Recommending items from the user’s favorite brand

For example, you can use the Profile Attribute Matching option to create a rule that recommends items only where the brand equals the value or text stored in profile.favoritebrand. With such a rule, if a visitor is looking at running shorts from a particular brand, only recommendations display that match that user’s favorite brand (the value stored in profile.favoritebrand in the visitor’s profile).

Favorite brand

Profile Attribute Matching
brand - equals - the value/text stored in - profile.favoritebrand

Matching jobs to job seekers

Suppose that you’re trying to match jobs to job seekers. You want to recommend only jobs that are in the same city as the job seeker.

You can use inclusion rules to match a job seeker’s location from the visitor’s profile to a job listing, as in the following example:

User's city

Profile Attribute Matching
jobCity - equals - the value/text stored in - profile.usersCity

Recommending items based on size

For a visual example of how profile attribute matching affects recommendations, consider a website that sells electric fans.

When a visitor clicks various images of fans on this website, each page sets the value of the entity.size parameter based on whether the size of the fan in the image is small or large.

Assume you created a profile script to track and count the number of times the value of entity.size is set to small versus large.

If the visitor then returns to the Home Page, they see filtered recommendations based on whether more small fans or large fans were clicked.

Recommendations based on viewing more small fans on the website:

small fans recommendations

Recommendations based on viewing more large fans on the website:

large fans recommendations


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
