Create a combined audience while creating an activity

You can create an ad hoc combined audience on the activity’s Target page during the three-step guided workflow.

  1. While creating an activity, on the Targeting page, click the three vertical ellipses, then click Replace Audience.

    Step Result

  2. On the Choose Audience page, select the check boxes next to the desired audiences that you want to use as building blocks for your combined audience.

    Use the Search Audiences box to narrow your search for the desired audience.

    Step Result

  3. Click Combine Multiple Audiences in the top-right corner.

    Step Result

  4. (Conditional) Edit the new combined audience as desired.

    The Edit Audience dialog box lets you drag and drop additional audience building blocks from the left side into the new combined audience. You can also add exclusion rules and exclude audiences.

    1. Use drag-and-drop functionality to add audiences within an existing section as a level 2 building block.

      For example, suppose in the previous example, you now want to include Safari users in the combined audience. Search for and drag the “Safari Browser” audience into the “Firefox Browser” box on the right side, as in the following example:

      combine_multiple_audiences3 image

      Notice that the operator between the two browser-type audiences is “AND.” Select the And drop-down list and change it to “OR” to create a new combined audience for new visitors using either Firefox or Safari. Be careful to avoid creating rules that exclude all potential audience members. For example, it is not possible for someone to visit a page using Firefox and Safari simultaneously.

      The operator (AND or OR) must remain the same as you combine audiences. You cannot mix & match operators.
    2. To add an exclusion to a rule, click Exclude.

      combine_multiple_audiences3a image

      Drag and drop an audience.

      For example, to exclude United States visitors from new visitors, you could drag the Market: United States audience into the box.

      This combined audience includes all new visitors to your site (excluding those from San Francisco) using Safari or Firefox.

    3. To exclude an audience from a rule, click Exclusion > Exclude this Audience..

      For example, you could create a combined audience that includes all new visitors to your site, excluding those using Firefox. Excluding visitors using Firefox is easier and quicker than creating a combined audience that explicitly includes multiple browsers (Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer), but does not include Firefox.

  5. Provide a descriptive name for the combined audience, then click Done.

Create a combined audience for use in metric targeting

You can create an ad hoc combined audience on the activity’s Goals & Settings page to use in metric targeting. For example to create targeting based on conversion using a combined audience:

  1. While editing or creating an activity, on the Goals & Settings page, select Conversion for the success metric, then select Viewed an Mbox as the action.

  2. Select the desired mbox in the Search mbox field.

    combine_multiple_audiences4 image

  3. Click the gear icon, then click Add Audience Targeting.

  4. Click the Add Audience/Targeting Condition link to display the Choose Audience dialog box.

    combine_multiple_audiences5 image

  5. Proceed with Step 2 under “Create a Combined Audience While Creating an Activity” to create the combined audience.

Create a combined audience for use in reporting

You can create an ad hoc combined audience on the activity’s Goals & Settings page to use in reporting.

  1. While editing or creating an activity, on the Goals & Settings page, click the Add Audience icon under Audiences for Reporting to display the Choose Audience page.

    combine_multiple_audiences6 image

  2. Proceed with Step 2 under “Create a Combined Audience While Creating an Activity” to create the combined audience.

Create a combined audience while editing an activity

You can create an ad hoc combined audience while editing an existing activity.

  1. From the Activities page, hover over the desired activity, then click the Edit icon.


    Click the desired activity to open it, then click Edit Activity.

  2. Click the Configure > Audiences > Multiple Audiences.

    Configure > Audiences > Multiple Audiences

  3. Click the more options icon (three vertical ellipses) next to the activity’s current audience, then click Change Audience.

    Change Audience

  4. Proceed with Step 2 under “Create a Combined Audience While Creating an Activity” to create the combined audience.


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
