URL Variables


Geo and Mobile Carrier Profiles

  • profile.geolocation.country
  • profile.geolocation.state
  • profile.geolocation.city
  • profile.geolocation.zip
  • profile.geolocation.dma
  • profile.geolocation.domainName
  • profile.geolocation.ispName
  • profile.geolocation.connectionSpeed
  • profile.geolocation.mobileCarrier
  • profile.geolocation.latitude
  • profile.geolocation.longitude

Mbox Variables


Parameters automatically passed with every request:

  • mbox.param(‘browserHeight’)
  • mbox.param(‘browserTimeOffset’)
  • mbox.param(‘browserWidth’)
  • mbox.param(‘colorDepth’)
  • mbox.param(‘mboxXDomain’)
  • mbox.param(‘mboxTime’)
  • mbox.param(‘screenHeight’)
  • mbox.param(‘screenWidth’)

Parameters passed with order mboxes:

  • mbox.param(‘orderId’)
  • mbox.param(‘orderTotal’)
  • mbox.param(‘productPurchasedId’)
mbox3rdPartyIdAn mbox parameter to sync a customer ID to Target’s mboxPCID. A customer ID is an ID your company uses to track visitors, such as a CRM ID, membership ID, or something similar. This ID can then be used to add information via the Profile APIs and Customer Attributes.
mboxPageValueIn each mbox call the page is assigned a value.
mboxDebugOnly used for debug info. Added to the page url where the at.js looks for it.
mboxOverride.browserIpSets a different geo than the actual location so you can test how something would look in another location.
Note: Using mboxOverride parameters should be used only while testing the activity and not in production. The use of any mboxOverride parameters can cause reporting discrepancies when using Analytics for Target (A4T). You should use Activity QA mode while testing to ensure that your activity works as expected before pushing the activity into your live environment.

Customer Attributes

Customer attributes can be referenced in profile scripts, formatted as crs.get('<Datasource Name>.<Attribute name>').

These attributes are also available as tokens in profile scripts and directly in offers without first requiring a profile script. The token should be in the form: ${crs.datasourceName.attributeName}. Note that spaces in the datasourceName should be stripped from any API call.


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
