Use audiences in Adobe Target to target different content and experiences to specific audiences to optimize your web marketing by displaying the right messages to the right people at the right time.
An audience is a group of similar activity entrants who see a targeted activity. An audience is group of people with the same characteristics, such as new visitors, returning visitors, or returning visitors from California. If a visitor is identified as part of a target audience, Target determines which experience to display, based on criteria defined during activity creation.
By default, traffic is split evenly between experiences. However, you can specify percentage targets for each experience.
Audiences can also be rule-based. A rule-based audience is based on information gathered about the visitor, such as the visitor’s location, browser, operating system, mobile device, or other data.
To show the same content to everyone, but break out reporting data by group, use segment filters instead of audiences.
When a visitor lands on a page where you have set up an activity, Target determines whether the visitor qualifies as a member of an audience that has been identified for the activity. If the visitor cannot be identified as a member of a target audience, that visitor is shown default content and is not included in the reports for that activity.
If the visitor is identified as part of a target audience, Target determines which experience to display, based on the criteria established when the activity was created.
Training Video: Activity Targeting (2:13)
This video includes information about setting up targeting and audiences.