
  • For landing page audiences to function properly, requests must have the mboxReferrer parameter set (for the Delivery API the context.address.referringUrl parameter) that the at.js JavaScript library takes from the page using the document.referrer attribute. This HTMLDocument attribute returns the URI of the page the user has navigated from. The value of this attribute is an empty string when the user navigates to the page directly (not through a link, but, for example, via a bookmark).

    If this behavior does not match your requirements, consider performing one of the following actions:

  • When using “starts/ends with” evaluators on strings containing commas, these strings are evaluated as an array of values, in which each value separated by comma is evaluated. For example if you have the value for a header: Accept-Language: en,zh;q=0.9,en-IN;q=0.8,zh-CN;q=0.7 it qualifies for conditions like:

    • starts with zh,
    • starts with en,
    • ends with 0.7,
    • ends with 0.8.

Training video: Creating Audiences

This video includes information about using audience categories.

  • Create audiences
  • Define audience categories
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