
  • If your page contains several mboxes and only some use 3rdPartyID, Target does not have a separate visitor profile/context for each visitor request. The 3rdPartyID context takes priority over the PCID context. It’s enough for one mbox to pass 3rdPartyId for its context to take priority over PCID.

    For example, suppose that a visitor accesses a page before logging in and sees an experience. The global mbox does not use 3rdPartyID. After logging in, the visitor sees one of three experiences with child mboxes, some of which use 3rdPartyID. The visitor visits various pages on the site and then uses the Back button to return to the main page accessed before logging in and sees a different experience. In this scenario, the global mbox did not pass 3rdPartyID, but one or more of the child mboxes did. 3rdPartyID took priority over PCID.

  • You can send visitors’ customer IDs to Target using two approaches:

    1. Use mbox3rdPartyId/thirdPartyId.

      • mbox3rdPartyId is the parameter name when you use targetPageParams or targetPageParamsAll
      • thirdPartyId is the parameter name you set in the Delivery API payload directly.
      • You can send only one value in this parameter.
    2. Use the setCustomerId/customerIds function of ECID Service.

      • setCustomerId is a function you can use on client-side (browser) implementations when VisitorAPI.js is available on the page.
      • customerIds is the parameter name used when you set it in the Delivery API payload directly and is usually done on server-side or IOT (Internet of Things) implementations.
      • Unlike mbox3rdPartyId/thirdPartyId, you can send multiple IDs as a list in this approach, but because Target supports only a single customer ID per TnT Id, it uses the first ID in the list with a known alias (alias configured in the Customer Attributes UI).

    You can use mbox3rdPartyId/thirdPartyId if Target is your only Adobe Experience Cloud solution and you do not want to use Customer Attributes. For all other cases, we recommend that you use setCustomerId/customerIds for sending your customer IDs.

    Using both approaches mentioned above interchangeably for a single visitor can result in incorrect profile merges of the unauthenticated and authenticated Target profiles.
    Adobe does not recommend that you use both mbox3rdPartyId/thirdPartyId and setCustomerID/customerIds together.
    If you must use both approaches interchangeably, ensure that the first ID in the list used by setCustomerID/customerIds is what is used by thirdPartyId/mbox3rdPartyId and vice versa.


Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC

Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
