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Catalog Search

The Catalog Search page in Adobe Recommendations helps you locate the products or content in your catalog. The most basic task you can perform on this page is to search for an item. In addition, you can change the environment, save search results to collections or exclusions, add filter facets, and modify columns in the table, add new search facets, and more.

Catalogs refer to your entire product set (entities). Your catalog can contain many collections, a way to organize your products in logical buckets.

To access the Catalog Search page, click Recommendations > Catalog Search.

Catalog Search page

Search for an item

You can use a simple search or an advanced search to locate items in your catalog.

  1. Type a search term in the Search Products field.

  2. (Optional) You can refine your search by selecting a search option from the options menu that displays when you click the down arrow in the search field.

    searchproductsmenu image

    Search options include the following:

    • ALL - Searches across all of the other search criteria, using OR logic.
    • Name
    • Brand
    • Category
    • ID
    • Message
  3. You can now scroll through the items in the search results to view thumbnails and other product information.

    The following illustration shows the results for “bike” using the All option.

    Catalog Search for bike

    The number that displays next to “Products” is the number of products that match the search term, out of the total available in the specified environment.

    Notice that you can use the search auto-complete functionality. In the following illustration, typing “bik” returns all products that contain the word “bike.”

    Search autocomplete

    note note
    When you perform a catalog search on a custom attribute with a numeric value, the results treat the custom attribute to be a string type instead of a numeric value.
    Currently, there is no functionality available that lets you change the type of an attribute. To make a change, open a customer issue referencing the attributes that need the type changed from string to numeric.
  4. You can also use filters to find the desired product. In the following example, by expanding the Collections facet and selecting “Bike Tools,” all bike tools in your catalog display.

    Bike tools

  5. You can search further in the results list by entering a search term, for example “chain.”

    Search for chain

You can use Advanced Search to further refine your search results or to save your search results as a collection or exclusion.

  1. Click the Advanced Search link.

    Advanced Search page

  2. Use the drop-down lists to specify the parameter, operator, and values for your search.

  3. (Optional) Click Add Rule to add an additional search rule.

    Each additional search rule is joined with the AND operator.

  4. Click Search.

  5. (Optional) Click Save As, then click Collection or Exclusion.

    Save as options

    For more information, see Create a collection or exclusion based on Advanced Search below.

View an item’s details

You can view an individual item’s details, including ID, name, message, category, and more by viewing its details.

  1. Click an item in the search results to view its details.

    Product details

Remove an item from the catalog

  1. Click an item in the search results to view its details.

  2. Click Remove from Catalog.

  3. Confirm that you want to remove the item.

All information about that item is removed from the catalog index. The item will be included in your catalog only if it is added again in a data feed. A deleted item must be separately deleted from feeds.

Refresh the catalog

The index of your catalog is automatically created when you upload your first feed, and refreshed according to the specified schedule.

The catalog is automatically refreshed when updates are received via feed files, API, or mbox updates. Updates are usually completed in an hour. If updates are in progress, the time that the most recent update started displays. If no updates are in progress, the time that the most recent update started and finished displays.

Create a collection or exclusion based on Advanced Search save-as

You can create collections or exclusions using Advanced Search on the Catalog Search page (Recommendations > Catalog Search > Advanced Search).

  1. Perform an advanced search.

  2. Click Save As, then click Collection or Exclusion.

    Save as options

    note important
    The Advanced Search functionality is case-insensitive; however, products returned at the time of delivery are based on case-sensitive search. This mismatch might lead to confusion. Ensure that you consider case-sensitivity when you create collections or exclusions based on results using the Advanced Search functionality. For example, if you perform a search for “Holiday,” that initial search lists results containing “Holiday” and “holiday.” If you then create a catalog with the intent to return products containing “holiday,” only products containing “holiday” are returned. Products containing “Holiday” are not returned. Exclusions are handled in a similar fashion.

Change the environment

Environments let you organize your sites and pre-production environments for easy management and separated reporting.

  1. Click the Environment link.

    Environment link

  2. Select the desired environment.

Modify the Catalog Search page (filters and columns)

You can temporarily modify the available filters and columns on the Catalog Search page for the current session.

Modify filters

You can add additional filter facets to the Catalog Search page.

  1. In the Filters panel, click Modify.

    Modify filters link

  2. Select the desired search facets (ID, name, message, etc.), then click Save.

    Add filters

Keep in mind that the additional filter facets are available in the current session only.

Modify columns

You can temporarily modify the active columns on the Catalog Search page.

  1. Click the Columns link.

    Columns options

  2. (Conditional) To reorder the order of active columns, drag and drop the columns in the Active Columns section in the desired order.

  3. (Conditional) Drag and drop items from the Active Columns to the Inactive Columns (and vice versa), as desired.

    You can also click the delete icon ( x ) next to the column you want to move from the active to inactive section.

Keep in mind that any changes you make apply to the current session only.
