
  • Audiences and activities are evaluated for a specific mbox. For example, if the global mbox passes a certain parameter, but the regional mbox does not, the activity/audience targeting that parameter is not qualified for on the regional mbox.
  • Targeting is not evaluated on internal mbox parameters, such as mboxPC, mboxSession, mbox3rdPartyId, mboxMCSDID, mboxMCAVID, mboxMCGVID, mboxCount, mboxId, and mboxVersion.

Training video: Creating Audiences Tutorial badge

This video includes information about using audience categories.

  • Create audiences
  • Define audience categories


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
