes some visitors
  • A single mbox on multiple pages, counting visitors on each of those pages
  • Activity priorities can include some visitors and exclude others on a page
  • Visitors who have converted once can be counted again when they reenter the activity
  • Analytics counts all conversions for all visits and visitors, but Target counts conversions only for those visits and visitors that are included in the activity


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
