[Premium]{class="badge positive" title="See what's included in Target Premium."}

Recommendations Activity settings

Information about the settings you can use to describe and control a Recommendations activity in Adobe Target.

The following sections describe the available settings for a Recommendations activity.


Click the More Actions icon ( More Actions icon ), then click Rename to provide a descriptive name that will help you and your team identify the activity.

The following characters are not allowed in an activity name:


If you specify a Recommendations activity name that already exists for another activity in Recommendations Classic, the new activity is resynced with a new name. The new name is the original name appended with a timestamp to make it unique. This new name is displayed in both Target Standard/Premium and Recommendations Classic.


(Optional) Describe the goal of the activity.


Adjust the slider to determine the priority level.

The priority is used if multiple activities are assigned to the same location with the same audience. If two or more activities are assigned to the location, the activity with the highest priority displays.


Set the duration of the activity.

The activity can start when activated, or you can set a specific date and time. Likewise, the activity can either end when it is deactivated or you can set a date and time. The time picker uses a 24-hour clock, with 00:00 being midnight. The time zone is set to the time zone configured in your browser. To use a different time zone, set your browser to another time zone and restart the browser.

Reporting Settings

  • Reporting Source: Specify which solution data is collected from:

    • Adobe Target
    • Adobe Analytics
    • Adobe Customer Journey Analytics

    If a reporting solution is specified in your account settings, the specified solution is used and this setting is not visible.

    You cannot change your reporting source after the activity goes live to keep reports consistent.

    Adobe Analytics: See Adobe Analytics as the reporting source for Target to learn about the differences between the reporting solutions and the advantages of each.

    When selecting Analytics as the reporting source for Target (A4T), you select an Analytics report suite to receive Target activity data. To do this, first choose from any of the Analytics companies your account is tied to, and then select the appropriate report suite for the activity. Only report suites that are provisioned to connect to Target are available for selection. If you don’t see the report suite that you expect, first try logging out and logging back in to the Adobe Experience Cloud to try again. If the report suite is still missing from the list, contact Customer Care.

    Analytics for Target (A4T) requires a tracking server to report results correctly. A default tracking server displays in the Tracking Server field. If you use more than one tracking server, ensure you include the correct tracking server in this field. See Using an Analytics Tracking Server for more information.

    Adobe Customer Journey Analytics: See Target reporting in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics for more information about the integration between Adobe Customer Journey Analytics and Target.

  • Goal Metric: Select the success metric that determines whether the activity is successful.

  • Additional Metrics: Configure additional success metrics to be used in your reports.

  • Audiences for Reporting: Define audiences that can be used when filtering your reports.

Other Metadata

Enter notes about your activity.

Training video: Activity Settings (3:02) Tutorial badge

This video includes information about activity settings.

  • Enter an objective for your activity
  • Set the priority level of your activities
  • Schedule activity start and end times
  • Add audiences for reporting to create report filters
  • Enter notes for your activities