Create audiences

Audiences in Adobe Target determine who sees content and experiences in a targeted activity.

Audiences are used anywhere targeting is available. When targeting an activity, you have the following options:

You can also use audience data collected by Adobe Analytics for real-time targeting and personalization in Target and other Adobe Experience Cloud applications. See Experience Cloud Audiences in the Experience Cloud Central Interface Components guide.

There are two types of audiences in Target:

  • Targeting audiences: Used to deliver different content to different types of visitors.

  • Reporting audiences: Used to determine how different types of visitors respond to the same content so you can analyze your test results.

    In Target, you can configure reporting audiences only if you use Target as your reporting source. If you use Adobe Analytics as your reporting source (A4T), you must configure your reporting audiences within Analytics.

Use the Audiences list use-list

To access the Audiences list, click Audiences in the top menu bar:

Audiences list

The Audiences list contains the audiences that you can use in your activities. Use the Audiences list to create, edit, duplicate, copy, or combine audiences. The list also shows the source where the audience was created:

Predefined audiences, such as “New Visitors” and “Returning Visitors,” cannot be renamed.

When working with audiences that were originally created in Experience Cloud or Adobe Experience Platform, Target alerts you if you reference an audience in Target activities that have later been deleted in Experience Cloud or Adobe Experience Platform.

  • If an audience was deleted in Experience Cloud or Adobe Experience Platform, a warning icon in both the Audience list and the audience picker displays. A tool-tip in the Target UI also indicates that the audience was deleted in Experience Cloud or Adobe Experience Platform.
  • If you attempt to combine multiple audiences with a deleted audience, or if you attempt to save an activity that references a deleted audience, a warning message displays.

You can also target custom profile parameters and user. parameters. When creating an audience, drag the attributes you want to use to target your activity into the audience builder window. If the desired attribute does not display, the attribute has not been fired by an mbox. Other custom mbox parameters are available in the Custom Parameters drop-down list.

Use the Filters button to filter the Audiences list by source: Adobe Target, Adobe Target Classic, Experience Cloud, and Adobe Experience Platform.

Filters option in the Audiences list

Use the Search audiences box to search your Audiences list. You can search for any part of an audience name, or you can enclose a specific string in quotes.

You can sort the Audiences list by audience name or by the date when it was last modified. To sort by name or date, click the column header, then select to display audiences in ascending or descending order.

View audience definitions section_11B9C4A777E14D36BA1E925021945780

You can view audience definition details on a pop-up card in various places in the Target UI without opening the audience. This functionality applies to audiences created in Target Standard/Premium and audiences imported from Target Classic or created via API.

For example, the following audience definition card is accessed by clicking the View Details icon for the desired audience:

Activities > Audience definition

The following audience definition card is accessed by clicking the View Details icon on an activity’s Overview page:

Activities > Audience definition

The audience definition card shows they audience’s type, source, and attributes. Click View full details to see other activities that reference that audience, if applicable. If you are viewing an audience definition card from an activity’s Overview page, click Audience Usage.

The audience usage information can help you avoid accidental impact to other activities while editing audiences. Information includes Live Activities, Inactive Activities, Archived Activities, and Syncing Activities. This feature is available for all audiences (Library audiences and activity-only audiences).

If an audience is combined with another audience and the combined audience is used to create an activity, the usage information for both audiences lists that newly created activity.

audience_definition_list_usage image

Use audiences from Adobe Experience Platform aep

Using audiences created in Adobe Experience Platform provide richer customer data that leads to more impactful personalization.

For more information, see Use audiences from Adobe Experience Platform.

Training video: Using Audiences Tutorial badge

This video includes information about using audiences.

  • Explain the term “audience”
  • Explain the two ways audiences are used for optimization
  • Find audiences in the Audiences List
  • Target an activity to an audience
  • Use audiences for passive reporting in an activity