Use the Traffic Estimator

  1. From the Experiences page of the Visual Experience Composer in an Automated Personalization activity, click the Traffic icon ( Traffic Estimator icon ) in the top left corner of the Experiences page.

    The Traffic Estimator opens.

    Traffic Estimator user interface

    You can click the icon again to hide the Traffic Estimator.

  2. Specify the typical conversion rate (or the conversion rate that you expect from this activity), estimated activity impressions per day, and test duration.

    Number of OffersThis metric is calculated automatically based on the number of experiences being created as a part of your activity, after any exclusions.
    Typical Conversion RateThis metric is expressed as a percentage, based on your estimation or past data from your analytics system.
    Estimated Visits Per DayThis metric is the number of visits per day from visitors who are able to view the activity, based on the targeting criteria. This metric could be based on your analytics data. This number must be visits, not unique visitors.
    Test DurationThe number of days you want the activity to run.

    The Traffic Estimator uses these metrics to determine what adjustments are necessary to run a successful test.

    Near the top of the Traffic Estimator, the values you entered are calculated and the results are shown.

    Traffic Estimate with values and results displayed

    As you change the numbers, the estimate changes. For example, if you are testing many combinations and your conversion rate and impressions are too low, the Traffic Estimator shows how long the test must run to be successful. Or, if your traffic is low, the Traffic Estimator could suggest a lower number of offer combinations so you can run the test the desired number of days.

    If you do not have sufficient traffic, consider the following:

    • Consider using an Auto-Target activity instead of Automated Personalization to create experiences with several offer changes in one experience variation.
    • Reduce the number of offer combinations within your Automated Personalization activity.
    • Increase the duration of the activity.

    Adjust the numbers until the Traffic Estimator indicates that you have sufficient traffic, then design your test accordingly.

    Traffic Estimator showing sufficient traffic message

    If the traffic is sufficient, the Traffic icon shows a green check. If it is insufficient, the icon shows a red warning label.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Traffic Estimator

Consider the following FAQs as you work with the Traffic Estimator:

Why are personalized models not built even though my AP activity has enough traffic?

In certain circumstances, your traffic is large enough for a personalized model to be built, but that traffic could inform Target that there is no meaningful difference between the personalized model and random. Although the model is built in Target and tested, it is not deployed because the model is not any better than random.

A possible reason for the model not being better than random could be that the offers are not different enough from each other. If so, you can try making the offers more visually different if the messaging is similar, or you can try changing the messaging itself.

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