View an item’s details
You can view an individual item’s details, including ID, name, message, category, and more by viewing its details.
- Click an item in the search results to view its details.
Remove an item from the catalog
Click an item in the search results to view its details.
Click Remove from Catalog.
Confirm that you want to remove the item.
All information about that item is removed from the catalog index. The item will be included in your catalog only if it is added again in a data feed. A deleted item must be separately deleted from feeds.
Refresh the catalog
The index of your catalog is automatically created when you upload your first feed, and refreshed according to the specified schedule.
The catalog is automatically refreshed when updates are received via feed files, API, or mbox updates. Updates are usually completed within an hour. If updates are in progress, the time that the most recent update started displays. If no updates are in progress, the time that the most recent update started and finished displays.
Change the environment
Environments let you organize your sites and pre-production environments for easy management and separated reporting.
Click the Show Filters icon (
Select the desired environment from the Environment drop-down list.
Modify columns
You can modify the active columns on the Catalog Search page.
Click the Customize Table icon (
Select or deselect the desired columns that you want to display or hide.
Any changes you make are persistent across sessions.
Adobe Target Maturity Webinar Series
Adobe Customer Success Webinars
Tuesday, Feb 4, 4:00 PM UTC
Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.