Set metrics in Experience Targeting (XT) activities

Use metrics in an Adobe Target Experience Targeting (XT) activity to determine when a visit is successful.

For detailed information about success metrics, see Success Metrics.

  1. Specify the goal of the activity.

  2. Select a success metric

    Select success metric

    The Select Metrics page lists the success metrics that you can choose for your activity. The success metrics are divided into the following categories:

    • Conversion
    • Revenue
    • Engagement

    YUse any of the prebuilt success metrics, or you can create a custom success metric. You can also mark a success metric as a primary metric. Reports and Experience Cloud cards default to show the primary metric, if one is set.

  3. Specify the settings for your metrics.

    The available settings depend on the success metric that you are using.

    If enabled, the Estimated Value of the Conversion field (not available for Page Score metrics) provides a value for your goal. This value enables Target to calculate an estimated lift in revenue. This field is optional; however, incremental revenue for any non-revenue metric cannot be calculated without it. The data type is currency. This field is progressively shown after the user indicates the action taken to satisfy the goal. See Estimating Lift in Revenue for more information.

    The correct configuration of success metrics is critical for making sure you get the data you expect.

    For more information, see Success Metrics.

  4. (Optional) Add additional metrics.

  5. Click Continue when you are finished setting your metrics.

When you name or rename a metric, the following characters are not allowed:

Forward slash
Question mark
Number sign
Equals to
At sign

Training video: Activity Metrics (7:43) Tutorial badge

This video includes information about working with success metrics.

  • Understand “goal” metrics
  • Understand and build Conversion, Revenue, and Engagement metrics
  • Build a click-tracking metric