Image Offers options
When viewing the Image Offers page, you can perform the following actions on an item by selecting an offer or folder by clicking its thumbnail on the left side of the Title column, then by selecting the appropriate action.
Folders: Select one or more folders on which to perform the following actions:
- Download: Download the folder and its contents.
- Copy: Copy the folder and its contents.
- Move: Click the Move icon; keep the same name for the folder, or rename it; click Select Destination to select the location to which you want to move the folder, then click Move.
- Delete (See Considerations when deleting items.)
Offers: Select one or more image offers on which to perform the following actions:
- Share: Share the image offer to people or groups in your organization.
- Download: Download the image offer or the folder and its contents.
- View Properties: View the item’s properties. Be sure to click the Basic tab and the Advanced tab to view all available information. You can edit the properties and add more information. You can add metadata information, publication status, and license data.
- Edit: Edit the folder or offer.
- Annotate: Add a note to the asset. Click the asset, then select the area you want to annotate and type your note.
- Copy: Copy the offer. Copying and then editing the offer lets you easily create a similar new offer.
- Move: Click the Move icon, navigate to the location to which you want to move the offer or folder, then click Move. For example, you can move one or more folders into another folder to create sub-folders.
- Delete: Delete the offer. See Considerations when deleting items below for more information.
Considerations when deleting items
- You can delete an entire folder containing any number of assets and sub-folders inside. This feature is available in the Target UI as well in the Adobe Experience Cloud Assets UI.
- If you delete a folder with a large number of images, the process running behind the scenes can take several minutes before the UI refreshes to show the final state. The amount of time necessary is a function of the number of images, not the size of the images. A good estimate is ten minutes for 2,000 images. You can proceed with other work and check the final state later to verify the deletion.
- Non-empty folders in the Image Offer library can be deleted. If all images within the folder are not referenced in any activity, the entire folder and its contents are deleted. If some images within the folder are referenced in any activity, all unreferenced images are deleted. Referenced images and folders containing those images are retained.
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Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series
Adobe Customer Success Webinars
Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC
Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.