Form-Based Experience Composer

The Adobe Target Form-Based Experience Composer is a non-visual experience and offer creation interface that’s useful in creating experiences for use in A/B Test, Experience Targeting, Automated Personalization, and Recommendations activities when the Visual Experience Composer (VEC) is not available or practical for use. For example, you might use the Form-Based Experience Composer to create experiences and offers for delivery in emails, kiosks, and voice assistants.

If you are creating a Recommendations activity, there are no experiences. Choose your criteria and design. If you choose multiple criteria or designs, Target automatically generates the experiences.

  1. Click Create Activity, then select the type of activity you want to create.

    The Form-Based Experience Composer is available for A/B Test, Experience Targeting, Automated Personalization, and Recommendations activities.

  2. Select Form from the Create Activity dialog box.

  3. (Conditional) If you are a Target Premium customer, from the Choose Workspace drop-down list, choose a workspace.

    The Choose Workplace option is a Target Premium feature and might not display if your organization has a Target Standard license.

  4. Choose a property.

  5. Click Create.

    The Form-Based Experience Composer opens.

    This screen is different if you are creating a Recommendations activity. Recommendations activities do not include experiences.

    1. Click the Rename icon ( Rename icon ), click Rename, specify a name for the activity, then click Save.

    The activity name cannot begin with any of the following characters:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2
    Character Description
    = Equals to
    + Plus
    - Minus
    @ At sign

    The activity name cannot contain any of the following character sequences:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2
    Character Sequence Description
    ;= Semicolon, Equals to
    ;+ Semicolon, Plus
    ;- Semicolon, Minus
    ;@ Semicolon, At sign
    ,= Comma, Equals to
    ,+ Comma, Plus
    ,- Comma, Minus
    ,@ Comma, At sign
    [" Open square bracket, Double quotation marks
    "] Double quotation marks, Close square bracket
  6. Select a location.

    When you click in the Select Location box, a list of available locations appears. Select one of those locations.

    You can also enter a location that is not listed here. This can be useful if the mbox has not yet been created or viewed on a page. Type the name of the location. Be careful when entering a location that does not yet exist. If the spelling or capitalization does not match the spelling and capitalization when the mbox call is made, the activity will not deliver. Manually entered locations are saved to the list of available locations. The next time you try to select a manually entered location, it will be available from the Select Location drop-down list for that activity.

    note note
    Creating a manually entered location during activity creation does not automatically create a new location. The location name is saved only in the context of the activity. The location is created when there is a content delivery call. Subsequent to the location being created, it will be available for use in other activities, for creating audiences, etc. from the drop-down list of available locations.
  7. Click Add Audience Refinements, choose one or more audience for this activity, then click Done.

    In the Form-based Experience Composer, refinements have been replaced with full audience functionality. Refinements for existing activities have been migrated to activity-only audiences.

  8. Select the type of content you want to appear in that location.

  9. For the content type you selected, specify the content.

    Change HTML Offer: Choose an HTML offer.

    Change Image Offer: Choose an image saved in the content library in Target.

    You can also add a link to an image (click-through, destination, landing, and so forth.)

    1. Click Change Image Offer.
    2. Select the desired image, then click Edit Links.
    3. Specify the desired URL or page on your site, then click Update.

    Change JSON offer: Choose a json offer.

    Change Experience Fragment: Choose an Experience Fragment. For more information, see Experience Fragment.

    Change Redirect Offer: Choose a redirect offer. For more information, see Create redirect offers.

    Change Remote Offer: Choose a remote offer. For more information, see Create remote offers.

    Create HTML Offer:

    1. Click Offers, then select the Code Offers tab.
    2. Click Create > HTML Offer.
    3. Type an offer name.
    4. Type or paste your HTML code in the Code box.
    5. Click Save.

    Create JSON Offer:

    1. Click Offers, then select the Code Offers tab.
    2. Click Create > JSON Offer.
    3. Type an offer name.
    4. Type or paste your JSON code in the Code box.
    5. Click Save.

    Add Recommendation:

    For a Recommendations activity, the Content drop-down gives you the Add Recommendation option. Click Add Recommendation, then select the page type. Then follow the usual steps as defined in the interface to create a Recommendations activity.

    While selecting Recommendations criteria in the Form-Based Experience Composer, there is now a direct link to the selected Criteria card so you can quickly and easily edit the criteria.

    From the Targeting page of the Target three-step guided workflow:

    Add Offer Decision:

    Add an offer created in Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) to an Adobe Target activity to present the best dynamic offer and experience to your visitors on your website or mobile site using offer decisioning. This option is available for manual A/B Test and Experience Targeting (XT) activities only.

    For more information, see Use offer decisions.

  10. (Optional, for A/B Test, Automated Personalization, and Experience Targeting activiites) To repeat this process for additional locations, click Add Location and configure the location and content.

  11. Click Next, then complete the activity creation steps as usual for your activity type.

Training video: Form-based Composer Tutorial badge

This video provides a demo of the form-based composer.

  • Create an activity using the Form-Based Experience Composer
  • Understand when to use Form-Based Experience Composer vs. the Visual Experience Composer
  • Use refinements to target a location